Chapter 232 Rich Rewards!Monitor Compass!

"Zi Yan is pregnant!"

Hearing the notification sound from the system, the corners of Chenfeng's mouth couldn't help but rise.

Speaking of which, although Zi Yan has lived for many years and is older than Chen Feng, she still has that childlike personality.

I don't know what kind of expression she will have when she finds out that she is pregnant with a small life.

"Brother Chenfeng, what's wrong?"

Seeing the smile on the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, Han Yue blew a breath of fragrant air on his face, and asked softly.

Chenfeng came back to his senses, and quickly responded: "I was thinking, sister Yue, when will you give me a baby!"

"Hate, how can it be so fast!"

Hearing this, Han Yue's face showed shyness, and she buried her jade cheeks completely in Chen Feng's arms.

Han Yue's reaction was completely inconsistent with the cold demeanor she had shown in front of everyone in the past.

However, Chenfeng was not surprised. He had seen such a situation many times. There was a huge difference between a woman before she slept with him and after she slept with him.

After continuing to talk about life with Han Yue, Chenfeng sent Han Yue back to the room to rest, while he himself came to the secret room of cultivation.

"I don't know what kind of reward Zi Yan's pregnancy can bring me this time!"

Coming to the secret room, Chenfeng had some expectation in his heart, and said silently in his heart: "System, open the gift bag!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the Eight-Star Fighting Sect Experience Card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a primary experience pill!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the first-level heavenly fighting skill, the palm of good luck!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the monitoring compass!"

"Ding! All the above items have been distributed to the system space, please pay attention to check the host!"

As the words in Chenfeng's heart fell, a series of system prompts sounded in his mind immediately.

"Monitoring compass?"

Hearing these system prompts, Chenfeng immediately focused his attention on the last reward, because the first three rewards were all common things, but the fourth reward was special.

The next moment, Chenfeng couldn't wait to sink his mind into the system space, and began to check the rewards this time.

The fourth reward, its shape, is like a round mirror with a metal frame, or a display screen with a frame, which has a sense of modern technology. The words are completely unrelated.

"Monitoring compass: It can monitor any disturbance in the territory controlled by the host (the maximum monitoring range is [-] miles), presenting a real-time picture of any place in the territory, and can detect the cultivation level of each practitioner in the territory, as well as the existence of For a specific location, the host can set a lower limit for alerts and reminders for the practitioners who enter their territory..."

"It's such a strange thing!"

After reading the introduction of the monitoring compass, Chenfeng couldn't help feeling a little excited.

He is now the emperor of the Jia Ma Empire, and the entire Jia Ma Empire is considered his territory. That is to say, with this compass, Morrowind can monitor any scene in the Jia Ma Empire.

"Try how it works first!"

Quickly extracting the monitoring compass, Chenfeng found that there were countless green light spots of different sizes on the monitoring compass, and at the same time, a stream of information appeared in Chenfeng's mind.

After obtaining this information, Chenfeng quickly understood how to use the compass.

With a thought in mind, Chenfeng directly printed the picture of Xiao's house in Wutan City. The picture is very clear, and it can even pass through rooms and secret rooms, and directly display some scenes in the rooms and underground secret rooms.

"Not bad!"

Looking at the pictures in front of him, Chenfeng was very satisfied.

"Adjust the lower limit of the automatic alarm to Douzong!"

Next, Chenfeng gave the monitoring compass an order to automatically call the police when the monitor reaches the Dou Zong realm.

Following Chenfeng's order, two red dots immediately appeared on the monitoring compass. One of the red dots was located in the imperial palace, and the other was near the imperial capital. Moreover, Chenfeng immediately received Alert message.

"Yunshan, Guardian Eagle!"

Looking at the characters corresponding to the two light spots, Chen Feng's heart moved, and he marked the two as targets not to call the police.

"It seems that the inside of the Qiankun Treasure Box cannot be monitored by this surveillance compass!"

Seeing that Yaochen didn't appear in the alarm target, Chenfeng was thoughtful.

In the future, as long as other people who have reached the level of Dou Zong enter the Jia Ma Empire, the monitoring compass will immediately send an alarm to Chenfeng, and Chenfeng can also immediately call out the location and scene of the intruder for monitoring.

As for those Dou Huang and those under Dou Huang's cultivation level, Chen Feng didn't even bother to monitor them, because those people did not pose any threat to Chen Feng's palace at all.

After experimenting with the functions of the compass, Chen Feng felt very satisfied. Next, he directly extracted the third reward, the Elementary Experience Pill.

The primary experience pill, which increases one year's cultivation base, is not particularly useful to the current Chenfeng, but it is better than nothing.

After using this primary experience pill, Chenfeng's cultivation has naturally broken through from the peak of the seven-star Douzong to the early stage powerhouse of the eight-star Douzong. The eight-star Douzong experience cards are all useless cards, and there is no help.

Next, Chen Feng's eyes finally set on the black scroll.

Great Heaven Good Fortune Palm: A primary heaven-level palm fighting skill. This palm technique combines a hundred schools of fighting skills. It pays attention to the meaning of good fortune. It breaks the sky with the palm and smashes everything with force. It requires extremely high strength...

Chen Feng still has some impressions of the Great Heaven Fortune Palm. Among the ancient ruins, apart from the original fruit of the Dragon and Phoenix, the Great Heaven Fortune Palm is more precious. This palm technique is the kind that does not limit attributes , basically people of every attribute can practice.

Even though Chenfeng possesses high-level heaven-level fighting skills, even if Chenfeng's combat energy reserves are far higher than those of the same level, it is extremely difficult to use them, and they can't even exert their power. , very suitable for use by Morrowind at this stage.

Moreover, the Great Fortune Palm rewarded by the system does not seem to need to be tempered with golden spirit saliva, and it is very likely that the energy transportation route when performing fighting skills has been improved.

Today's Chen Feng has a sharp eye, and the fighting skills he cultivates include some heavenly fighting skills, so it shouldn't be difficult to cultivate the Great Heaven Fortune Palm.

The so-called one method is universal, although various fighting skills are cultivated in different ways, they all lead to the same goal. After mastering this point, unless it is some special fighting skills, the rest is not difficult to learn.

(End of this chapter)

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