Chapter 194 Meet Master and Apprentice!

This middle-aged man has a handsome face, long black hair hanging from his shoulders, and his body seems to be filled with a strange medicinal fragrance all the time. Feel.

On the chest of his robe, there is also a quaint medicine cauldron badge painted on it. On this medicine cauldron badge, six strange golden ripples fluctuate slightly, making people's eyes hurt.

Six golden patterns, in the alchemy world, generally only sixth-rank alchemists are eligible to wear them, and this man who seems to be only in his thirties can actually carry them on his body. In the domain, there is only one person, that is, Medicine Emperor Han Feng.

After practicing alchemy, Han Feng came to sit in a gazebo in the wide courtyard below the attic. After a while, he flicked his fingertips, and a deep blue flame like a clear lake burst out of his palm strangely. Finally wrap the entire palm.

This dark blue flame is quite strange. It looks like a pool of clear lake water flowing, but the most real senses tell people clearly that this is not a puddle of water, but a kind of flame.

"Heavenly fire... If I can get another kind of different fire, my burning formula can definitely go a step further."

"At that time, I will definitely be able to break through to the seventh-rank alchemist, and my cultivation will also enter the realm of Douzong!"

Looking at the blue flame in his hand, a frenzy surged on Han Feng's face.

But at the next moment, Han Feng frowned, covered his chest with his palms, coughed a few times, and his breath became a little disordered at this moment.

The cough lasted for a long time before it subsided slowly. Han Feng took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "Damn old guy, if you just gave me the "Fen Jue" to practice back then, everything would be fine. No, my alchemy talent is much better than yours!"

At the end of the voice, it was much lower, but judging from his clenched fists, one can imagine the anger and hatred in his heart.

At this moment, as if he had sensed something, Han Feng's sullen expression disappeared, and he returned to his usual easy-going manner.

The next moment, a vigorous figure flashed out from the surrounding bamboo forest, and finally appeared in the gazebo, kneeling on one knee, his voice was hoarse but still respectful: "Master, have you finally left the gate?"

Hearing this, Han Feng frowned and asked, "Han Beng, what happened?"

Kneeling Han Beng said in a hasty tone: "Master, you don't know something. During this period of time, a major event has occurred in the Heijiao area."

Immediately, Han Beng quickly told Han Feng what had happened in the Heijiao area in the past few days.


"Have the two forces of the Blood Sect and the Black Skull Tomb been wiped out?"

After listening to Han Beng's words, Han Feng suddenly couldn't sit still, his face changed drastically, and he said in disbelief.

He never expected that such a big change would take place in the Black Horn Region after only a few days of retreating and refining the elixir.

"Have you found out who did it?"

After a while, Han Feng gradually calmed down and asked solemnly.

"Well, there is no news yet! Among the two forces, only the blood food imprisoned in the blood valley of the blood sect survived. The screams are obviously a one-sided massacre!" Han Beng shook his head and said: "After investigation, the treasure houses of these two forces have been looted!"

"It's a bit too domineering for this mysterious force to kill people like this!"

Hearing Han Beng's explanation, Han Feng frowned again, feeling both surprised and regretful.

Originally, Han Feng had long been thinking about the imprisoned strange fire in Canaan College. Over the years, he has been planning to win over some strong people.

Like Blood Sect Fan Lao and the tomb owner of the Black Skull Tomb, they both benefited from him a lot and promised to help them in the future, but now, both of them are dead, and the preparations Han Feng made before were in vain. That's why he feels sorry.

"In the Black Horn Region, who would be able to quietly destroy the Blood Sect and the Black Skull Tomb?"

"What purpose do they have? Is it revenge, or do they want to dominate, or are they simply killing people to seize treasure?"

"If it's killing people to seize treasure, then..."

Thinking in his heart, Han Feng's face suddenly changed drastically. Although he Han Feng did not start a sect, the treasures he has accumulated over the years are more than the sum of the two destroyed forces. Therefore, he Worried, this mysterious force is likely to attack him next.

"No, if you continue to stay in Fengcheng, you will be very passive!"

Because he was worried that the mysterious forces would find him, Han Feng immediately made a plan to go out and hide for a while.

"Han Beng, I will go out for a while during this time. Remember, don't tell anyone about my departure!"

Next, Han Feng sternly warned Han Beng, and then spread out his body, and fled towards the outside.

"Hehe, Han Feng, you want to leave now, don't you think it's too late!"

Before Han Feng took a few steps, a sneer suddenly sounded over the courtyard.

The sudden sound made Han Feng's heart tense and his scalp numb.

"who is it?"

"Are you able to come here without me noticing?"

Han Feng suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the voice.

I saw, on the balcony of the high pavilion in the center of the courtyard, a young man in fine clothes was looking down at him.

"Boy, you are so brave, you actually dared to trespass in the forbidden area! You're tired of working, aren't you?"

Chen Feng's aura was covered by the hidden spirit stone, and he looked like an ordinary person. Seeing this, Han Beng didn't have the slightest scruples, and pointed at Chen Feng and yelled loudly.

"Han Beng, shut up, don't kowtow to this senior to admit your mistake!" Seeing Han Beng's actions, Han Feng quickly reprimanded.


Being scolded by Han Feng like this, Han Beng panicked and hesitated in his eyes. When he raised his head again to look at Chen Feng, a strong gust of wind had already arrived in front of him.


In just a split second, Han Beng's body shattered under the strong wind, turning into a cloud of blood and drifting away.

"This kind of momentum must be a strong Douzong!"

Seeing that Chenfeng killed Han Beng, who had the peak strength of Douwang, with a random blow, Han Feng was horrified. He was very sure at this moment that Chenfeng was the murderer who wiped out the Blood Sect and the Black Skull Tomb.

Han Feng quickly calmed himself down, and respectfully greeted Chenfeng: "Senior is here, Han Feng is sorry for the loss, and I hope you will forgive me!"

"Forgive me, it depends on whether your teacher agrees!"

Listening to Han Feng's words, Chen Feng smiled, and then lifted the restriction on the soul control banner.

As the restrictions on the soul-control banner were lifted, a black mist suddenly floated out from the soul banner. The moment the black mist appeared, a surge of wind filled the world.

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(End of this chapter)

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