Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 238 Brother Feng, you are really well-informed!

Chapter 238 Brother Feng, you are really well-informed!
Far above the sky, a huge purple monster flapped its wings, a circle of ten feet in size, and a faint purple mask permeated from its body, resisting all the oncoming gusts of wind.

Inside the mask were Chen Feng, Zi Yan, Han Yue, and Liu Fei who had left the Jia Ma Empire.

Riding on the back of the purple magic vulture, a peak sixth-order flying beast, Chenfeng and his party arrived in the Black Horn Region again in less than three days.

"Brother Feng, the distance between the Black Corner Region and Zhongzhou, even a strong Dou Zong, would take at least half a year to cross, but if you travel through the space wormhole, it may take less than a month to reach it! "

On the back of the Purple Demon Vulture, Liu Fei told him some things softly because she knew that this was the first time for Chenfeng to go to Zhongzhou.

The space wormhole she mentioned is relatively popular in the Zhongzhou Continent. It is a point of space connected by a strong Dou Zun using the power of space. It requires a lot of precious materials and a lot of time and effort to build it.

The area of ​​Zhongzhou is too vast. Therefore, in Zhongzhou, most of the large cities are equipped with space wormholes to slow down the time of traveling. Most of the founders of these "space wormholes" are those who belong to the city. The peak powerhouse or senior.

If the senior who built the "space wormhole" belongs to which family, then this "space wormhole" will also be synthesized into the property of that family.

Of course, even these powerful families would not dare to use this kind of public transportation alone, and very few families would do such stupid things. After all, every year, a "space wormhole" brings The profits to come will reach quite terrifying figures.

Therefore, in Zhongzhou, the appearance of every "space wormhole" will attract the envy of countless forces. After all, not everyone can invite a strong Dou Zun to spend a lot of effort to build a "space wormhole".

Therefore, the "space wormhole" in Zhongzhou also symbolizes wealth and strength, and most of the things that can be held are some famous forces. Of course, this excludes some families who enjoy the legacy of their ancestors .

Moreover, after the space wormhole is completed, it must be repaired frequently. The strength of the maintenance personnel must at least be higher than that of Douzong. Except for places like Zhongzhou, space wormholes rarely appear in other areas.

"Well, let's go directly to Tianya City, that city has a space wormhole!"

Hearing Liu Fei's words, Chen Feng nodded slightly.

"Brother Feng already knew!"

There was an awkward smile on the corner of Liu Fei's mouth, but after thinking about it carefully, she felt relieved. After all, Chen Feng's status is considered extremely noble in this Northwest Continent, and it is not difficult to understand these things.

Tianya City is located in a mountain range named Tianqing thousands of miles away from the Black Horn Region. This is the only city within a thousand miles that has a space wormhole leading to Zhongzhou. The degree of prosperity within is also second to none.

"Brother Feng, do you know much about the affairs of Zhongzhou?"

Listening to the conversation between Chenfeng and Liu Fei, Han Yue asked with great interest, because he was sure that Chenfeng had been staying in the Northwest Continent and had never been to Zhongzhou.

Looking at the expression on Han Yue's face, Chen Feng smiled and said, "I know a thing or two!"


Hearing this, Han Yue's eyes showed a strange color, and seemed to be more interested: "Brother Feng must know that there are more famous one halls, one towers, two sects, three valleys, and Sifang Pavilions among the human forces!"

"The first hall is the Soul Hall, and the tower is the Pill Tower. As for the two sects, they are the Tianming Sect and the Hua Sect, and the three valleys are the Glacier Valley, the Sound Valley, and the Burning Flame Valley..."

Chen Feng replied very naturally, he knew much more about these things than Han Yue, a person from Zhongzhou, basically there were not many secrets that he, a traveler, didn't know.

"Brother Feng, the city where my family is located is under the jurisdiction of Fenyan Valley, one of the three valleys!" When Chen Feng mentioned Fenyan Valley, Liu Fei suddenly interrupted.

"That's fine. When I go to your house, I'll stop by and visit the Fenyan Valley!" Chen Feng nodded casually.

"Ah...Brother Feng, can such a powerful force as Fenyan Valley be visited casually?"

Hearing Chenfeng's words, Han Yue and Liu Fei were a little surprised, thinking that Chenfeng was talking big. In their understanding, Fenyangu had the legendary Dou Zun strongman, and there might be more than one A strong fighter.

"Why not?"

Chen Feng smiled and asked back.

Looking at the confidence overflowing on Chenfeng's face, Han Yue and Liu Fei were silent.

"Brother Feng, then you have to take us to see it then!"

Han Yue smiled and chose to trust Chenfeng for the time being.

"Brother Feng, the Sifang Pavilion you mentioned just now is the Starfall Pavilion, the Wanjian Pavilion, the Huangquan Pavilion, and the Fenglei Pavilion... because these four forces are located on the Zhongzhou in the direction of the four corners, so they are named! Where I am The Northern Territory of Zhongzhou is where the Fenglei Pavilion, one of the four pavilions, occupies! The Fenglei Pavilion is the strongest force in the Northern Territory of Zhongzhou!" Han Yue continued.

"Compared to other places in Zhongzhou, the Northern Territory is a bit barren, otherwise we wouldn't let a Fenglei Pavilion dominate!" Chen Feng nodded slightly.

"Uh...that's the truth!"

Han Yue froze for a moment, then nodded in agreement. What Chenfeng said just now did not seem like someone from the Northwest Continent could say it at all, because no matter how barren the Northern Territory is, it is better than the Northwest Continent. a lot of.

"I didn't expect Brother Feng to not only cultivate talent to be close to a demon, but also to be so knowledgeable!" Han Yue's eyes flashed with admiration.

In the blink of an eye, another three or four days passed. At a certain moment, Liu Fei pointed to a section of mountain that suddenly protruded from the ground in the distance, and said pleasantly: "Tianqing Mountain, brother Feng, we have arrived!"


The Purple Demon Vulture crossed the plain and slowly entered the mountains. These mountains are shaded by green trees, many of which are towering trees as high as hundreds of feet. In these bushes, there are many spirit monkeys constantly climbing and fighting. The guy is very spiritual, and he doesn't hide when he sees someone, he just stares blankly, obviously they are used to these passers-by.

Chen Feng and his party did not stop, and flew over the mountain with the griffin beast. Immediately, wide roads within the mountain range appeared in the sight of Chen Feng and the others. , You can also see many figures coming and going, it seems very noisy.

At this moment, the purple magic vulture is not the only flying monster in the sky of this mountain range. Not long after Chenfeng and the others entered the mountain range area, they heard the sound of breaking wind in the distance around them. A lot of flying beasts of various shapes vibrated their wings and flew towards the mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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