Chapter 222 Double rewards for second child!
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"Hurry up, brother Chenfeng, quickly give me Zhuyan Pill!"

Zi Yan spread her hands, and looked at Chen Feng coquettishly. Now she has a charming face and an enchanting figure, making such a move is not as funny as before, but has a different kind of temptation.

It’s like the kind of little sister next door who always played with you when you were young. Slowly, one day you find that she has grown up and has a very well-developed body, but her attitude towards you is still the same as before. Haunting you, asking you to take her to play, acting like a baby in front of you, at this time, your heart is not at peace, and you will feel a sense of refreshment.

"Okay, here it is!"

Seeing Ziyan's eager eyes, Chenfeng smiled helplessly, and handed her a Zhuyan Pill.


After receiving the Zhuyan Pill, Zi Yan couldn't wait to swallow it, and then, the Zhuyan Pill immediately played a role, making Ziyan's skin smoother and more attractive, and her charm rose again.

"Sister Yue, do you want this Zhuyan Pill?"

Chen Feng tilted his head, looked at the silver-haired beauty who was watching from a few meters away, and said with a smile.

"Do I... need that too?"

To be honest, Han Yue was also very moved by the effect of Zhuyan Pill, but after seeing the previous scene, she knew that everyone who got Zhuyan Pill kissed Chen Feng, and she couldn't behave like Zi Yan He took the initiative, so he asked softly.

"Of course, everyone has kissed, Han Yue, hurry up and kiss Brother Chenfeng, and you will have Zhuyan Pill!"

Chen Feng just wanted to say no, but Zi Yan quickly walked over and dragged Han Yue directly in front of Chen Feng.

"For Zhuyan Dan!"

Seeing that Han Yue was still in a daze, Zi Yan gently pushed Han Yue.

Under this push, Han Yue's body suddenly lost her balance...

As the four eyes met, Han Yue's face blushed for a while, and her cold eyes showed a rare panic at the moment. After reacting, Han Yue quickly left Chen Feng, lowered her head, and lowered her eyes slightly.

"Sister Yue, Zhuyan Dan!"

Chen Feng recalled it, looked at Han Yue's expression, smiled and handed her a Zhuyan Pill.

"Thank you~"

A faint sound like a mosquito moan came from Han Yue's mouth. She quickly reached out to take Zhuyan Pill, and then walked away directly.

Looking at the graceful back of her leaving, the desire to conquer in Chenfeng's heart could not help burning.

Nalan Yanran, Xiao Yu and others looked at Chen Feng's eyes and immediately understood his thoughts.

"Husband, do you want us to help you talk about it?"

Nalan Yanran said with a charming smile, now she has already accepted sharing Chenfeng with many women, husband and wife are of the same heart, as long as Chenfeng is happy, she will be happy.

"Let's help Brother Feng together!"

"Tonight, let Han Yue come to Brother Feng's room!"

Ya Fei, Xiao Yu and the others also said with a smile.

"I'm so happy that you guys are so friendly!"

Chen Feng opened his hands, holding a beautiful woman in one hand, and walked towards the flowers.

I have to say, Ya Fei's face is really charming, people can't suppress the fire in their hearts when they see it.

"What are they doing with Brother Chenfeng?"

All kinds of laughter and laughter came from behind the flower clusters, making Zi Yan who was sitting in the pavilion very curious.

"Let's go, let's go look elsewhere!"

Seeing this, Yun Yun and Qing Lin pulled her back, not letting Zi Yan go to watch.


"Ding! It is detected that Nalan Yanran is pregnant, reward the host with a big gift bag!"

"Ding! Since Nalan Yanran is pregnant with her second child, all the rewards in this package will be doubled!"

"Ding! May I ask if the host has opened the big gift bag?"

Suddenly, a system prompt sounded in Chenfeng's mind.

"The reward for the second child is actually doubled!"

Hearing the system's notification tone, Chen Feng had some pleasant surprises in his heart.

The next moment, he quickly said to the system: "System, open the gift bag!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Wings of the Wind Spirit! Double copies!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the primary puppet pill! Double copies!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the primary experience pill! Double!"

Following Chenfeng's words, a series of system prompts immediately sounded in his mind.

"That's right, I'm finally here to experience pills! There are still two pills!"

Looking at these rewards, Chenfeng was very satisfied.

He left the garden, came to the secret training room, and directly took out the two primary experience pills.

Under the effect of two primary experience pills, Chenfeng's cultivation barely broke through to the level of the three-star Douzong.

Although the improvement was not much, it was better than nothing. At least it saved Chen Feng some training time.

The junior puppet pill is not very useful to the current Chenfeng, so he skipped it directly and checked the two pairs of huge blue wings in the system space.

The cyan wings are flying fighting skills, but they are of the wind attribute. Chenfeng already has the Thunder Wings that suit him, so there is no need to change them.

"Save it for Yun'er and Yanran to use later!" Chen Feng murmured in his heart.

With the treasure of the clan protection array, Chen Feng felt that it was necessary to improve the strength of everyone on his family tree first.

In this way, if one day they really face a big enemy, the other members of the genealogy will be able to use their strength on themselves. The stronger their strength, the more help they will be to Chenfeng.

That night, Chenfeng planned to fight again, but during the day, Nalan Yanran and Xiao Yu were already very tired, and now none of them fully recovered.

Therefore, after Chenfeng walked to their rooms, they all begged for mercy and invited Chenfeng out.

When Chen Feng walked to the last one, Xue Ni's room, no matter what Xue Ni said, he couldn't help it...

"What should I do, Teacher Ruolin?"

"How about we go ask for reinforcements to rescue Xue Ni!"

"How to save, should we go in by ourselves?"


Outside the room, Xiao Yu and Instructor Ruolin made a decision after some discussions.

A moment later, a tall, enchanting purple-clothed girl was pushed into Xueni's room by instructor Xiao Yu and Ruolin.

"Zi Yan, it's up to you, remember to rescue Xue Ni!"

(End of this chapter)

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