Chapter 185 Huge rewards!
"Yan Ran, you have worked hard!"

Chen Feng grasped Nalan Yanran's lithe little hand, and spoke very gently.


A blush appeared on Nalan Yanran's sweat-drenched pretty face, and she felt an indescribable sweetness and touch in her heart.

When Chen Feng came in, the first thing she cared about was not the child, but herself, which moved her heart and gave her a great sense of happiness.

"Husband, let me see the child!"


Chen Feng nodded with a smile, then took the child from the hand of the maid beside him, and placed it beside Nalan Yanran.

At this time, Chen Feng finally saw his first child.

The little guy in swaddling clothes had a round head, like a small ball. When Chen Feng looked at him, his big black eyes looked over curiously.

At this moment, the two eyes intertwined, and Chen Feng's mood became very peaceful. It was the first time he had his own child in two lifetimes. The feeling of being connected by blood was very wonderful.

With the blood spar, in the future, if someone wants to harm Chenfeng's heir, Chenfeng can use it to protect him from a distance.

"Husband, this little guy is so cute, but he's been staring at you all the time, not me!"

While Chenfeng was looking at the child intently, Nalan Yanran's slightly jealous voice came out.

"Hehe~ Yanran, the child is just born, so you are so jealous!"

Seeing this warm scene, Yun Yun standing behind Chen Feng laughed and joked.

"Husband, sister Yanran has given birth to a child, what name should I give the little one?" Ya Fei asked softly with a smile on her face.

Hearing this, Nalan Yanran also looked at Chenfeng, wondering what name he would name the child.

Chenfeng thought for a moment, then said softly, "It's called Mittel~Tianlan!"

The word orchid in "Tianlan" comes from Nalan Yanran's name. Chenfeng felt that he would have many women and heirs in the future. Therefore, choosing a name like this would be easy to remember and distinguish in the future.

"Tian Lan, what a good name!"

Nalan Yanran murmured these two words, very satisfied, and a bright smile appeared on her fair cheeks. Now she has faded from her original youthfulness, and her body has added a maternal brilliance.

"Sister Yanran, congratulations!"

On Yafei's side, she congratulated Nalan Yanran with her big belly.

Among these women, Yafei's belly is the most obvious, and it is estimated that she will give birth within a month or two. Yunyun and Qinglin's belly does not show any signs of being particularly large, and it is estimated that it will take more than half a year to give birth.

In Chenfeng's small world, Xiao Xun'er and Queen Medusa were also pregnant. Among them, Xiao Xun'er and Ya Fei were pregnant at about the same time, and they would give birth to a child within a few months.

On Yaoye's side, her lower abdomen has already swollen obviously, but she stayed in this palace, and because of some concerns, she has not communicated with Nalan Yanran, Yafei, Yun Yun, Qinglin and others too much, so Well, Nalan Yanran didn't even come over to take a look at Nalan Yanran's delivery this time.

After expressing condolences to Nalan Yanran, Chen Feng, Yun Yun and others left the room to let Nalan Yanran have a good rest.

At this time, Chen Feng remembered the system prompt that sounded in his mind before.

This is Chenfeng's first heir, and the rewards from the system are very rich. There is a super double, and Chenfeng has a thought, and directly opens the gift package that has been super doubled.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the eternal family tree!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the advanced heaven-level fighting skill World Destroyer Demon Thunder!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for increasing the lifespan by 100 years!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining twenty Bodhi Pills!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining two intermediate puppet pills!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Nine Rank Dou Zun Peak Experience Card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a set of space transformation flags!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining an intermediate experience pill!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining ten recovery pills!"

"All the above rewards have been distributed, please pay attention to the host to check."

Hearing this series of system prompts, Chenfeng's heart became excited again. All along, good things come in pairs in Chenfeng's place. Every time his woman gets pregnant, he can get a reward. Now he really has The heirs are still the same, and the rewards are even fiercer.

When Chen Feng was excited, he found that his body had undergone some strange changes at that moment just now. It seemed that the flow of blood became more energetic.

"Could it be that it will increase my lifespan by a hundred years?" Chen Feng guessed in his heart.

Next, Chen Feng's mind immediately focused on the rewarded treasures.

Genealogy of Eternal Generations: The host, the wife of the host, and all descendants of the host will be automatically recorded on the genealogy of eternal ages. People recorded in the genealogy will increase their cultivation speed by [-]% and their lifespan by [-]%. The host can also manually Add, enter lovers, female slaves and other identities into the genealogy... In addition, when the host's descendants practice, they will also give the host a one-thousandth of the cultivation base to feed back.

"Haha, with this thing, why can't my family be prosperous!"

After reading the introduction of the genealogy of Wanshi, Chenfeng was very excited. This thing can not only speed up his family's cultivation, but also repay him with his cultivation. If his children grow up, Chenfeng may choose to lie down. You can reap great rewards.

The second reward is a volume of high-level heaven-level fighting skills, World Extinguishing Demon Thunder. Chenfeng knew that he could not learn a fighting skill of this level with his current strength, let alone perform it. Therefore, he directly skipped it. However, I focused on the fourth reward.

Bodhi Pill: An eighth-grade elixir, taken by a top-ranked Dou Zun of Rank Nine, can increase the chance of breaking through to a semi-sage by [-]%!

This kind of elixir is obviously a precious resource for cultivating holy-level powerhouses. Although there is only a [-]% chance, for those powerhouses who are stuck at the peak of the ninth-rank Dou Zun, they are willing to exchange all their wealth. .

Chenfeng might not be able to use these twenty Bodhi Pills for the time being, but when his family grows large and his descendants grow up, they can be turned into a profound foundation of the family.

The following Intermediate Puppet Pill and Rank Nine Dou Zun Peak Experience Card gave Chenfeng a lot of surprises.

To be honest, what Chen Feng wants most now is something like this. Only with these two things can he have the confidence to deal with the strong people of the ancient clan. The person sent to the Northwest Continent to contact Xiao Xun'er was a semi-saint powerhouse, and even Chenfeng was capable of fighting.

Finally, Chen Feng looked at the seventh reward, which was a pile of black flags with strange runes on them. After counting, there were eighteen in total.

(End of this chapter)

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