Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 188 Gu Fei: Are you from the Thunder Clan?

Chapter 188 Gu Fei: Are you from the Thunder Clan?

The gigantic earth dragon seemed to devour and destroy Chenfeng with great power.

However, just when the earth dragon was about to hit Chenfeng's body, a soft shout came from Chenfeng's mouth.

Immediately, the huge earth dragon, which was originally extremely powerful, suddenly froze and stagnated in midair.

"This, how is this possible!"

Seeing this scene, Gu Fei's face was full of sluggishness. He is a strong man in the late stage of the six-star Dou Zun. It is unbelievable that his attack would be stopped by a brat.


Chen Feng's plain voice continued to resound through the forest, and after the voice fell, the earth dragon that had been solidified immediately shattered and dissipated in the world.

"who are you?"

Gu Fei asked in surprise.

Seeing the strength of Chenfeng, Gu Fei at this moment obviously no longer regards him as a young man. After all, the strength displayed by Chenfeng is far inferior to even the strongest young generation of the ancient clan.

"The peak power of this Rank Nine Dou Zun is really terrifying!"

Sensing the ferocious power contained in his body at this moment, Chenfeng felt a heroic feeling that the world was under his feet.

"I have already told you that I am the son-in-law of your patriarch Gu Yuan!"

"Dare to take action against the son-in-law of the patriarch of the ancient clan, I have to say, you are really brave!"

The next moment, Chen Feng slowly raised his eyes, and looked at the ancient Dou Zun in front of him with a playful look.

Hearing Chen Feng mentioning Gu Yuan's name taboo, Gu Fei's face suddenly revealed a look of rage, and he angrily said: "Presumptuous... How can you slander the patriarch and young lady!"

After angrily scolding Chen Feng, Gu Fei recalled Chen Feng's words just now in his mind, and couldn't help breaking out in a layer of cold sweat. Then, he subconsciously looked at Ling Ying, but found that Ling Ying had walked to Chen Feng's place at some point. side.

"See Master!"

Ling Ying walked up to Chen Feng and bowed respectfully.

"Ling Ying, you actually became this man's running dog... It seems that the lady was not looking for the trace of Gu Yu at all, but was taken away by you!"

Seeing Ling Ying respectfully saluting Chen Feng, Gu Fei felt even more fearful.

Of course, the fear in Gu Fei's heart did not come from Chen Feng. Although Chen Feng's strength is strong, Gu Fei is an elder of the ancient clan. He has seen many strong people, and one of them is stronger than Chen Feng. A lot, what he was really afraid of was Xiao Xun'er.

If something happened to Xiao Xun'er, Gu Fei couldn't imagine who would be able to bear the anger of Xiao Xun'er's father, the patriarch of the ancient clan who stood at the pinnacle of Dou Qi Continent.

"No matter who you are, if you threaten my Miss Gu Clan, you will soon have to live or die!"

Gu Fei's face became ferocious, and then, a strange jade tube appeared in his hand, and he crushed it without hesitation.

"Is this the space jade tube that can shake people remotely?"

Seeing Gu Fei's movement of crushing the strange jade tube, Chen Feng was not flustered, but rather curious. He had heard about this kind of thing for a long time, and finally saw it today.

As the jade tube in Gu Fei's hand was crushed, a strong spatial fluctuation spread rapidly. However, to Gu Fei's astonishment, after the spatial scroll was crushed, no spatial channel appeared. Those diffuse spatial energies drifted away for a while, then slowly dissipated.

"Don't waste your efforts, the space of this world has been blocked by me, and any space fluctuations cannot be transmitted, so even if you use the space jade slip, you can't recruit reinforcements!"

Chen Feng jokingly looked at Gu Fei whose complexion became increasingly ugly, and said with a smile.

Gu Fei's face trembled slightly, and his heart sank. He knew that Chen Feng had obviously come prepared this time.

"To be able to have this kind of means is definitely not an ordinary person. Tell me, which clan do you belong to, the Soul clan, the Thunder clan, or the Yan clan..." Gu Fei asked sharply again. In his opinion, on the Douqi Continent, Except for those who are also of the ancient race, other forces dare not provoke the ancient race at all.

"Hehe, you have too many's time to end!"

Chen Feng smiled, but didn't answer Gu Fei's question. The Nine Revolutions Dou Zun trial card has a limited time, and he doesn't want to waste any more time. If the time limit for the experience expires, he won't be Gu Fei's opponent at all.

After finishing speaking, Chen Feng raised his palm, and a huge silver lightning arc kept swimming in his palm. Then, the silver arc split into more than a dozen silver thunder dragons, and shot towards the place where Gu Fei was.

"It seems that you are from the Thunder Clan! You Thunder Clan are so brave!"

Feeling the destructive power emanating from the dozen or so silver thunder dragons, Gu Fei's pupils suddenly shrank, and then, a vast dark yellow battle energy burst out from his body, forming a thick earth wall directly in front of him.

"Pfft! Pfft!"

The next moment, the silver thunder dragons all rushed to the earth wall.

Gu Fei's earth-type grudge is known for its strong defensive power, but Chenfeng's thunder-type grudge is said to have the strongest attack power among all attributes, and the current Chenfeng is a few times higher than Gu Fei's. realm.

Therefore, even the thunder dragon that Chenfeng hit casually, Gu Fei couldn't resist it.

In just a split second, the seemingly incomparably thick vindictive earth wall was easily smashed into pieces by the silver thunder dragon, which passed through and ruthlessly bombarded Gu Fei.


This violent and tyrannical force directly knocked Gu Fei's body upside down, causing his blood to surge.

However, just as Gu Fei's body smashed through countless tall trees and flew backwards, Chen Feng's figure flashed continuously, and he appeared behind him.

Chen Feng's palm slowly extended forward, and a strange energy instantly enveloped Gu Fei, making his retreating body stagnate.

At this moment, Chenfeng could feel that with just a light grip of his palm, this elder of the ancient clan with the strength of the six-star Dou Zun would directly turn into a ball of fleshy paste.

"This kind of power is really amazing!"

Sensing his own strength at this moment, Chen Feng's eyes showed a strange color.

This kind of temporarily skyrocketing cultivation level of using the experience card, if not used well, may make people have that kind of high-spirited mentality, but if they can adjust their mentality, they may be able to comprehend something beyond their own realm.

"Scrap from the Thunder Clan, if today's matter is discovered by a strong man from my ancient clan, it will be up to you!"

In mid-air, Gu Fei, who was restrained by the strange force, looked very embarrassed. He roared angrily at Chen Feng, saying threatening words.

"You're right, it's true that you can't be discovered by other powerhouses of your ancient clan!"

Hearing Gu Fei's roar, Chen Feng nodded with a very serious expression, and the next moment, a pitch-black pill was pinched in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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