Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 195 Teacher, the apprentice has been confessing all these years!

Chapter 195 Teacher, the apprentice has been confessing all these years!

"my teacher?"

Hearing Chen Feng's abrupt words, Han Feng was greatly puzzled.

Immediately afterwards, when Han Feng sensed the powerful aura pervading the world, his body trembled suddenly, and his complexion instantly became extremely pale.

He, Han Feng, was very, very familiar with this breath.

"Impossible... This is absolutely impossible!"

"How can this old man still be alive?"

Looking at the figure surrounded by black mist that appeared next to Chen Feng, Han Feng's pupils dilated and his eyes were full of fear.


Yao Lao's soul fully emerged from the black mist, looking at Han Feng, a wave of overwhelming anger filled the air.

Before the Blood Slaughter Sect and the Black Skull Tomb, Yao Chen captured many useful souls. After devouring and refining the power of those souls, his strength has now returned to the level of the Nine Star Fighting Sect. Therefore, he has such powerful momentum.

"Teacher... I was bewitched by others back then, and I didn't intend to harm you!"

"Teacher, I know I was wrong, please spare my life!"

At this moment, feeling the powerful aura emanating from Yaochen, Han Feng couldn't think of any resistance at all, and knelt down on his knees, kowtowing to Yaochen constantly to beg for mercy.

He never imagined that Yaochen could escape under the circumstances back then.

"Shut up... You bastard who deceived the master and destroyed the ancestors, I'm afraid you are still cursing me in your heart, why don't you die!"

Seeing Han Feng kneeling begging for mercy, Yao Chen said in a cold voice, unmoved at all.

"Teacher, how dare this disciple, how could this be so...All these years, I have been feeling remorse for what happened back then...Actually, Master Mu Gu planned all of this back then, and I was forced by that old guy. Threats are forced like that..."

Han Feng continued to try his best to defend himself.

"Hehe, do you think anyone will believe such a statement..."

"Mugu that bastard, I'll clean it up in the future!"

"As for you, I have to torture you severely so that I can eliminate the hatred in my heart!"

After saying the last sentence, Yaochen's soul rushed down the pavilion and ran towards Han Feng.


Seeing the medicine dust rushing towards him, Han Feng's face became ferocious, a dark blue flame like water suddenly rose from his body, and a fiery high temperature slowly radiated out.

"I didn't expect you, a beast, to have such a chance!"

Seeing the dark blue flame rising from Han Feng's body, Yao Chen's eyes flashed with astonishment, but that's all. In terms of strength, he has now recovered to the peak of the Nine Star Douzong. It is also much stronger than Hai Xinyan, who is ranked No.15.

Almost in an instant, Yao Chen's fist wrapped in white flames scattered the dark blue flames and struck Han Feng's chest.


Being hit by Yaochen, Han Feng's body immediately flew upside down for more than a hundred meters, and finally hit the floor heavily.

Yao Chen's punch was obviously reserved, otherwise, just one move would have shattered Han Feng's body and destroyed his soul.

Although Han Feng is not dead now, he is seriously injured to the point that he cannot move. If he is not treated in time, he will not live for long.


"Teacher, please...don't kill me, you brought me up with your own hands...teach me how to cultivate and make medicine..."

The corner of Han Feng's mouth kept vomiting blood, and he was still begging for mercy in his intermittent voice.

Listening to Han Feng's narration of the past in that extremely weak voice, Yao Chen couldn't help but pause, his face seemed to be full of sadness.

But in just a split second, Yao Chen's violent killing intent erupted again.

"Traitor, you made such a big mistake, if I don't kill you, it will be hard to get rid of my hatred!"

Yao Chen yelled angrily, then stretched out his palm above Han Feng's face, and a strange suction surged out of his palm.

"Ah... teacher, don't!"

With the suction acting on his body, Han Feng's eyes were filled with extreme fear, and his mouth kept making weak and painful wails.

Soon, a slightly transparent soul body slowly rose out of Han Feng's body, and was held by Yao Chen in his hand. Immediately afterwards, Yao Chen opened his mouth and swallowed the transparent soul body.

At this moment, Yao Lao finally showed a relieved expression on his face.

"Swallowing the soul of a sixth-rank peak alchemist this time, Yao Chen may have a chance to recover to the strength of Dou Zun!"

Watching Yaochen kill the traitor Han Feng with his own hands, Chenfeng murmured in his heart.

The next moment, Chen Feng also came to Han Feng's body. On Han Feng's right finger, there was a dark blue ring, and the faint blue glow on it showed that this ring was different from ordinary low-level rings. the difference.

With one move, Chen Feng directly sucked the ring into his hand, and then poured soul power into the ring.

A high-level ring can be set with a soul imprint by the owner. In this case, even if someone else gets the ring by chance, if they want to get the contents, they must erase the soul imprint. In this case, the master of the ring will have something I feel that this almost self-defense function is unique to the high-level ring, and it is also one of the biggest reasons for its skyrocketing value.

Whether it is cultivation base or soul power, Chenfeng is far superior to Han Feng. Therefore, that fierce soul power directly used the most brutal method to erase all the soul imprints left by Han Feng, and immediately returned He left his own soul imprint on it. In this case, this high-level ring has officially changed hands.

The next moment, Chen Feng's mind moved, and the soul power entered the Nana ring without hindrance.

"Sure enough, robbing an alchemist is many times more rewarding than robbing other forces!"

After inspecting the ring, Chen Feng couldn't help showing a look of satisfaction on his face.

The things that Han Feng has searched in the black corner area these years are simply innumerable. There are quite a lot of medicinal materials that are extremely rare in the outside world, and there are quite a lot of them in this ring, and there are various exercises, fighting skill scrolls Arranged randomly, obviously, these are the exchange items of those who came to ask him to refine the pill.

Just the treasure stored in this dark blue high-level ring is probably enough to drive the powerhouses of the Black Horn Region crazy.

"Let's go!"

Chenfeng came back to his senses, and left here directly with Yaochen. This time, he did not carry out a massacre like he did when he went to the Blood Sect and the Black Skull Tomb.

Less than three hours after Chenfeng left, two figures appeared strangely above the sky of Fengcheng.

One is in a gold robe, the other is in a silver robe, but upon closer inspection, one can find that the faces of the two are almost identical, both with white hair and beard, and their facial features are as if they were carved out of the same mold.

These two people are the top two gold and silver elders in the black list.

(End of this chapter)

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