Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 243 Han Xue: Sister, if you don't talk about it, I'll ask my brother-in-law!

Chapter 243 Han Xue: Sister, if you don't say anything, I'll ask my brother-in-law!

"One Po Zong Pill, two Huangji Pills!"

Looking at the elixir in the box, Han Chi had a very surprised expression on his face, and the rest of the Han family members who came over had the same expression.

"Is this young man really from the barren land of the Northwest Continent?"

They never expected that Chen Feng, whom they had treated with contempt just now, would actually be able to come up with such a generous betrothal gift.

"Little friend Chenfeng, you said just now that you are willing to add another Po Zong Pill as a betrothal gift? But is it true?" Han Tian asked with a smile on his face.

"That's right, I'm willing to take out another Po Zong Pill!" Chen Feng nodded with a smile, then lightly stroked the ring with his palm, and a Po Zong Pill immediately appeared in his hand.


At this moment, almost all the Han family members were moved, as if they couldn't refuse such a dowry.

"It seems that this kid is indeed outstanding. It's not without reason that Yue'er said she wanted to marry her with her daughter!" Han Chi's heart was also shaken.

These four elixirs have already shown Chenfeng's rich family background, and he also has such a strong cultivation talent, and his appearance is also excellent. No matter from any aspect, he meets the Han family's criteria for choosing a son-in-law.

"Father, don't worry about other things, anyway... If you don't agree, I will go with brother Chenfeng!" Han Yue urged.

"I hope father can agree!"

Han Xue felt a little nervous. She could tell that if Han Chi disagreed, her sister might elope and never come back.

"Okay... Now that you've made up your mind, if you don't agree as a father, I'm afraid you won't even be able to be a father and daughter!"

Hearing Han Yue's words, Han Chi sighed again, but at this time, his complexion was much lighter than before.

"Thank you, father!" Han Yue bowed happily to Han Chi.

"Thank you, Senior Han Chi!"

Seeing that the matter was done, Chen Feng also had a smile on his face, and immediately pushed the jade box into Han Chi's hand.

"Nephew Chenfeng, I promise to betroth Yue'er to you today... Let's see, when will the wedding be held?" Take it all.

"Three months... Three months later, I will come to marry Sister Yue!" Chen Feng replied after thinking for a moment.

"Okay, since we're not in a hurry now, let's stay at the Han's house for a few days and let us get to know each other better!" Han Chi said with a smile.

At Han Chi's invitation, Chenfeng and the others stayed in the Han residence.


After making arrangements for Chen Feng and Zi Yan, Han Chi called Han Yue to the Han family hall.

As soon as Han Yue came in, Han Chi asked, "Yue'er, is your future husband a pharmacist?"

"Probably not, I've never seen Brother Chenfeng concocting alchemy!" Hearing Han Chi's question, Han Yue shook her head.

"It's impossible!"

Hearing Han Yue's answer, an old man with white beard and hair beside Han Chi shook his head violently, his eyes full of doubts.

This old man was wearing a pharmacist's robe, and on his chest was a medicine cauldron badge. On the medicine cauldron, there were five golden ripples, which were extremely dazzling. Obviously, this old man was a person who had reached the fifth rank Alchemist.

"Mr. Zhugan, why do you have doubts about this?" Han Yue was a little puzzled.

"The old man wanted to check on that kid just now, but he found that his soul power was unfathomable and much stronger than the old man. Therefore, I guessed that he might have reached the sixth-grade alchemist, and the four sixth-grade pills All the medicines are made by him himself!"

Zhu Gan was puzzled and expressed his conjecture.

"This should be impossible. The old man guessed wrong... However, there are indeed sixth-grade pharmacists in the Jia Ma Empire!" Han Yue explained.

"So...Patriarch Han Chi, it seems that the husband-in-law you are looking for this time is not young. Even if he is from the Northwest Continent, he has better resources than the Han family!"

"That's true... Being able to take out so many pills to marry Yue'er is enough to show his sincerity!" Han Chi nodded with a smile, and his words showed his satisfaction with Chen Feng.

In the follow-up conversation, Han Chi also learned from Han Yue that there were several Douhuang powerhouses and hundreds of Douwang-powered guards in Chenfeng's Jia Ma Palace.

Hearing this, Han Chi was stunned, unable to speak for a long time.

Because, even in the Han family, the number of Dou Wang powerhouses is far from reaching that amount.

"It seems that the Jia Ma Empire should also have strong fighters from the Dou Zong. Otherwise, who can intimidate so many strong people? It is impossible to rely on the simple word of loyalty!"

Han Chi came to a conclusion. After all, imperial dynasties are different from families. Generally speaking, no families have the same heart. Moreover, even among families, they only obey the strong, and few weak people can sit on the throne. The position of the head of the family.

"Congratulations to the Patriarch, you have gained such a promising son-in-law!"

"Congratulations, Patriarch!"

This time, some other Han parents in the hall were all happy and said congratulatory words.


"Sister, how on earth did you cultivate so quickly? Is Canaan Academy really so powerful? Can you break through so many realms in less than two years?"

Han Yue came out of the hall, and Han Xue, who had been waiting outside, came over immediately, expressing her yearning for Jia Nan Academy in her words, because, in another year or two, if her cultivation progress did not make any progress, maybe Going to take care of the family business.

"The Canaan Academy is indeed very good! However, it's not because of the Canaan Academy that I was able to reach Douwang so quickly!" Han Yue shook her head.

"It's not Canaan Academy. What's the reason why, sister, you can practice so quickly?" Han Xue asked, with curiosity in her beautiful eyes.

"This is a secret!"

Han Yue's pretty face flushed slightly, she could never tell the matter of practicing dragon and phoenix with Chenfeng in front of her own sister.

"Sister, just tell me, I also want to cultivate so fast like you!" Seeing that Han Yue didn't tell herself the reason, Han Xue followed her and asked.

"Is it related to brother-in-law? If you don't tell me, I will ask brother-in-law..."

"Xue'er, don't ask him..."

Seeing Han Xue turn around and run towards the small courtyard where Chen Feng and Zi Yan were, Han Yue became anxious...

"Then you can speak now!"

Being caught by Han Yue, Han Xue didn't panic at all, instead she showed a triumphant smile.

"Xue'er, do you really want to know?"

"Sister, if you don't want to tell me, then I'll ask my brother-in-law..."

"Don't... let me tell you, actually, the reason why I can cultivate so fast is because your brother-in-law and I..."

Han Yue put her mouth next to Han Xue's ear, and spoke in a very soft voice. At the end, both of their faces were blushing.

(End of this chapter)

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