Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 181 Yun Shan: Elder Furukawa, I will leave this matter to you!

Chapter 181 Yun Shan: Elder Furukawa, I will leave this matter to you!
"Is it related to Yunyun's marriage?"

Hearing Yunlei's words, Furukawa was stunned for a moment, his thoughts were complicated. When he wanted to ask something more, Elder Yunlei had already walked far away and entered the hall.

The next moment, Furukawa hurriedly followed and entered the hall.

In the main hall, Yun Shan sat high above the head, while Chen Feng and Yun Yun sat together at the lower table.

"See the old suzerain!"

"See the old suzerain!"

"See the old suzerain!"

As soon as Gu He stepped into the hall, he saw other Yunlan Sect elders saluting towards Yunshan.

Seeing this, Gu He bowed his hands and saluted, and then quickly shifted his gaze to Yun Yun who was sitting side by side with Chen Feng.

"Get up... Hehe, Furukawa, you're here too! Come in!"

On Yunshan's side, when he raised his hand, he happened to see Gu He who had just entered the entrance of the main hall in the opposite direction, and greeted him with a smile.

Being called by Yunshan alone, and his voice still so friendly with a smile, Furukawa thought about it for a while.

"If you really want to choose a husband-in-law for Yun Yun, the chances of choosing me are very high!"

Furukawa said secretly in his heart that he had confidence in himself.

After all, in the Jia Ma Empire, among his peers, Gu He can be ranked first in terms of cultivation and alchemy skills. Moreover, in the future, he may advance to become a seventh-rank pharmacist. At that time, maybe even the Dou Zong powerhouse would have to ask him.

Thinking of this in his heart, Gu He also had a bright smile on his face. After nodding his head, he walked slowly in front of a group of elders and sat down at the table side by side with First Elder Yun Leng.

"I called you in today to announce a happy event!"

The next moment, Yun Shan stood up and said with a smile on his face.

"Happy event... It seems that what Elder Yunlei said is right, the old Sect Master really wants to arrange a marriage for Sect Master Yun Yun!"

Hearing this, Furukawa was very excited, his eyes looked more expectant, and his body sat upright, but Yun Shan's next words immediately made him fall into an ice cave.

"Your suzerain, Yun Yun, is in love with the emperor of the Jia Ma Empire. After half a month, there will be a grand wedding!" Yun Shan continued.

"How did this happen? How did the old suzerain marry Yun Yun to the emperor of the Jia Ma Empire?"

At this moment, Gu He was in a state of confusion, and his face became very ugly. He had been secretly in love with Yun Yun for many years, and Yun Shan made such a decision, which hit him too hard.

At this moment, not only Furukawa reacted violently, but the rest of the elders were also very puzzled. They never expected that Yunshan did not object to this matter, and even set a date for their marriage.

However, Yunshan had already made a decision, and the matter was a foregone conclusion, and none of the elders dared to say anything to stop it.

"Congratulations to the Sovereign and Your Majesty for forming a happy relationship!"

Yun Ling was the first to express his opinion, and congratulated Yun Yun and Chen Feng.



With Yun Ling taking the lead, the rest of the elders also stood up to congratulate.

Seeing that everyone got up, Furukawa didn't want others to know the bitterness in his heart, so he stood up helplessly and said a word of congratulations.

"Thank you all the elders for your blessings to me and Yun'er! I hope everyone can come and have a wedding wine!"

In Gu He's dazed eyes, Chen Feng suddenly stood up and thanked the elders with a smile.

"What do you mean?"

"Could it be Chen Feng who wants to marry Yun Yun? Aren't they masters and apprentices? Besides, when did Chen Feng become the emperor of the Jia Ma Empire?"

Seeing Chenfeng standing up to thank him, Furukawa, who didn't understand what had happened, was stunned for a while.

Moreover, at this moment, Yun Yun looked at Chen Feng with tender eyes like a wife looking at her husband, which made Furukawa's heart feel as if someone was viciously pulling her.

"Although the wedding of the two of them will be held in the imperial palace, Yun Yun is the suzerain of my Yunlan Sect, and the marriage must be done in a decent manner... Yun Ling, Gu He, you two are responsible for handling this matter! "

Yun Shan glanced down, and called Yun Leng and Gu He who were in front of them by name.

"Old Sect Master, don't worry, Yun Leng will definitely prepare with all his heart!"

Being called by Yun Shan, Yun Ling replied with a very serious expression.

"Furukawa, you should also do your best to deal with it!"

Furukawa is a person who loves face very much. At this moment, in order to hide his bitterness in front of everyone, he gritted his teeth and said something against his will.

On Yunshan's side, after announcing this matter, he didn't stay for long. He had just obtained the Po Zong Pill, and he couldn't wait to go into retreat and try to break through.

Soon, only Chen Feng and Yun Yun were left in the hall.

"Feng'er, thanks to your Po Zong Pill this time, otherwise the teacher would not have agreed with the two of us so easily!"

After everyone left, Yun Yun hugged Chen Feng's neck excitedly, with a happy expression on her face.

"Then, teacher, would you like to reward me well?" Chen Feng smiled with a row of white teeth raised from the corner of his mouth.

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Yun Yun's neck, which was as white as a white swan, immediately became pink.


Quickly returning to the palace, Chen Feng found several subordinates, issued an imperial edict to marry Yun Yun, and arranged for them to start preparing for the wedding now.

After doing this, Chen Feng returned to the secret room of retreat.

"Guardian Eagle, come out!"

Back in the secret room, Chenfeng immediately opened the restriction of the soul-controlling flag, and summoned the guardian eagle.

The next moment, a figure wrapped in black mist floated out from the soul streamer.

At this time, the eagle protector was the same as Yaochen's soul before, with a black mark on the center of the soul's eyebrows.

"Meet the master!"

As soon as he came out, the guardian eagle saluted Chenfeng very respectfully.
"Guardian Eagle, who arranged for you to come to the Jia Ma Empire this time? What is the specific mission? Is there a time limit for your mission..."

Although Guardian Eagle has become a soul slave, he still has the memories of the past. Therefore, Chenfeng didn't talk nonsense with him, and directly asked a few questions that he was most concerned about.

(End of this chapter)

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