Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 221 Rich Rewards!The joy brought by Zhuyan Dan!

Chapter 221 Rich Rewards!The joy brought by Zhuyan Dan!

The first reward is a golden formation plate with many strange runes engraved on it.

Family protection formation: After the arrangement, the large formation plate will merge into the void, covering a range of hundreds of miles, condensing and absorbing the energy of the world to maintain the formation, no one can detect it except the host, and the coverage of the formation will increase with the increase in the number of host families. All the famous people recorded in the genealogy of the eternal world can transfer 100% of their own power into the big formation, bless the power of the big formation, and this formation can also mobilize the power of everyone in the genealogy to the host...

"The effect of this formation is actually so powerful!"

After reading the introduction of this clan protection formation, Chenfeng couldn't help but feel happy. This kind of formation can not only automatically build a defensive shield, but also gather energy to attack and kill the enemy. The most important thing is that every clansman can Being able to bless the power of the big formation with all its strength, and temporarily transfer the cultivation base to Chenfeng alone, this is something that ordinary formations cannot do.

The next moment, Chenfeng directly took out the golden array disk, and then quickly typed some seals in his hand.

As Chenfeng played the seal in his hand, the golden array gradually disappeared.

And the moment the golden array disappeared, a circle of golden ripples that only Chen Feng could see spread rapidly, covering the entire palace almost in the blink of an eye, and soon, the entire imperial capital was completely covered, until finally, Yi Chen The secret room of the palace where the wind is located is the center, and within a hundred miles, it is covered by this golden ripple.

After the layout of the formation was completed, the formation immediately began to operate, absorbing the energy of heaven and earth outside the formation at an extremely fast speed.

"That's right, I didn't expect such a benefit hidden in this large formation, which can turn the area covered by the large formation into a blessed place for cultivation!"

Sensing the ever-increasing energy concentration of the heavens and the earth within the enveloping range of the great array, Chen Feng's eyes were filled with surprise.

Next, Chen Feng looked at the other rewards.

Thunder Tribulation Finger: Heaven-level middle-level fingering fighting skill, when attacking, it is like thunder calamity descending into the world, with devastating lethality.

Chenfeng can already try to cultivate this volume of fighting skills, but he can't fully display its power for the time being.

The fourth reward, the primary life-enhancing pill, after taking it, anyone who has cultivated below the Emperor Dou can increase their lifespan by 50 years, and there is no upper limit for taking it.

"This primary life-enhancing pill is very good!"

Seeing the introduction of the Zengshou Pill, Chen Feng secretly nodded in his heart.

The elixir that can increase lifespan in Douqi Continent is Qingming Shoudan, which is more famous, but it can only increase the lifespan of ten years, and the elixir rewarded by the system can fully increase people's lifespan by 50 years, and there is no upper limit.

Even for an ordinary person in his twilight years, Morrowind can make him live another 500 years.

In this way, in the future, if there are people around Chenfeng who are low in cultivation and have insufficient lifespan, Chenfeng can use the life-enhancing pill to keep them, and finally look for opportunities to help them break through in cultivation and solve the problem. The problem of insufficient lifespan.

After putting away the ten longevity pills, Chen Feng looked at the next reward.

Zhuyan Dan: After taking it, it can permanently retain the youthful appearance and will not age with time.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing the efficacy of Zhuyan Pill, Chen Feng smiled lightly and said, "I'm sure they'll come rushing to ask for this elixir!"

Life-protecting pill: Eighth-rank low-level healing pill, which has the powerful effect of flesh and bones. Even the wounded at the time of death can rely on this pill to continue their lives.

Lingfeng Pill: Eighth grade low-level pill, after taking it, it can quickly restore the fighting energy consumed in the body.

The next two elixirs are very practical, one is used to heal injuries, the other is used to restore battle qi, and both have reached the eighth rank, even if taken by some ordinary fighting saints, they can play a little role .

The last reward this time is a one-turn Dou Zun peak experience card.

Although not as strong as the first Rank Nine Dou Zun peak experience card, Chenfeng is already very satisfied. This experience card is his biggest hole card so far.

If he now has the cultivation base of a Dou Zun peak, he is still sure to collide with the semi-saint powerhouse.

It's just a pity that there is no experience pill in the reward this time.

Since Chen Feng stepped into the realm of Douzong, the growth of his cultivation has obviously slowed down a lot, and he can't advance to one star in three or four days as before, or a dozen days.

Of course, this is not to say that Chenfeng's cultivation speed has slowed down, but because the energy required to cross every star in the Douzong realm is too huge. Some ordinary Douzong strongmen, maybe ten years , 20 years may not be able to break through one star.

Chenfeng was able to naturally break through from a one-star Douzong cultivation base to a two-star Douzong cultivation base in less than two months. If this is said, the strong men in the entire continent will probably drop their jaws in shock.

After tidying up the rewards he got this time, Chen Feng slowly walked out of his secret training room and came to the harem.


"Husband, can this elixir really make me stay young forever?"

"Brother Feng, is this true? Can it really make me young forever?"

In the garden, Nalan Yanran, Xiao Yu, Ya Fei, Xue Ni, Yun Yun and others each held a Zhuyan Pill gifted by Chenfeng in their hands, and their eyes were full of excitement.

The love of beauty is something that any woman will have. Even a person like Yun Yun who is always calm about everything can't resist the powerful effect of Zhuyan Pill.

"Husband will never lie to us, I will try first!"

With anticipation in Nalan Yanran's eyes, she directly swallowed the Zhuyan Pill in her hand.

Zhuyan Pill melts at the entrance, turning into a stream of liquid energy and entering Nalan Yanran's body.

As soon as the liquid energy entered the body, its effect took place, and a seductive luster suddenly appeared on Nalan Yanran's skin, making her look more beautiful and charming than before.

"Haha, it really works, I can stay young forever!"

"Husband, you are too kind!"

Feeling that her skin became more delicate and lustrous, Nalan Yanran was overjoyed, and excitedly smacked on Chenfeng's face, leaving a red lip mark.

Seeing this, Ya Fei, Xiao Yu, Yun Yun, Xue Ni, Qing Lin, and Tutor Ruolin also quickly swallowed Zhu Yan Dan.

After a while, their skin became smoother and more delicate.

At the same time, there were six more red lip marks on Chen Feng's face.

"Zhuyan Pill! Keep your youthful appearance forever!"

"Brother Chenfeng, I kissed you too, quickly give me Zhuyan Pill!"

Zi Yan and Han Yue passed by the garden and happened to see this scene. After learning about what happened just now, Zi Yan rushed in front of Chen Feng, kissed him hard on the forehead, and spread out Opening his hands, he asked Chenfeng for Zhuyan Pill with anticipation.

(End of this chapter)

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