Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 186 Return to Wutan City and clean up the hidden dangers of the ancient clan!

Chapter 186 Return to Wutan City and clean up the hidden dangers of the ancient clan!

Space Conversion Banner: After refining, you can freely switch positions between two banners within tens of thousands of miles, ignoring methods such as space seals that have lost the strength of Emperor Doudi...

"Great, with this thing, it will be much more convenient for me to travel far and come back again!"

After reading the introduction of this set of black flags, Chenfeng was overjoyed. This black flag has a very wide range of uses. To put it simply, if Chenfeng leaves a flag in the palace, no matter whether he goes to the Black Corner Region , or go to Zhongzhou, as long as you use another flag again, you can return instantly, and it can also be used to escape from some dangerous places that are suddenly sealed.

The next moment, Chenfeng quickly extracted this set of flags and began to refine them.


Soon, with a strange seal in Chenfeng's hand, one of the black flags was inserted in the center of the secret room of the palace, and then quickly turned into an invisible shape, blending into the space of heaven and earth. Besides, the rest of the people didn't feel any abnormality.

The fly in the ointment is that every time this space conversion flag is used, a flag must be left in place and cannot be taken away. If all eighteen flags are inserted, they cannot be used as they wish.

Next, Chenfeng continued to sink his mind into the system space, and checked the intermediate experience pill.

Intermediate Experience Pill: After taking it, you can increase your cultivation for ten years.

"Tsk tsk, ten years of cultivation! It's ten times stronger than the primary experience pill!"

After reading the introduction of this intermediate experience pill, Chenfeng couldn't help but click his tongue. The reward for having an heir is much stronger than the reward for getting pregnant before.

In less than a year, his cultivation level has been successfully promoted from the fighter stage to the fighting emperor stage, which is already shocking. If he uses this intermediate experience pill again, his cultivation level may even directly reach the level of Douzong .

"System, extract intermediate experience Dan!"

A treasure like Experience Pill has almost no side effects, so Chen Feng used it without any hesitation at this moment.

Ten years of cultivation, although all corresponded to the one-star Douhuang period, but this amount is already very terrifying. Chenfeng just felt it, and the cultivation base suddenly rose from the one-star Douhuang to the three-star Douhuang.

Another three consecutive golden dragons took off from his body, and his cultivation base soared to the six-star Douhuang.

If an ordinary one-star Douhuang powerhouse takes this experience pill, he may only break through to the appearance of a three-star Douhuang and a four-star Douhuang, and then he has reached his limit, but when it comes to Chenfeng, even if his cultivation level soars to a six-star Douhuang, he still can There is no sign of stopping.

After only staying for half a second, Chenfeng's six-star Douhuang realm began to loosen again, allowing him to smoothly enter the Seven-Star Douhuang.

Eight Star Fighting Emperor!

Nine Star Fighting Emperor!

In the end, after flying out eight golden dragons from his body, Chen Feng's cultivation remained at the middle stage of Nine Star Dou Huang.

Fortunately, Chenfeng has the hidden aura of the hidden spirit stone. Otherwise, if people know that someone can rush from a one-star Douhuang to a nine-star Douhuang in just a few seconds, they will not be scared to death.

"Nine Star Fighting Emperor, it seems that I will soon be ready to break through the Douzong!"

Feeling the many times stronger power in his body, Chen Feng murmured in his heart.

Now, there was only one last reward left, and Chen Feng quickly swept his gaze towards it.

Fuyuan Pill: It is used for pregnant women to quickly recover their vitality after childbirth, repair physical trauma, and also enhance their physique and improve their cultivation.

"So it's this kind of elixir, the system is quite thoughtful about it!"

Seeing the introduction of the last reward, Chen Feng's eyes softened.

Although this is in a fantasy world, giving birth to a pregnant woman is still a very painful thing for women, and postpartum recovery is also very important.

Originally, Chenfeng asked Yaochen to refine some elixir to restore the body for several wives to recover their bodies after giving birth, but those elixirs were obviously not as good as this recovery elixir.

"Give Yanran a pill first!"

Knowing the usefulness of this elixir, Chen Feng quickly left the secret room and walked towards the room where Nalan Yanran was.


On the incense bed, after Nalan Yanran took the Recovery Pill brought by Chenfeng, the tiredness on her pretty face was completely eliminated, and her complexion recovered better than normal. Moreover, some of the physical pain caused by childbirth Wounds are also quickly repaired.

"Husband, the effect of this elixir is amazing!"

Sensing the recovery of her body, Nalan Yanran sat up from the bed with a pleasant surprise on her face.

"This is the Rejuvenation Pill. I specially went to find a master alchemist to refine it!"

Chenfeng explained softly.

"Husband, you are so kind..."

With a sweet and happy smile on the corner of Nalan Yanran's mouth, she gently rested her head on Chenfeng's shoulder.


Three days later, Chenfeng left the palace again, this time he was going to Wutan City.

According to what Ling Ying said before, it is estimated that in ten days or so, the venerable of the ancient clan will rush over there to contact Xiao Xun'er and ask her about the progress of investigating the emperor jade.

Although Xiao Xun'er disappeared, the venerables of the ancient clan might not be able to find out about Chen Feng, but Chen Feng has always pursued safety, and he couldn't just sit back and watch such a hidden danger and not deal with it.

With Chenfeng's current cultivation base, he spread his wings of thunder and flew rapidly, and it only took a day to arrive at Wutan City.

Coming to such a small town, Chen Feng directly used the hidden spirit stone to control his cultivation at the Doushi level, and quickly sensed Ling Ying's location.

"Master, you are here!"

In an inn room outside Xiao's Manor, Ling Ying saluted Chen Feng very respectfully.

"Ling Ying, the venerable of the ancient clan, hasn't come over this year?" Chen Feng asked directly.

"Not yet, but it should be in the next few days!" Ling Ying shook his head and said, "Every time the venerable comes over, he will contact me first, even if he doesn't sense the lady's breath, he will come over to talk to me first. I meet!"

"it is good!"

"At this time, pay more attention. If someone comes, try to take him to a remote place!" Chen Feng nodded and instructed.

Now, Chen Feng possesses the Nine Rank Dou Zun peak experience card, so he still has confidence. If the Gu clan venerable who comes is just an ordinary Dou Zun, he can suppress it with a flip of his hand.

You must know that the cultivation realm, the later the stage, the gap between each small realm is huge. For example, in the Soul Palace, the so-called Ninth Heaven Lord Demon Rain is only the cultivation base of the Eight Star Dou Lord. He was able to kill a six-star Dou Zun within a few moves, but he was powerless against a nine-star Dou Zun.

(End of this chapter)

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