Chapter 192 Get Rich!

"Too deceiving!"

Hearing this, Fan Lao also knew that this battle was inevitable, so he stopped talking immediately, with a ferocious expression on his face, and immediately swung his palm forward, making a huge bloody handprint in the direction of Chenfeng and the three of them , wanting to seize the upper hand.

"No. [-] on the black list, but nothing more than ants!"

Seeing the bloody handprint attacking, a look of disdain flashed in Chenfeng's eyes. On the left side, the figure wrapped in black mist rushed out quickly, and smashed the bloody handprint with just a random blow.


Immediately afterwards, the black shadow swung out another palm, knocking Fan Lao flying upside down, his body hit the wall of the secret room heavily, and then slid down.


Suddenly spitting out a mouthful of dark red blood, Fan Lao looked at the black shadow in the air in the secret room with eyes full of horror, and said, "It's actually a strong Douzong!"

"Come on! A strong enemy is attacking, come and help me!"

Although he was very frightened, Fan Ye still didn't intend to give up at this moment. He summoned his fighting spirit and shouted for help, intending to gather everyone in the sect to work together to stop the enemy.

"what's the situation?"

"It seems to be the voice of the suzerain, go and have a look!"

Following Fan Lao's loud exhalation, the Blood Sect disciples around the secret room all showed surprise on their faces, and then rushed towards the secret room one after another.

"Yao Chen, Guardian Eagle, let's do it, except for those blood food, don't leave any of them!" Seeing this, Chen Feng said coldly.

"Yes, Master!"

Hearing Chenfeng's order, Yaochen and Guardian Eagle replied respectfully.

The next moment, Yao Chen rushed towards the seriously injured Fan Ye, while the Guardian Eagle rushed out of the secret room.



"What kind of demon is this..."

The Eagle Guardian had just rushed out for a while, when there were terribly shrill screams outside.

On Yaochen's side, after beating Fan Lao to the brink of death, the palm of his soul hovered directly on the top of Fan Lao's Tianling Cap, releasing a huge suction force.

"what are you doing……"

Under the strange suction force of Yaochen's soul palm, Fan Lao discovered to his horror that his soul was about to leave his body.

Seemingly thinking of something, Fan Ye said in disbelief: "Are you from the Soul Palace? I have never provoked the Soul Palace, why do you want to harm me..."

Yaochen didn't hear Fan Lao's words, and just continued to use them on his own. Soon, Fan Lao's soul was completely pulled out of his body by Yaochen, and then swallowed in one gulp.

On Chenfeng's side, they entered the Blood Sect's treasury when Yaochen and Guardian Eagle were on a killing spree.

"Reporting to Master, we searched carefully, and there is no one alive in this Blood Sect except for the blood food that was locked in the valley!"

An hour later, Yaochen and Guardian Eagle reported to Chenfeng with bloody aura all over their bodies.

This time, the two of them killed the disciples of the blood sect, and each of them captured a lot of souls. If these souls were digested, the strength of both of them would be improved.

Especially Yaochen, his own strength is extremely strong. At the peak, he had the strength of a high-level Dou Zun, but now his soul is damaged and he can't exert his previous strength.

Now, after Yaochen was refined by the soul banner, his soul can already repair the previous damage by directly devouring the soul. With the soul replenishment of these blood sect people, his strength will usher in a huge improvement.

"Very good, let's digest the souls you hunted!"

Chen Feng nodded with a smile, and then took the two of them into the soul streamer space.


In the Black Horn Region, the speed at which the news spread was astounding. It was only the next day that almost everyone within a thousand miles of the Blood Sect learned the news that the Blood Sect had been slaughtered.

"Have you heard that the Blood Sect was massacred by a mysterious force yesterday, and the Sect Master Fan Lao also died in a closed place, and his death was extremely terrifying!"

"Fan Lao, that bastard is finally dead. That mysterious force has done a good job. It can be regarded as removing a scourge for the Black Horn Region!"

"What kind of power is it that can destroy the blood sect in such a short period of time? Fan Lao is the fifth strongest in the black list!"

"That's right, fifth place on the black list, that's not comparable to the bottom three who can be replaced at any time!"

After learning the news that the Blood Sect was destroyed, some people celebrated for a while, while others were sad.

Most of the people who celebrated were those who had been oppressed and persecuted by the Blood Sect.

But those big forces like the Blood Sect have mixed feelings.

They were wondering who had such great energy and could destroy the Blood Sect sect without other people noticing, and a layer of haze floated in their hearts.

After the blood sect was slaughtered, those small forces that were originally attached to the blood sect, as well as those disciples of the blood sect who had escaped by chance, became bereaved dogs and were frantically hunted down by the former hostile forces.


On Chenfeng's side, after killing the Blood Sect, they entered a restaurant in a nearby city to rest.

In this Black Corner Region, the supplies are obviously much richer than places like the Jia Ma Empire. Even though the strength of the Blood Sect is not much different from that of the Misty Cloud Sect, the treasures it collects are much richer than those of the Misty Yun Sect. .

After looting this time, Chenfeng seized nearly a hundred of them just for accepting rings, a lot of items such as pills, magic cores, fighting skills, and exercises.

These fighting skills, kung fu, and high-level profound-level skills are not rare, but I have never seen low-level kung fu.

The technique practiced by the disciples of the Blood Sect is called Xue Yuanjue. Although the level is not high, it is very strange. This is the root of why their Blood Sect has to drink human blood for cultivation.

In addition to the Blood Yuan Jue, Fan Ye also practiced some secret techniques that go well with the Blood Yuan Jue.

There is one among them, called the bloodthirsty technique. Using this technique, one can add bloodthirsty power to one's fighting spirit, and absorb the opponent's blood to feed oneself back. This is a powerful move to defeat the enemy.

In addition, the more eye-catching one is the technique of blood escape. This secret technique is used to escape and avoid the pursuit of powerful enemies. It is very good, but the disadvantage is that it consumes too much. There will be a lot of sequelae. If it weren't for this time, the gap between Fan Lao's strength and Chenfeng's three is too big. With the help of this blood escape technique, there is still hope for escape.

In general, Chenfeng's plundering of the Blood Sect this time has gained a lot. When he brings back all the plundered items to the Jia Ma Empire, the overall strength of the Jia Ma Empire will definitely be greatly enhanced.

The so-called man is not rich without windfall, and a horse is not fat without night grass.

Just plundering one of the forces in the Black Horn Region has obtained such a huge harvest.

Chen Feng couldn't help but think about making another vote.

"Next, who should I call?"

Holding the teacup in his hand, Chenfeng was lost in thought.

(End of this chapter)

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