Chapter 239 Space Wormhole!

The first impression of the entire mountain range was that it gave Chenfeng a sense of prosperity. After all, even in the sky of the Black Horn Region, it was difficult to see so many flying beasts appearing at the same time.

Here, it seems that the flying beast is a relatively common means of transportation, but along the way, most of the flying beasts are just some ordinary first- and second-order monsters, and few have seen the existence of more than third-order.

Therefore, the purple magic vulture that Chenfeng and the others were riding on became the most eye-catching flying beast in the entire sky.

"Such a huge monster, there are only three or four people sitting on it!"

"This magical beast has such a strong aura, it is probably a sixth-order magical beast!"

"A sixth-order monster is willing to be a mount for someone. What is the identity of the person on it?"

Many people cast surprised and envious eyes towards Chenfeng. Such high-grade flying beasts are quite difficult to find. If it is not for some families or forces with rich background, it is quite difficult for ordinary people to find of taming.

Chenfeng didn't care about the eyes of the people around him, and issued a command, and the purple magic vulture vibrated its huge wings, and quickly flew away towards the depths of the mountains.

After the Purple Demon Vulture flew by for 1 minute, the outline of a huge city appeared in the cover of the lush mountain.

As they gradually approached, that huge city was completely captured by Chen Feng and the others.

The size of this city is several times larger than the capital of the Jia Ma Empire.

"It seems that it is necessary to repair my imperial capital!" Such an idea suddenly popped up in Chen Feng's mind.

Soon, the Purple Demon Vulture was getting closer and closer to the city below, and just as it was about to enter the sky above the city, suddenly a light and shadow flashed up from the gate of the city, and immediately turned into an old man in yellow robe.

The pair of dou qi wings on the back of the yellow-robed old man vibrated slightly, and when he came to the flight path of the purple magic vulture, he sternly shouted: "Stop, is it the first time for you to come to Tianya City? I don't know that flying beasts are never allowed to enter the sky above the city! ?"


The flight route was blocked, and the Purple Demon Vulture stopped and let out a loud cry. A pair of huge purple pupils stared straight at the old man in yellow in front of him. The oppressive aura made the old man in yellow startled.

"This kind of momentum, I'm afraid it's a sixth-level high-level, and there is such a young Douhuang powerhouse sitting on it, who the hell is it!" Feeling the aura emanating from Zi Mojiu and Zi Yan , the old man in yellow robe was very surprised.

The next moment, the old man in yellow robe didn't care whether Chenfeng and the others paid attention to him, his expression softened, and he said politely: "Friends, this is indeed the rule of Tianya City over the years. At the gate of the city below, there is my Luo family A special parking place for flying beasts established for passing pedestrians."

"The Luo family? Brother Feng, there are many forces in Tianya City, mixed with dragons and snakes, but the Luo family has the longest existence among them, and the "space wormhole" is also owned by the Luo family. There is an old ancestor whose strength is around the five-star Douzong, and he is the strongest in this city. If it weren't for the existence of this person, it would be difficult for the Luo family to control the "space wormhole" for so many years. You are stared at by countless people jealously every day." Hearing the words of the old man in yellow, Liu Fei whispered behind Chenfeng.


Chen Feng nodded slightly, and then said lightly, "Purple Demon Vulture, since flying beasts can't enter, then you can transform into a human form now!"


Hearing Chen Feng's words, the yellow-robed old man's heart skipped a beat: "Could it be that this is a powerful monster in shape?"

The next moment, in the sight of the yellow-robed old man, a burst of dazzling purple light appeared from the body of the Purple Demon Vulture, and its entire body shrank rapidly, finally turning into a seven or eight-year-old girl dressed in purple.

Chen Feng and his group are all standing in the sky at the moment, Zi Yan is Dou Huang, and Han Yue has also broken through to Dou Wang, both of them can fly by themselves, except Liu Fei, who is not as good as Xiu, and is embraced by Chen Feng inside.

Seeing the purple magic vulture transforming into a human, the yellow-robed old man couldn't help swallowing his saliva, he was extremely shocked, because this was basically the first time in his life that he had seen a strong transformed monster.

"Come on, let's go to town!"

Chen Feng greeted, and took Liu Fei to fly down first. Zi Yan, Han Yue, and Zi Mojiu quickly followed.

A group of people flew directly above the sky of Tianya City, and landed slowly when they reached the huge square in the center of the city.

The area of ​​this square is quite huge, and it is built using a kind of black stone. It is cold and solid, and on a towering stone platform in the square, there is an extremely majestic space. The power diffused out, and many guards guarded around the stone platform, and ordinary people were not allowed to approach at will.

When Chenfeng and the others descended from the sky to the square, the guards around the stone platform immediately became vigilant.

"Your Excellency, do you want to use the space wormhole?" An old man in gray robe came down from the stone platform. Judging by the fluctuation of his cultivation base, it has reached the level of five or six star fighting emperors.


Morning Breeze nodded slightly.

"Today is a little unfortunate. There is some problem with the space wormhole. I have sent someone to ask my ancestors for instructions. We can only use it after my ancestors come to repair the space wormhole!"

The auras of Chenfeng and the others were quite strong, so the old man spoke very politely, explaining patiently.

"Why is the space wormhole in Tianya City broken every three days?"

Hearing the old man's words, Chen Feng frowned slightly.

"Strange, it seems that these people are coming to Tianya City for the first time. The space wormhole of my Luo family has only had an accident in a few years. Why would he say that the space wormhole of my Luo family is always broken?" Hearing Chen Feng The old man in gray robe was very puzzled.

At this moment, a piercing sound resounded above the square, exuding a huge momentum.

Immediately afterwards, an old man in blue robe appeared on the stone platform. His face was slightly broad, and there was a faint feeling of calmness and prestige. He was obviously the kind of person who had been in a high position for a long time.

"See Old Ancestor!"

"See Old Ancestor!"

Following the appearance of the old man, the old man in gray robe and the guards all bowed down to salute respectfully.

When the eyes of the ancestor of the Luo family rested on Chen Feng and the others, a flash of surprise was evident.

The next moment, he didn't put on airs at all, and said to Chenfeng with a smile: "Little friends, don't be impatient, this space wormhole will definitely be able to operate before tomorrow night!"

"Tomorrow night? It's too slow, I'll do it myself!"

Hearing the time Luo Cheng said, Chen Feng shook his head, and the next moment, he dodged and appeared directly on the stone platform.

At the center of the stone platform, a huge pitch-black void with a size of ten feet is slowly rotating.

An astonishing force of space overflowed from it, but the current force of space seemed to be showing some faint signs of disorder.

(End of this chapter)

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