Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 190 Break through the Fighting Sect and enter the Black Horn Domain!

Chapter 190 Break through the Fighting Sect and enter the Black Horn Domain!

After leaving Utan City, Chenfeng returned to the imperial capital within less than a day.

After solving the hidden danger of the ancient clan, Chenfeng has become very relaxed. Although he consumed a Nine-Turn Dou Zun peak experience card for this, Chenfeng doesn't feel a pity at all.

Those treasures, as long as he was given a period of time, he might be able to get them again. If the affairs of the ancient clan were not handled properly, he might have to spend his days in hiding.

After returning to the imperial capital, Chen Feng originally wanted to go outside the Jia Ma Empire, but within a few days, he found that his realm had loosened again, showing signs of breaking through the Dou Zong.

Perhaps because of using the experience card this time, Chen Feng didn't feel the slightest difficulty in front of the Dou Zongguan, which was like a natural barrier to ordinary practitioners, and everything was so natural.

"Looks like it's going to be closed again!"

Knowing the condition of his body, Chen Feng murmured in his heart that other things can only be put on hold for the time being.

Soon, Chen Feng explained something to Yun Yun, and Nalan Yanran and the others went to the depths of the Warcraft Mountains alone.

Coming here, Chenfeng quickly found a valley, and then sat cross-legged at the bottom of the valley, and began to attack the realm of Douzong.


In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

On this day, a strong aura suddenly erupted from the depths of the Warcraft Mountains, which made the Warcraft within hundreds of miles feel panic, especially those Warcraft that reached the sixth level. Understand the horror of that breath.

In the central area where the breath comes from, the fluctuation of the energy of the heaven and the earth caused many dark clouds to gather in the sky. For a while, the weather that was originally bright and sunny turned into dark clouds.


With a loud noise, the valley where Chenfeng was located shook violently, and then, a tall and straight figure slowly emerged from the mouth of the valley, the soles of his feet lightly stepped on the void, his body was as straight as a gun, and the majestic figure that emanated from his body The momentum is like a thunderbolt, daring to compete with the sky.

Chenfeng stood in the void, without the appearance of Dou Qi wings or thunder wings behind him, walking in the air, this is the unique symbol of the Dou Zong powerhouse.

Dou Zong, the real watershed for the strong in the mainland, if he successfully enters this level, he will have the basic conditions to make a success in Zhongzhou. However, today's Chenfeng has reached this step at such an age. No second person could be found.


At this moment, Chen Feng, who was standing in the void, exhaled softly, then sank his mind into his body, and felt it carefully.

There was almost a reborn change in his body. Not only were the meridians more than ten times wider than before, but there was also a faint battle qi crystal layer outside the meridians and even the bones, and it was constantly exuding Faint hairs.

The fist was clenched slightly, and Chen Feng punched out without fancy, only to see that the space around the fist was distorted suddenly, and the low and piercing sonic boom sounded like thunder in the sky.

This simple, unremarkable punch actually has such a powerful force. Dou Zong and Dou Huang are really two completely different levels.

"With my current strength, Yaochen and Guardian Eagle might not be my match anymore!" Chen Feng said confidently.

Calculating the time, Ya Fei and Xiao Xun'er will have a little more than a month to give birth. Chen Feng does not plan to go back immediately, but plans to go to the Black Horn Region.

With the space conversion flag, even if Chenfeng went to the Black Horn Region or Zhongzhou, he could return to Jia Ma Palace in an instant.


A day later, Chen Feng's figure appeared on the Jia Ma Empire's northwest border.

On this border, the empire's defenses are extremely tight, especially over those key military fortresses, and no one is allowed to fly. Once discovered, they will be ruthlessly attacked by the fortress defenders.

However, this is only compared to ordinary strong people. All laws, if they do not have strong enough execution ability, are just a joke.

In the defenders on the northwest border of the entire Jia Ma Empire, only one Dou Wang powerhouse could be found. How could such a defense prevent those Dou Emperors and even Dou Zong powerhouses?

Just like Chenfeng, he flew directly over two giant border fortresses, but no one has discovered his existence yet.

Now, what appeared in front of Chenfeng was a huge fortress, Ghost Town, which stood like a giant beast on the border of the empire.

This huge city wall stretched out for dozens of miles, and there was no end in sight at a glance. On the city wall, there were tens of thousands of troops, drilling neatly and majesticly.

This is the largest fortress that Chen Feng has seen so far, but it is not the largest in the Jia Ma Empire.

On the Loess Avenue below, a large team of about a hundred people is galloping towards the huge fortress, shouting and cursing soaringly along the way. Judging by the uniform clothes of these people, it seems that they belong to the same group. A mercenary regiment, this kind of mercenary regiment with about a hundred members, can be considered as a medium-sized mercenary regiment in the Jia Ma Empire.

Because "Suppress Ghost Pass" is on the border, the chaotic atmosphere here is very popular with certain mercenary groups. They don't like to take the safe route of hunting monsters, but are more willing to be the legendary war mercenary group, and It is to help a certain side in a war and get huge rewards.

Although this kind of reward is very expensive, the risk is also extremely high. After all, in the meat grinder on the battlefield, it is not surprising that a team of hundreds of people will be wiped out if they are not careful.

Passing through this huge fortress, walking a thousand miles to the east, and passing through some small countries and small tribes along the way, you can enter the special region known throughout the continent, the Black Horn Region.

Because of its special terrain, the Black Corner Region has almost become the most chaotic region in the entire continent. The fugitive powerhouses of countless countries have fallen here and established the most barbaric rules.

In the "Black Corner Territory", there are no legal constraints, there is only a law, the law of the jungle, in other words, that is, the weak prey on the strong, and the weak have no rights here.

In addition, the "Black Corner Domain" may also be regarded as an intelligence crossing point in the mainland. Every day, countless intelligence flows out of here, and then there are countless intelligence flowing in from the outside. Well, to put it bluntly , if you want to be famous and famous in the mainland, "Black Corner Domain" can give you the fastest shortcut. Of course, the premise is that you must have sufficient strength and capital. up.

And as a chaotic region known in the mainland, the "Black Corner Region" does not live up to its name. Every day there are strong people dying here, and every day strong people come from outside. This area is full of death, but also full of challenges and challenges. Temptation, inside, has all kinds of treasures flowing out.

Of course, if you want to obtain these, you need to pay a price. This price may be money, or it may be replaced by other items.

Love of chaos and preference for darkness seem to be the potential factors of human beings. Therefore, although we know that the area is surrounded by dangerous atmosphere, there are still countless people rushing into it.

For, or a shortcut to quickly become famous in the mainland, or to obtain more advanced exercises, fighting skills, elixirs, or obtain unparalleled wealth in that chaotic area, but no matter what, These people who kept pouring in made this "Black Corner Region" inject a steady stream of popularity.

Perhaps it is because of the fact that things must be reversed at extremes, but in the center of the Black Horn Region is the Canaan Academy, which is famous in the Dou Qi Continent.

Within a certain range outside Canaan College, it belongs to a peaceful area. For so many years, almost anyone who brings the ethos in the "Black Corner Region" here will be sanctioned by Canaan College and pay the price of their lives .

Although many people on the mainland are wondering why there is such a chaotic area that is incompatible with the atmosphere of the academy outside the ancient and long-standing academy of Canaan Academy.

But no matter what, existence is truth!
Although after so many years of various suppressions, the "Black-Corner Domain" is still expanding exponentially at a stunned speed, and the invulnerability of the super small strong it exhibits also makes those who are interested The forces suppressing this area feel powerless.

The scope of the "Black-Corner Domain" is extremely vast, and after years of expansion, it has almost become a small country with clear distinctions.

However, the only difference from other empires is that other empires have the highest leaders such as emperors, lords, and suzerains, but this area is fighting on its own, and various forces are constantly fighting, killing, and chaotic for their own interests. It was like a plate of loose sand.

But it is precisely because of this that the Black Horn Territory can grow stronger in the center of the continent. Otherwise, I am afraid that no force will sit back and watch this special site with amazing destructive power grow rapidly, and then pose a threat to them.

The reason why Chenfeng chose to come to this place is also because of the chaos here. With his current strength, in this Black-horned Domain, except for a few strong men, almost no one is his opponent. The treasures here , as long as he is attracted to him, he can do whatever he wants. In this bloodthirsty place, even if he directly carries out a plunder, Chenfeng will not have any psychological burden.

Next, after Chenfeng determined the direction of the route, he moved forward at full speed.

The distance between the Jia Ma Empire and the "Black-horn Region" is extremely vast, and it takes several small countries to reach the edge of the Black-horn Region. Such a long distance, if people walk or ride a carriage, it is impossible. In three to five months or even half a year, I'm afraid I won't be able to reach my destination.

However, Chen Feng has now broken through Dou Zong, this distance is nothing to him at all.

It was only less than a day's flight, and under the morning wind, the mountains that were originally uniform suddenly became denser.

"Is this the Black Territory Great Plains?"

Chen Feng looked up, at the end of the line of sight, the pitch-black plain, like a black line, completely separated the outside world from the inside world.

According to the map, this "Black Territory Great Plain" is the gateway to the "Black Corner Territory". As long as you step here, you will enter the chaotic world that is incompatible with the outside world.

This time, it can be regarded as the farthest time Chenfeng has traveled. However, this nearly ten thousand li journey, Chenfeng did not feel tired, but was slightly excited.

"Heijiaoyu, I want to see what kind of mess you are in?"

With a murmur in his heart, Chenfeng plunged into the endless black plain without any hesitation.

An hour after entering the black plain, a gust of black wind appeared within Chenfeng's sight, and the dark storm made the sky dark.

Seeing the black storm, Chen Feng didn't dodge it, and went directly to meet it. The black storm that almost everyone on the plain was afraid of, couldn't shake Chen Feng at all.


After another day of traveling, Chenfeng finally left the dull black plain.

At this moment, what appeared in front of Chen Feng was a huge city formed by the accumulation of pitch-black boulders.

At the square gates of that city, densely packed black dots can still be vaguely seen, like ants, congregating and pouring into the huge dark mouth of the city.

"According to the map, this should be Heiyin City!"

Staying in the void, Chen Feng picked up the map and glanced at it. He remembered that this Black Seal City seemed to be governed by a force called Eight Gates. Its leader, Yuan Yi, was a Dou Huang powerhouse. Into the top ten of the Black List in the Noire Region.

The black list is a ranking list similar to the previous top ten powerhouses of the Jia Ma Empire.

But Chenfeng is very clear that in this black-horned area, the real strong will never be the group of people who are now showing their faces on the black list.

As if thinking of something, Chen Feng lifted the restrictions on the soul banner, and said to Yao Chen, "Yao Chen, do you still remember the name Han Feng?"

"Han Feng, this bastard, traitor, I can't wait to eat his flesh raw..."

Hearing Chenfeng mentioning Han Feng, Yaochen's mood fluctuated immediately, his face was full of anger and hatred.

"Your good apprentice is doing well in this black corner area now, not only occupying the third place in the black list, but also has the title of medicine emperor!" Chen Feng laughed.

"Haha, Medicine Emperor... This traitor is actually only Douhuang!"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, the anger on Yao Chen's face eased, and then he burst out laughing, full of disdain in his heart.

Originally, with Han Feng's talent, if he had been practicing with Yao Chen, he would be a high-ranking Dou Zong powerhouse now, but he rebelled against Yao Chen for some benefits and hid in hiding, but in the end he fell to this point. I have to say it's a bit ridiculous.

"Yaochen, for the sake of our master and servant, this time, I will let you avenge this with your own hands! A soul of the peak Douhuang should be able to restore a lot of your strength!" Chen Feng said in a flat tone. road.

"Thank you master!"

Hearing this, Yaochen showed excitement on his face, and quickly saluted Chenfeng.

(End of this chapter)

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