Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 213 Liu Qing: Cousin, this guy didn't do anything to you, did he?

Chapter 213 Liu Qing: Cousin, this guy didn't do anything to you, did he?

In the early morning of the next day, Liu Fei's performance was almost exactly the same as Xiao Yu's before, walking around with a pair of long legs, and her posture was very strange.

"Brother Feng, the exercises you practiced with me are really amazing! I feel like I'm about to break through to Master Da Dou!"

Liu Fei checked her cultivation base, her rosy cheeks showed a look of surprise, last night, she actually soared from a seven-star fighter to a peak fighter, and there were faint signs of breaking through to become a great fighter.

At this moment, Liu Fei couldn't help but feel grateful for the decision she made last night. When she came back with Chen Feng, she not only tasted the real joy of being a woman, but also improved her cultivation so quickly.

"Fei'er, follow me, and your cultivation speed will be faster than now!" Chen Feng said, took out several jade bottles containing pills and handed them to Liu Fei.

"These are some pills to speed up cultivation and maintain the body!"

"They are both third-grade pills and fourth-grade pills, Brother Feng, how kind of you!"

After going through the affair between men and women, Liu Fei no longer feels restrained like yesterday in front of Chenfeng. She took the gift from Chenfeng without hesitation, and opened it to have a look.


"Is it here?"

"That's right, I've inquired about it, and this is the place where the inner elders arranged for Chenfeng!"

"I heard from several other female students that they had contact with Liu Fei before he disappeared last night!"

"Go in!"

Outside, Liu Qing, Yao Sheng and a group of seven or eight arrived outside Chenfeng's courtyard early in the morning.

Of course, with the arrival of this group of people, Chen Feng couldn't escape the induction. He slowly got dressed, opened the door and led Liu Fei out of the attic.


At this moment, the gate of the courtyard was kicked open, and Liu Qing, Yao Sheng and his party broke into the courtyard.

"Cousin, you are really here... This guy didn't do anything to you, did he?"

Seeing Chen Feng and Liu Fei standing together, Liu Qing asked with some concern.

"Cousin, I'm fine!"

"Let me introduce you, this is your brother-in-law, Chenfeng."

"Brother Feng, this is my cousin, Liu Qing!"

Seeing Liu Qing bringing a group of people over, Liu Fei's reaction was very calm, she smiled and introduced Chen Feng and Liu Qing.


"Cousin, you stayed here last night?"

Hearing Liu Fei's words, Liu Qing frowned and said, in fact, when he asked this sentence, he felt that it was a bit redundant, because Chenfeng and Liu Fei are very close now.

"Yeah, I stayed with Brother Feng last night!" Liu Fei nodded, with a happy smile on her face.

"Liu Fei actually lives with this person..."

At this moment, Yao Sheng, who was standing behind Liu Qing, looked ashen. The feeling that the girl he had a crush on slept with a guy he just met made his heart ache.

"Since you have nothing to do, my cousin will not disturb you for now!"

Liu Qing's complexion is also a little bad. He feels that his cousin's behavior is too sloppy. He has only known him for a day, and just... Thinking of what others may say about him in the future, Liu Qing feels very humiliated and wants to leave here .

Just when Liu Qing and the others turned around and were about to leave, a white figure appeared in their field of vision.

"Why are there so many people around? Is this the place where the big brother lived yesterday... I hope Old Man Hao didn't lie to me this time, otherwise, I will definitely tear off his beard next time I see him... "

Zi Yan stared at Liu Qing and others surrounded by the yard with her big black eyes, muttering non-stop.

"Why is the Brute Force King here!"

"Why is this evil star here? Is he here to get back where he was yesterday?"

Seeing the little girl in white trotting into the yard, Liu Qing and his party were frightened for no reason, and quickly dispersed to make way for them.

Most of these people felt that Zi Yan might not be convinced because of what happened yesterday, and wanted to fight Chen Feng again.

However, what happened next surprised them again.

After Zi Yan walked in, she saw Chen Feng in the yard, and shouted directly: "Big brother, so you are really here, I have been looking for you for a long time!"

After finishing speaking, Zi Yan ran towards Chenfeng with her short legs.

"How did you find this place?" Seeing Zi Yan running in front of her, Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Hey, big brother, do you still have the elixir from yesterday? Can you give me another one?" Zi Yan smiled, and said a childish voice, with a look of anticipation in her eyes.

"That kind of elixir can only be taken every three days at least. If you take it continuously, the effect will be greatly reduced!" Chen Feng shook his head and said.

"Big brother, can you give me a pill first, I will definitely take it on time!" Zi Yan said coquettishly, pulling the corner of Chenfeng's clothes.

"The Brute Force King would..."

Seeing Ziyan grabbing the corner of Chenfeng's clothes and speaking coquettishly in that immature voice, Liu Qing and the others' mouths were all wide open, unable to speak for a long time.

"Hehe, if I give it to you now, you will eat it immediately, and I will give it to you in two days!" Chen Feng shook his head again.

"Okay then, big brother, I'll come back to you in two days!" Zi Yan muttered, then glanced at Liu Fei, and muttered: "Big brother, is this your girlfriend? It should be us From the academy!"

"En!" Chen Feng smiled and nodded, while Liu Fei dared not interrupt.

"Big brother, didn't the elders say that you are here for the first time, you have a girlfriend so soon!" Zi Yan said in surprise.

"Sometimes, when fate comes, it doesn't matter how long we've known each other!" Chen Feng said flatly.

"Go, go!"

Hearing that Zi Yan also talked about this topic, Liu Qing quickly left the courtyard where Chen Feng was with the people around him.

After sending Zi Yan away, Chen Feng did not go out, but took Liu Fei and continued to practice Dragon and Phoenix Art in the room.

Another day passed like this, and Liu Fei broke through to a one-star master in one fell swoop while practicing dragon and phoenix duel with Chenfeng.


Early the next morning, Hai Bodong led Han Yue towards Chenfeng's residence.

"Girl Yue, how did you feel after staying with Boy Chenfeng yesterday?" Hai Bodong chatted with Han Yue as he walked.

"Teacher, brother Chenfeng... is not only talented in cultivation, he is also very interesting!" Han Yue paused for a moment, then thoughtfully replied.

"It's very interesting. It seems that this girl is also interested in Chen Feng, that's good!" Hearing Han Yue's answer, Hai Bodong nodded secretly.

Sensing Hai Bodong's aura approaching, Chen Feng opened the door and walked out from the attic.

"Elder Taishang, why are you here so early today! Sister Yue is here too!" Chen Feng greeted the two of them with a smile on his face.

"For a happy event, it's too early if you don't hurry, girl Yue..."

Hai Bodong was also very happy, but when he saw Liu Fei coming out from behind Chen Feng, he quickly swallowed back the words that came to his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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