Chapter 244 Princess Yaoye is Birthed!

"Sister, you and your brother-in-law can speed up your cultivation by doing that... um..."

Han Xue's voice was drawn out, and she covered her flushed face with her small hands, and said in surprise.

"Keep your voice down..."

Seeing this, Han Yue quickly stretched out her jade hand to cover Han Xue's small cherry mouth.

Immediately afterwards, Han Yue said very seriously: "Xue'er, I can't mention this matter to other people, you know!"


With Han Yue covering her mouth, Han Xue was speechless, blinking her beautiful eyes continuously.

Seeing Han Xue blinking, Han Yue released her hand from her mouth, and said with a sigh of relief: "Okay, you go back to your room first, I'm going to visit your brother-in-law!"

Looking at Han Yue's back, Han Xue twitched her eyelashes slightly, and immediately said loudly: "Sister, are you going to brother-in-law's place to practice cultivation?"


Han Xue's loud voice made Han Yue pause, and then turned around angrily: "Xue'er, didn't I tell you to keep your voice down? Are you afraid that others won't hear you when you shout so loudly?"


After a while, Han Yue came to the small courtyard where Chenfeng was.

"Brother Chenfeng, thank you just now!"

Han Yue said with some regret.

"Thanks for what?"

"Thank you for offering such a precious dowry to marry me!" Han Yue explained.

"What are these things, don't take them to heart!"

Hearing this, Chen Feng smiled and hugged Han Yue in his arms, and said softly.

What he said was true. On the way to Zhongzhou, the system reminded Han Yue that she was pregnant and rewarded her with a gift bag.

The four pills in the betrothal gift to the Han family this time are nothing compared to the gift package rewards. When Han Yue gives birth to a child, these betrothal gifts will be even more insignificant.

"Brother Chenfeng, you are so kind!" Han Yue snuggled into Chenfeng's arms with a happy face.

Soon, there was a sense of spring in the room.


Tianbei City, north of the city, has a huge manor comparable to the Han family.

At this moment, in a hall of the manor, a thousand people in charge of the Hong family in Tianbei City gathered.

"Hong Mu, you mean, Han Yue, the eldest lady of the Han family, has come back and brought back a husband?" The middle-aged man sitting above the head said in a deep voice.

"Well... when the group of them came back, they were riding a sixth-level high-level monster!" An old man below nodded and said: "Also, it is said that Miss Han's cultivation has reached the level of Douwang!"


Hearing Hong Mu's words, the middle-aged man sitting above the first place reacted very strongly, because he knew very well that before Han Yue left, he was only a master of fighting, and in less than two years, he had crossed over to the king of fighting. , is indeed somewhat unusual.

"Go and check again, find out the origin of Han Yue and the group of people she brought!" The middle-aged man thought for a moment, then ordered.

"Yes, master!"

Everyone in the hall replied respectfully, and then exited the hall.

"I don't know how Chen'er is doing recently. According to his cultivation speed, he should break through to Douhuang now!" After everyone left, the middle-aged man murmured: "Perhaps it's time to summon Chen'er to come home." one trip!"


On Chenfeng's side, after living in the Han family for two days, he planned to leave, because next, he would go to the Liu family where Liu Fei lived to propose marriage.

"Brother Chenfeng, be careful all the way!"

"Don't worry, I'll pick you up soon!"

In the Han family manor, Han Yue looked at Chen Feng and the others who had already climbed on the back of the Purple Demon Vulture, and kept waving her hands.

After a while, the Purple Demon Vulture turned into a small black dot and disappeared over the manor.

"Brother Feng, if we are going to Tianhuang City, there is no direct space wormhole on the way, so we need to make a few more turns!" Liu Fei suddenly said on the back of the purple magic vulture.

"Well, it's okay to make a few more trips, let's go to the nearest city with a space wormhole first!"

Chen Feng nodded with a smile. He could only rush to those places he had never been to, and those places he had been to, such as the Han family, he had already left a space teleportation flag, and he wanted to go to Han again in the future. Home is just a matter of a moment.

Two days after the Purple Demon Vulture flew out of Tianbei City, Chenfeng suddenly felt a change in the blood spar fused in his body.

"Could it be that Yaoye is about to give birth?"

Sensing the change, Chen Feng immediately stopped the Purple Demon Vulture, intending to use the space teleportation flag to return to Jia Ma Palace.

However, before that, he arranged a space seal for the place where Zi Mojiu, Zi Yan, and Liu Fei stayed to protect their safety.


Gama royal family.

After Chenfeng returned using the space teleportation flag, he immediately rushed towards Yaoye's palace in the harem.

At this moment, outside Yaoye's palace, Yunyun, Nalan Yanran, Xiaoyixian, Yafei, Qinglin, Xiao Yu, Tutor Ruolin and others have already arrived, and each of them is a little anxious.

At the same time, Yaoye's own sister, Yaoyue, was waiting outside. At this time, Yaoyue was like an ant on a hot pot, jumping around anxiously.

"Husband, why are you back!"

"Husband, it's good that you are back, sister Yaoye should feel at ease now!"

When they saw Chen Feng rushing over, Yun Yun and the others were overjoyed. Some of them were already mothers, some were pregnant, so they could empathize with each other. If Chen Feng didn't come back when giving birth, Yaoye will definitely be lost to the extreme.

"Hmph... Didn't this guy go to Zhongzhou? Why did he come back?"

Yaoyue glanced at Chenfeng's side, let out a cold snort, and then continued to look into the room.

"Ma'am, use your strength, come out soon!"



In the palace, Yaoye's cries of pain kept coming out, and the people outside were very anxious when they heard it.

"No, I want to go in and have a look!"

Hearing the heart-wrenching cries from inside, Yaoyue's small face became extremely tense.

Yao Ye has always been very strict with her since she was a child, but she is also the one who loves her the most.

In the past, Yaoye showed her strong side in front of Yaoyue, but this year, she often heard Yaoye cry, and now she hears Yaoye's heart-piercing cry of pain, and she feels like It is generally uncomfortable to be grabbed by a knife.

"Yaoyue, don't go in now!"

Seeing Yaoyue's movements, Chenfeng's figure flickered, and he came to her side and grabbed her.

"No, I'm going in! Let me go!" Yaoyue didn't listen to persuasion at all, she pushed Chen Feng with her small hands, but she couldn't move at all.

"Sister, I want to see you, but Chenfeng won't let me in... Woo! Woo!" Yao Yue anxiously uttered a cry to Yao Ye who was in the room.

"Morrowind...has he come back?"

In the room, Yaoye, who was lying on the soft couch, heard Yaoyue's words at this moment, let go of some smoldering thoughts in her heart, and a look of joy appeared on her face, and then gave birth to the child extremely smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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