Chapter 231 Attack on Han Yue!

"Here, this is it!"

Chen Feng gently caressed the ring with his fingers, and a white inner armor suddenly appeared in his hand.

"This, this is..."

Seeing the white inner armor in Chenfeng's hand, Han Yue couldn't help but startled, and immediately blushed, because the shape of the inner armor was very protruding, like a woman's underwear, and And a little sexy...

Han Yue turned around and said with some resentment: "Brother Chenfeng, why did you think of giving me this kind of thing?"

"What's wrong with this thing... It's an inner armor made from the scales of an eighth-order ice-type monster. It can not only defend against battle qi attacks, but also gather ice-type battle qi between heaven and earth!"

Seeing Han Yue turn around, Chenfeng walked up to her again holding the inner armor, and patiently explained, but when talking about the source of the materials, Chenfeng deliberately said that the ninth-level monster was the eighth-level, so that people would not listen to it. It was too shocking.

"The scales of an eighth-order ice monster?"

Hearing Chenfeng's explanation, Han Yue's heart was filled with surprise, she raised her head curiously, and carefully looked at the white inner armor in Chenfeng's hand.

Immediately afterwards, she stretched out her small hand and stroked the white inner armor. The material was cold, but she didn't feel uncomfortable, because the fighting energy she cultivated was the same as the ice-cold power of the Bingxin armor.

"Is this really made from the scales of an eighth-level monster?"

Han Yue asked suspiciously, but the joyful expression on her face had already betrayed her.

"It's absolutely true, you'll know after you try it!" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Well! I'm going to change the room!"

Han Yue nodded lightly, then picked up the white inner armor and walked towards the room.


After a while, Han Yue came out of the room and came to Chenfeng again, hesitatingly said: "Brother Chenfeng, this thing is really too precious, do you really want to give it to me?"

"Of course it's true. I think this inner armor will fit well and look good!" Chen Feng nodded.

"You haven't seen it, how do you know if it's good or not..."

Han Yue replied according to Chen Feng's words, but the more she said, the more she felt that something was wrong, so she stopped quickly, her face blushing.

Hearing what Han Yuena blurted out, the corners of Chenfeng's mouth raised, and he asked, "Sister Yue, would you like to show me?"

"You...have so many wives and still come to tease me!"

Han Yue neither agreed nor refused, but lowered her head, acting as if she was being bullied by Chenfeng, a little aggrieved.

Seeing Han Yue's aggrieved look, Chen Feng smiled and comforted him, "Sister Yue, I'm joking, don't take it seriously!"

"Is it really a joke?"

Hearing this, Han Yue suddenly raised her head, staring at Chen Feng with a pair of dark eyes, as if she was a little disappointed.

At this moment, the two pairs of pupils were intertwined, and Han Yue's eyes did not escape. From Han Yue's eyes, Chen Feng suddenly understood Han Yue's true thoughts.

"Sister Yue, the above sentence is actually serious, and the sentence just now was a joke!" Chen Feng replied seriously.

After receiving Chen Feng's answer, a smile flashed unconsciously in Han Yue's beautiful eyes.

"Really, then what do you mean?" Han Yue asked.

Being questioned like this, Chen Feng was not that kind of young boy, of course he knew what it meant, he struck while the iron was hot, and directly reached out to hold Han Yue's tender little hand.

Seeing that Han Yue didn't resist, he slowly moved his lips closer...

Although no words were spoken, these actions were more realistic than any words.

On Han Yue's side, the response she gave was to close her eyes tightly, with some expectation in her heart.

After the real resistance, Chen Feng could clearly feel the tension in the heart of the beautiful woman in front of her.

"Look, my husband's speed is so fast, I took Sister Yue'er down as soon as I came back!"

"We don't need our help now!"

"Husband is so good, Han Yue has been with her husband for a long time, and it is certain that she likes him!"

On the other side, Ya Fei, Nalan Yanran, Yun Yun and the others saw Chen Feng and Han Yue embracing each other, talking and laughing without anyone feeling jealous.

Next, in the eyes of the girls, a wonderful spring bloomed among the flowers.


"Sister Yue, I just said, you will look good in this!"

Looking at Han Yue who had taken off her dress among the flowers, with her silver hair loose and only a white inner armor left, Chenfeng's eyes were full of appreciation.

The current Han Yue, although still cold on the outside, exudes a kind of temptation everywhere. In Chen Feng's eyes, it seems that there is a ball of flame burning.

"Brother Chenfeng, are you good or bad..."

Seen by Chen Feng's eyes, Han Yue didn't try to cover up anything, but acted generously.

Moreover, the actions she made seemed to be tempting, urging Chen Feng to act quickly.

"I am coming!"

After carefully appreciating the beautiful scenery of the flowers for a while, Chenfeng finally couldn't bear it anymore and started the battle.


The night fell quickly, and the starlight sprinkled into the flowers and shone on Han Yue's bright silver hair, making Han Yue at this moment full of a sense of exotic beauty.

Lying on her back, Han Yue suddenly turned her head to look at Chenfeng beside her, and said softly, "Brother Chenfeng, in fact, my family is in the Northern Region of Zhongzhou, tens of thousands of miles away from the Jiama Empire!"

"Sister Yue, I know all of this, and I also know that your family has an ancestor with a cultivation level of Dou Zong, and there is another huge family in the city, and the two families often have disputes!" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"How did you know... Could it be that the teacher told you?" Han Yue asked curiously.

"En!" Chen Feng nodded in agreement.

"No, why do I remember that I didn't tell the teacher about the fact that there is another big family in Tianbei City... Did I say it or not?" Han Yue still had doubts in her eyes, and she was not sure.

"Sister Yue, I know what you are worried about... After a while, I will go to Zhongzhou, come to propose marriage in person, and marry you back!" Chen Feng promised.


"I believe!"

With a sweet smile on the corner of Han Yue's mouth, she turned over slightly and rested her head on Chen Feng's chest.

During this period of time, Han Yue had already witnessed Chen Feng's powerful strength, and she could sense that in this palace, there were many Dou Wang powerhouses, and there were also Dou Huang peak powerhouses.

Of course, what Han Yue is most optimistic about is actually Chenfeng itself. The strength and cultivation talent displayed by Chenfeng are really too enchanting.

Therefore, Han Yue firmly believed that her own family would definitely agree to this marriage.

"Ding! It is detected that Zi Yan is pregnant, reward the host with a gift bag!"

"May I ask the host to open it!"

At this moment, a system notification suddenly sounded in Chenfeng's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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