Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 212 Tonight, Let's Watch Your Performance!

Chapter 212 Tonight, Let's Watch Your Performance!
The next moment, with a sweet and peaceful smile on her cheeks, Liu Fei walked straight to where Chen Feng was.

"Yao Sheng, look, isn't that Liu Fei!"

"It's really Liu Fei, she's walking towards us!"

In the middle of the journey, two young men noticed Liu Fei approaching, and one of them looked at Liu Fei with eyes full of admiration.

"Liu Fei, what a coincidence, you're here too!"

When Liu Fei was about to reach the two of them, a man named Yao Sheng greeted them with a grin.

"What a coincidence, Brother Yao Sheng, you can continue shopping, I still have something to do!"

Seeing Yao Sheng say hello, Liu Fei smiled sweetly, but she didn't stop.

"Liu Fei, your brother told me to take care of you in this inner courtyard a few days ago, I'd better go with you!" Yao Sheng ignored Liu Fei's impoliteness and only remembered her face. With a sweet smile on his face, he followed quickly.

"Brother Yao Sheng, don't follow me, I'll be back in a while, you go and do your own work first!" Seeing Yao Sheng following up, Liu Fei refused with a smile.

"Okay, then be careful! Call me if you need anything!" Infected by Liu Fei's smile, Yao Sheng spoke very gently, even a little shyly.

After a while, Chen Feng moved slowly, intending to return to the direction he came from. Seeing this, Liu Fei quickened her pace to follow.


When she came near Chenfeng, Liu Fei twisted her feet on purpose, screamed coquettishly, and fell straight towards Chenfeng.

Seeing the white figure falling towards him, Chen Feng couldn't help being taken aback, but still stretched out his hand to hug it.

I have to say that Liu Fei's looks are still very good, with an oval face, a small cherry mouth, picturesque willow eyebrows, and a pair of watery eyes.

Moreover, that magnificent chest is now attached to Chen Feng's body, coupled with the seductive girlish fragrance that emanates, these wonderful feelings hit Chen Feng's nerves, making Chen Feng feel a burst of joy at this moment.

Seeing this scene, some male students in the inner courtyard all showed envious eyes, wishing that they were the one holding Liu Fei now.

Being hugged by Chen Feng's palm, Liu Fei's upper body was close to Chen Feng, not caring about the gazes of the people around her, she raised her beautiful eyes like water waves, stared directly at Chen Feng's face, and said softly: " Liu Fei thank you senior for saving me!"

"You're wrong, I'm not a senior, I'm just a guest at your Canaan Academy!"

Chen Feng didn't let go of his hand, and replied with a faint smile, he could tell that Liu Fei's behavior was intentional, how could a high-ranking fighter be so unsteady in his steps.

However, Chen Feng didn't mind this kind of flirting. It's human nature for a woman to have some vanity, and he himself was able to satisfy a woman's weak heart.

"Come to the inner courtyard as a guest? Could it be that you are His Majesty Chen Feng who just arrived in the inner courtyard today?" Liu Fei pretended to be surprised.

"En!" Chen Feng nodded.

"When I heard my cousin talk about you today, I already admired you. I didn't expect to meet a real person so soon!" Liu Fei blinked her watery eyes and said with a smile.

"Why do you admire?"

Chen Feng asked back, in fact, he is a little itchy right now.

"At such an age, the Brute Force King, who is number one in the academy's ranking list, is deflated. His Majesty Chenfeng is enough to be called a talent in the sky. Who in this inner courtyard can compare?" Liu Fei explained: "Not now. I know how many female students fall in love with His Majesty!"

"Does this include you?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.


Hearing Chenfeng's question like this, Liu Fei couldn't help showing some surprise on her pretty face, and then, a flash of determination flashed in her eyes, she didn't want to miss this excellent opportunity, she nodded and said, "Yes!"

"Okay, if you dare to go back to my residence with me now, I'll give you this chance!" Chen Feng said directly, after all, it's a long night without a beautiful woman to accompany, it's really boring.

After saying this, Chen Feng finally let go of the hand on Liu Fei's waist, then turned around and left slowly.

"Go back with him..."

Liu Fei stood in the same place, a little dazed. She fell on purpose today, just thinking of making friends with Chenfeng, but the current pace seems a bit too fast, and she was not mentally prepared for this at all.

"If I miss this opportunity today, maybe His Majesty Chenfeng won't come to me again... Fight it!"

After Chen Feng walked dozens of steps, Liu Fei looked at his back that was about to disappear from sight, and quickly chased after him.


"Your Majesty Chenfeng, wait for me!"

Before Chen Feng returned to the courtyard, Liu Fei finally ran in front of him. Because of the strenuous running, some fragrant sweat flowed from her body, her cheeks were slightly flushed, which made her look a little more charming.

Chen Feng pinched Liu Fei's snow-white chin with his palm, and said with a satisfied smile, "Tonight, let's see how you perform!"

Thinking of what might happen next, Liu Fei couldn't help showing a shy expression on her face.


"This little guy is really a bit suave, just after going out for a while, he ran into a girl and threw him into his arms!"

"I went back to the residence with someone when we met for the first time. This girl is too indiscreet!"

"Don't worry about the consensual things of young people!"

In some hidden places around Chenfeng, some slight discussions sounded.

After that, Chenfeng found that all the auras watching him disappeared.


In the room, Liu Fei stood quietly. At this moment, she looked a little obedient, and her eyes were a little afraid to look directly at Chen Feng.

"Drink some water!"

Seeing Liu Fei's reaction, Chen Feng poured her a glass of water.


Responding with a soft voice like a mosquito, the somewhat thirsty Liu Fei quickly took the cup that Chen Feng handed over, and quickly opened her mouth to drink it.

Part of the tea overflowed from the lips and dripped down, soaking the clothes even more, making the clothes tightly adhere to the snow-white skin.

Chen Feng smiled, then directly picked Liu Fei up and put her on the soft couch.

Although Liu Fei was a bit vain and liked the feeling of being surrounded by men like stars and moons, she had never had any experience in this kind of thing.

(End of this chapter)

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