Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 187 Xun'er, how are you doing now?

Chapter 187 Xun'er, how are you doing now?

Wutan City, Xiao's house, in a wing room in the backyard, a young man in black sat cross-legged in the room.

Suddenly, the young man who was sitting cross-legged opened his eyes, with a bright smile on his face.

"Strength of fighting, six stages!"

"I finally succeeded!"

Xiao Yan shouted happily, since Chenfeng handed him the "panacea" that can solve the hidden dangers in his body last time, his cultivation talent has recovered, and in less than a year, he has broken through three levels of fighting power in a row , from the original three-stage fighting strength to the current six-stage fighting strength.

The next moment, Xiao Yan stood up, intending to tell his father Xiao Zhan the good news.

"Yan'er, I didn't expect you to break through to level [-] fighting strength so quickly!"

"Based on your current cultivation speed, in ten or twenty years' time, there may be hope for you to become a fighting king!"

After a while, in a study room, Xiao Zhan, the head of the Xiao family, heard Xiao Yan's words in front of him, and his face suddenly showed ecstasy.

"Father, in general, it is thanks to the elixir sent to me by Chen Feng, the young master of the Miter family! It relieved the symptoms of the battle qi in my body disappearing for no reason! Otherwise, I would not be able to break through in such a short time Up to the sixth level of fighting power!" Hearing Xiao Zhan's praise, Xiao Yan said very modestly.

Hearing Xiao Yan's words, Xiao Zhan's face became serious, and he said seriously: "Yan'er, you can't just talk about that one now!"

"What's the matter, father?"

Seeing Xiao Zhan's reaction like this, Xiao Yan was very surprised.

"Yan'er, you've been practicing in closed doors during this period of time, it's normal to not know about it!" Xiao Zhan explained in a very soft voice: "My father also got the news half a month ago, now, I came here before that The young master of the Mittel family in Utan City has become the emperor of the Jia Ma Empire, and the entire Jia Ma Empire has entered the period of the Mittel family's rule!"

"What? How did he suddenly become emperor?" Xiao Yan asked in surprise.

"It is said that the former head of the royal family took the initiative to abdicate and married the former eldest princess!" Xiao Zhan continued to explain: "Because the change of position in the royal family, even the lord of a small city like our Wutan City may Rescreen!"


At this moment, cold sweat broke out on Xiao Yan's face involuntarily, and then he was a little thankful that he didn't reject Chenfeng's decision to divorce Nalan Yanran, otherwise, his Xiao family would really have faced family extermination. Disaster.

"Xun'er, how are you doing now?"

Thinking of retiring the engagement, Xiao Yan couldn't help reappearing that increasingly blurred beautiful figure, with a bit of bitterness on the corner of his mouth, Xiao Xun'er left after that.

Just as Xiao's father and son were discussing in the room, a figure descended suddenly above the sky of Wutan City.

This suddenly appeared figure was dressed in black, with white hair all over his head. He looked very old, but the power contained in his body was extremely terrifying. Besides, everyone will be crushed to the ground by that terrifying breath.

"finally come!"

When the old man appeared, Chen Feng, who was in the inn, immediately sensed the abnormality, but he didn't raise his head, but drank the tea in his cup as if nothing had happened.

"Strange, why can't I sense Miss' breath?"

Above the sky, the white-haired and black-clothed old man glanced down, and a surprised look suddenly appeared on his face.

The next moment, the old man's eyes stopped at the inn where Chen Feng was. Of course, he didn't discover the abnormality of Chen Feng, but because Ling Ying was also in this inn.

"Ling Ying, where did miss go?"

Soon, Ling Ying, who was in the inn room, received a sound transmission, and then quietly walked out.

On Chenfeng's side, after Ling Ying left, he also chose to leave the inn and head towards the back mountain of Wutan City.

According to his plan, this time the coming ancient strongman must be restrained. However, it would be too ostentatious to strike at Wutan City, and he was afraid of accidents. Therefore, Chenfeng chose Wutan as the place to strike. Behind the city.


"Ling Ying, according to what you're saying, Miss found a clue to Gu Yu this time, so it's possible to bring him back directly?"

In the forest, the white-haired and black-clothed old man asked Ling Ying with a happy face.

"Well, Elder Gu Fei, miss is very sure this time!" Ling Ying nodded.

"Haha, miss has been lurking for many years, this plan is finally going to be taken over!"

The old man called Gu Fei laughed loudly.

However, the next moment, Gu Fei's old face suddenly showed surprise, because, in his sight, a young man was slowly walking towards this side.

"When did this young man approach this side, and why didn't I notice it?"

Gu Fei was very surprised. Looking at the young man who kept approaching this side, a killing intent flashed in his heart, and he said coldly: "Young man, did you hear all of our conversation just now?"

Hearing Gu Fei's words, the corner of Chen Feng's mouth was teasing, and instead of answering his question, he joked: "This is how the Gu Clan takes care of the Xiao Clan, I admire it!"

After understanding the meaning of Chen Feng's words, Gu Fei's face suddenly became gloomy. At the beginning, when Xiao Xuan fell, he entrusted the Xiao Clan to Gu Yuan, the patriarch of the Gu Clan, but now, the Xiao Clan has fallen like this. The clan is still secretly plotting against the Xiao clan's Doudi Guyu, which has to be said to be a bit ironic.

"It seems that you know a lot!"

"Say, who are you?"

Gu Fei's voice became colder and colder, and a vast battle energy gushed out of his body, not concealing the killing intent in his heart at all.

"Master, judging by this person's aura, his cultivation should be in the six-star Dou Zun or seven-star Dou Zun!"

After Gu Fei showed his aura, Yao Chen's voice rang in Chen Feng's heart.

Chen Feng had only experienced the peak power of the Nine Star Dou Zong before, and was not clear about the higher levels of power, so he let Yao Chen judge the opponent's cultivation base when the opponent showed his aura.

At this moment, knowing the other party's cultivation level, Chen Feng felt calmer. He smiled lightly and said, "Hehe, your Miss Gu Clan is pregnant with my child. What do you think I am?"


"How dare you say that Miss is pregnant with your child? How bold!"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Gu Fei couldn't hold back the killing intent in his heart anymore, raised his hand and slammed a huge yellow fighting energy in the direction of Chen Feng.

The huge dark yellow dou qi turned into a ferocious earth dragon amidst the roars, and with a deep roar, it rushed towards the morning wind.

Where the earth dragon passed by, the trees instantly turned into ashes, and the ground beneath him split apart. Chenfeng had no doubts about this kind of aura. force.

(End of this chapter)

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