Chapter 237 Go to Zhongzhou!

Space Jade Tube: One-time use of props, crushing the space jade tube, can summon the host, after the host agrees, the host can instantly reach the place where the space jade tube was crushed, regardless of the distance, regardless of any space barriers and sealing methods ...

"It's actually an enhanced version of the space jade tube!"

Looking at the fourth reward this time, Chenfeng's heart moved slightly. Although Chenfeng had never seen such a thing as a space jade tube, he knew it very well. , as soon as something happened, he would crush the space jade tube and shake people, calling the older generation of strong men in the clan to come over.

However, the effect of their ordinary space jade tube is not comparable to that of Chenfeng. Once someone blocks the space, their space jade tube will fail, and the time for the space jade tube to come is also a bit slow, and it will It cannot be teleported instantly.

"This thing is good! But for the time being, it doesn't seem to be of much use!"

Chen Feng pondered in his heart, now that he has a monitoring compass, he can monitor the abnormal aura in the territory, and then return instantly by relying on the space teleportation flag, the safety of the territory is still guaranteed.

Next, Chenfeng used this primary experience pill to raise his cultivation level to the late stage of the Eight-Star Douzong.


"Morning Breeze boy, the old man will leave first after the wedding ceremony is over, and I will come back when you and Miss Yue get married next time!"

Soon, Hai Bo Dong came to the palace to say goodbye to Chen Feng, and Su Qian and a group of people from the Canaan Academy also came with him.

"Elder Supreme, Elder Su...Thank you for coming to my wedding this time!"

Chenfeng cupped his fists to thank everyone.

"Your Majesty Chen Feng is being polite, how can you say that Zi Yan and the others are all members of our Canaan Academy, we should come here!" Su Qian waved his hand and said.

"However, this place is far from the inner courtyard, and we have not been out for a short time. We are afraid that something will happen to the academy, so we are going back today!" Su Qian continued.

"Well, Great Elder, go slowly! These are some of my thoughts!"

Chen Feng nodded, and with a gesture, a guard around came over holding a box.

Inside these boxes were ten jade bottles, most of which contained fourth-grade pills, and one of them was a sixth-grade pill. With Chenfeng's current wealth, it would be harmless to give these pills away.

However, this kind of handwriting shocked Su Qian greatly, even as the Great Elder of the inner court, he could not make such a generous move.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, Chenfeng!" Su Qian was very happy to receive such a generous gift.


Three days after the big wedding, Chenfeng finally planned to go to Zhongzhou. The main purpose of this trip was to go to the Han family and the Liu family to propose marriage.

"I want to go too!"

On the square in front of the hall, when Chenfeng summoned the Purple Demon Vulture to take Han Yue and Liu Fei to Zhongzhou, Zi Yan suddenly clamored to go to Zhongzhou together.

"Alright, you can go if you want!"

Regarding Zi Yan's request, Chen Feng nodded with a smile and did not object.

Yun Yun, Nalan Yanran, Ya Fei, Xiao Yu and the others did not say they would follow, they also knew that Chen Feng was going to Zhongzhou for the first time, and they didn't want to trouble him.

"Yun'er, this is a space jade tube. If there is something important, you crush this jade tube, and I will come back in an instant!"

Before leaving, Chen Feng handed over the space jade tube obtained earlier to Yun Yun.

Next, under the watchful eyes of the women, Chen Feng, Han Yue, Zi Yan, and Liu Fei stepped on the Purple Demon Vulture, which gradually turned into a small black dot and disappeared in the sky.

Outside a palace in the harem, Princess Yaoye looked up at the scene in the sky, her beautiful eyes were very complicated.

"My child, you will be born in more than a month. At this time, your father is going to Zhongzhou. How can you make it back... Sigh..." Yao Ye sighed in her heart, stroking her stomach with jade hands, eyes Covered with a mist of grievances.

"elder sister!"

Just then, a clear voice came from outside the yard.


Hearing this voice, Yao Ye was taken aback for a moment, and immediately the grievance on his face dissipated, turning into a burst of surprise and looking towards the direction from which the voice came.

At the gate of the courtyard, there stood a fourteen or fifteen year old girl, who was Yaoye's own sister, Yaoyue.

Today's Yaoyue is wearing a set of light green alchemist robes that are obviously specially made. The loose cuffs are wrapped with brocade silk into the shape of a lotus flower, which looks more elegant out of thin air. Yue has been staying in the Alchemist Guild, and now it seems to be much quieter than before.

"Sister, I'm here to see you!"

Yaoyue excitedly ran to Yaoye.

"Yue'er, why are you here?"

Seeing the slightly changed Yaoyue in front of her, Yaoye reached out and touched her head.

"It was that guy who asked me to tell me that sister, you are bored in this harem, and that you are about to have a baby, so that I can go to the palace every day to spend more time with my sister!" Yaoyue replied quickly, touching her with one hand. Looking at Yaoye's swollen belly, his eyes were full of curiosity.

"He sent you here!"

Hearing Yaoyue's words, Yaoye's heart was a little touched.

She knew that Chenfeng had already left for Zhongzhou this time and would not be returning in a short time, so she did not doubt that Chenfeng had any plans for Yaoyue.

Although Yaoye had always held some resentment towards Chenfeng in her heart, this time Chenfeng actually arranged for Yaoyue to enter the palace to accompany her before leaving Zhongzhou, which immediately changed some of her thoughts.

"Sister, when your child is born, can I take him to play?" Yaoyue blinked a pair of big black eyes, and asked with some expectation.

"No, the child was just born, and he's still so young, how can he play with you!" Seeing Yaoyue's childlike innocence, Yaoye smiled and shook her head.

"I'm going to take him to play!" Yaoyue pouted, and said very seriously: "Anyway, I'm also his aunt..."

"Then you, as a little aunt, can't you think about teaching your children to make medicine well in the future... By the way, have you been lazy in making medicine during this period of time! Now you are a few-rank pharmacist." Yao Ye suddenly asked.

"Hey, sister, I knew you would ask this, look, what is this?"

Yaoyue chuckled, and took out a badge representing a third-rank pharmacist as if she had been prepared for a long time.

"Sanpin, don't fool my sister here..."

However, seeing this badge, Yao Ye didn't believe it at all, and said bluntly, "Who did you steal this badge from!"

"What stealing, I borrowed it..."

"Okay, you, don't tell yourself, right..."

Yaoyue's arrival did make Yaoye smile a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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