Chapter 191 Do as the Romans do!

On the outskirts of the Black Horn Region, the more famous forces include the Eight Gates, the Blood Sect, the Black Skull Tomb, and Fengcheng where the Medicine Emperor Han Feng is located, as well as the Tianyin Sect and the Wild Lion Gang.

Most of the leaders of these peripheral forces are only Douhuang cultivation bases, and some even only have the strength of Douwang, and they cannot be compared with the old forces of the Black Emperor Sect and Demon Flame Valley in the depths of the Black Horn Region.

Even if these several forces are united, their overall strength may not be as good as that of the Black Emperor Sect, which only ranks third in the Black Horn Region.

Although these forces are not very powerful, they act very domineeringly. Of course, this kind of domineering is only compared to those ordinary people.

Like the blood sect among them, the cultivation method is extremely special, and it needs to devour the blood of the strong to increase its strength.

According to the description in the original book, a large number of people are treated as blood food and captured into the blood clan every day. The people who donate to the blood clan practice kung fu, and the name of the blood clan can be said to be notorious.

After Chenfeng came to the Black Corner Region, he actually had the idea of ​​looting. Every day is so chaotic here. When dealing with some of them, Chenfeng naturally wants to do as the Romans do.

"Yao Chen, before going to see your apprentice, I will take you to have a tooth sacrifice!"

As Chen Feng spoke, he took out the ice silkworm mask that he hadn't used for a long time, and put it on his face.

A moment later, a brand new face appeared on Chen Feng's face, completely different from before.


Blood Cloud Mountain.

This mountain is shrouded in a layer of blood mist all the year round, as if being in a cloud of blood, hence the name.

Today's Xueyun Mountain has already become a forbidden place in the eyes of many people in the Black Horn Region, just because a notorious evil force, the Blood Sect, is located here.

It is said that Blood Cloud Mountain was not called by this name a long time ago. After the Blood Sect sect settled here, because of the skills practiced by the Blood Sect, the place was shrouded in blood mist all year round, so it was named Blood Cloud Mountain.

In this Blood Cloud Mountain, there is an extremely deep valley with three sides of cliffs, and there are often bursts of shrill screams coming from it.

This valley, called the Blood Valley by the disciples of the Blood Sect, is specially used to detain those captured from the outside, which is the blood food in the eyes of the disciples of the Blood Sect.

The high-level personnel of the Blood Sect can take several blood food from the Blood Valley every day, and even ordinary disciples have the minimum standard of one blood food every seven days.

At this moment, in the depths of the blood sect, in a dark secret room, a blood-red figure sat cross-legged on a blood-red stone platform, covered in blood mist, exuding an extremely disgusting bloody aura.

After a while, the surrounding blood mist dissipated, revealing the true face of the blood-red figure.

This is a middle-aged man in a blood-red robe, with strange red lights shining in his eyes, and a cold aura exuding from his whole body.

This person is the blood sect lord ranked fifth on the black list, Fan Lao, who possesses the peak strength of the five-star Douhuang.

Because of the skills he cultivated, he had to devour the blood of the strong and kill countless people. Therefore, he can be said to be very vicious in the Black Horn Region, and he was called the Blood Demon.

"Come here, bring me today's blood food!"

Suddenly, an unpleasant voice like a night owl came from Fan Lao's mouth, carrying an indescribably cold aura.

After Fan Lao's voice fell, four blood sect disciples carried two "blood food" into the secret room soon.

Of these two blood eaters, one of them is in his forties, and his cultivation has reached Dou Ling, and the other is only in his twenties, but he also has the cultivation of a Dou Shi. They are all bound hands and feet by special materials at this moment , and the body was poisoned by some kind of poison, which made it impossible to activate the battle qi.

Obviously, these two blood eaters have also heard of the name of the blood sect, and they are even more familiar with Fan Ye, the blood demon's fierce name.

At this moment, because they couldn't move, they just looked at Fan Lao with pleading eyes, and begged for mercy: "Senior Fan, please go around us! Please..."

However, facing the pleadings of these two people, Fan Ye remained expressionless, his eyes were as indifferent as looking at two pigs, dogs and livestock waiting to be slaughtered.

"You go down!"

Fan Lao said indifferently to several Blood Sect disciples.

"Yes, Sect Master!"

Hearing this, the four disciples of the Blood Sect respectfully bowed to Fan Lao, and then quickly exited the secret room.

"Fan Lao, we are members of the eight sects. If you kill us, our sect master will definitely not let it go!"


Looking at the middle-aged man whose expression became agitated, Fan Lao's eyes flashed a hint of impatience.

The next moment, Fan Lao came to the middle-aged man like a god of death, and the bloody aura erupted all over his body, and he clapped the palms of both hands on the heads of the two.



"Fan Ye, this demon, you will die sooner or later..."

Following the shrill screams of these two people, streams of pure blood gushed out from their bodies, and then gathered into Fan Ye's body along the palm of his hand.

Soon, the young eight-door disciple fell to the ground, his blood was drained from his body, his face was pale, and he had already lost his breath. The screams of the middle-aged man became lower and lower until they finally disappeared completely. .

At this time, Fan Lao let go of his palm contentedly, and the blood glow in his eyes became more and more intense.

"Hahaha, if there are a few more such high-quality blood food, my cultivation is expected to go a step further and break through to the six-star Douhuang."

Feeling the thick blood in his body, Fan Lao's ear-piercing voice like a night owl suddenly laughed wildly in the secret room.

"Jie Jie...I'm afraid you won't have this chance."

At this moment, an even harsher strange laughter suddenly sounded in the secret room.

"who is it!"

Hearing this sudden voice, Fan Ye felt a chill in his heart, and his eyes scanned the secret room like a falcon.

The next moment, two groups of extremely strange black mist suddenly appeared in the blood-red secret room.

Behind the two strands of black mist, a young man stood in the middle, stepping in mid-air without any support.

"Seniors, I don't know what to do to find Fan."

Sensing the terrifying aura emanating from the two black shadows around the young man, Fan Lao was a little frightened, and immediately said very politely.

"Fan Lao, you Blood Sect has a lot of hidden treasures. Today, I'm here to take your treasures and destroy your sect!"

The young man between the two shadows spoke in a very flat voice.

"Damn it! What did you think of my Blood Sect!"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Fan Lao was very shocked and angry, but he didn't dare to show it. At that moment, he was somewhat dissatisfied with the theory: "Why is this senior, Fan Mou asked himself if he has offended a few seniors, right?"

"Hehe, Fan Lao, you've been in the Black Corner Region for so long, don't you think it's ridiculous to ask such a thing?" Hearing Fan Lao's words, Chen Feng sneered: "In this Black Corner Region, killing people Bao, what more reason do you need?"

(End of this chapter)

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