Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 254 Hei Qing: "The blood of the royal family is already married?"

Chapter 254 Hei Qing: "The blood of the royal he already married?"

Here is a void and dark space, without any mountains, rocks, waters and trees, there is only the terrifying wind that can blow away people's souls, and the space turbulence that can crush ordinary Dou Zun.

In the center of the turbulent flow of space and the terrifying wind, there is a huge purple monster with a size of several hundred feet.

Those space turbulent currents that could crush a Dou Zun strongman acted on this behemoth, but they didn't cause any damage at all.

The body of this behemoth seemed to be tempered in this kind of Jedi, becoming stronger and stronger.

At a certain moment, the colossal creature entrenched in the turbulent flow of space suddenly turned its huge head, and a faint purple light shone in its pupils the size of a hill.

Its overall appearance is actually a giant purple dragon, with scales that are dozens of times harder than steel.

"This is the breath of the royal blood!"

The purple dragon looked in a certain direction, opened its mouth wide, and let out an excited human voice.


"Is it related to Zi Yan's blood? Could it be that he is from the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan?"

On the back of the Purple Demon Vulture, Chen Feng heard Zi Yan's words, and immediately guessed an answer.

However, Chenfeng is not sure whether the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan that appeared this time is an enemy or a friend.

Because, in Chenfeng's memory, the Taixu ancient dragon clan was not united.

Thousands of years after the old dragon emperor Zhukun of the ancient dragon clan of Taixu disappeared, the three dragon kings had ambitions, and they all felt that their blood was higher and wanted to become the dragon emperor. As a result, the ancient dragon island, which was originally a whole, was gradually divided. become four.

Nowadays, only the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan in Donglong Island should still support the royal blood, while the other three dragon islands, Nanlong Island, Xilong Island, and Beilong Island, all want to dominate the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan. Therefore, the Taixu ancient dragon clan has always been in constant disputes.

"If people from the West, South, and North Three Dragon Islands come this time, Zi Yan will be in danger!"

At this moment, Chenfeng thought quickly, if the enemy came this time, and his strength was not as strong as a fighting saint, Chenfeng planned to subdue him with the force of thunder, and then use the intermediate puppet pill to control him.

However, if it was the three dragon kings, or the great elder Longdao who Chenfeng couldn't resist for a while, he would use the space teleportation flag to take Zi Yan away without hesitation.


Just when Chenfeng was making a plan, the space beside Ziyan cracked open with a crack.

Immediately, a burly figure came out across the space. As soon as this figure appeared, an extremely strong coercion suddenly descended on this world, which made the purple magic eagle, the sixth-level peak monster, feel a burst of pressure. fear.

"Eight Star Dou Zun!"

Sensing the aura of the burly figure that appeared, Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief. He still has the strength to deal with a Taixu ancient dragon powerhouse of this level.

"Haha, it's really the blood of the royal family! I finally found the blood of the royal family!"

The burly figure that appeared from the crack in the space was a middle-aged man in a leather jacket. After he appeared, he kept staring at Zi Yan.

A moment later, an uncontrollable laugh of surprise came out of his mouth. This laughter was very domineering, just like the nine-day thunder, sweeping across the sky, and the sound also contained an extremely powerful dragon power.

At this moment, Zi Yan's eyes were also full of joy, the feeling of the big man's blood being close to hers instinctively made her feel kind.

"Are you my clan?"

Zi Yan asked with a smile.

"Yes, we are all Taixu ancient dragon clan, and you are the blood of the royal family that has disappeared for a long time!" The big man smiled and nodded in response: "Blood of the royal family, let Heiqing take you back to the clan, if the Great Elder and the others Knowing your return, I will be ecstatic!"


Hearing this burly man's self-proclaimed name, Chenfeng's vigilance was completely eliminated. He still had a deep impression of this Taixu ancient dragon man named Heiqing. After all, in the original book, this guy's appearance rate is very high. In the battle of the dragon rebellion, he was even willing to sacrifice his life to protect the blood of the royal family.

"Brother Chenfeng..."

There was a hint of hesitation in Zi Yan's beautiful eyes, and she turned her head to look at Chen Feng.

After so many years, Zi Yan finally wanted to know her life experience, and Chen Feng also understood her feelings very well.

At this moment, when Zi Yan looked at him, Chen Feng almost subconsciously said: "Zi Yan, go if you want, I will go with you!"

"Really, brother Chenfeng, you are too kind!"

Hearing Chen Feng's reply, the complicated emotions on Zi Yan's face dissipated immediately, and she happily stretched out her arms to hug Chen Feng's neck.

"Who is this person, and the royal blood is so close to him?"

Zi Yan's actions made Hei Qing a little curious about Chen Feng.

Under his investigation, he could perceive that Chenfeng's cultivation base had reached the five-star Douhuang, and his age was very young, less than 20 years old. This kind of cultivation talent is indeed very good among the human race. It can be called a monster, even Hei Qing, an eight-star Dou Zun powerhouse, was very surprised.

"Royal blood, who is this little friend?"

Hei Qing asked suspiciously.

"Uncle Hei, just call me Zi Yan, this one is my husband, Chen Feng!"

Zi Yan took her hand off Chen Feng's body, and introduced it to Hei Qing seriously.

"Zi he your husband?"

Hearing Zi Yan's words, Hei Qing couldn't help frowning, and stared at Chen Feng with wide eyes.

In the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, under normal circumstances, the clansmen would not intermarry with other races, because that would seriously affect the blood inheritance of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan.

Especially Zi Yan, as the last royal blood of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan on the surface, if she intermarries with a foreign race, it will seriously affect the inheritance of the royal blood.

For all these reasons, Hei Qing had to be surprised by this.

"Forget it, I can't decide on this kind of thing, I'd better wait for Zi Yan to return to the family and see how the Great Elders decide!"

After thinking about it for a while, Hei Qing temporarily decided not to make any comments on this matter.

"Zi Yan, since this is your husband, why not go back to Long Island first!" Hei Qing suppressed other thoughts, and calmly said to Zi Yan.

"Well, my husband has agreed to take a look with me!" Zi Yan smiled and nodded, agreeing to Hei Qing's proposal.

"it is good!"


Hei Qing also nodded, and then swiped his palm across the space behind him, immediately creating a dark crack in the space.

Seeing this, Chenfeng ordered the Purple Demon Vulture to transform into a human form, and followed them into the space crack.

"This sixth-level monster can actually transform into form! Also, Zi Yan's strength is only sixth-level, and she can also transform into form. It seems that she has taken the transformation pill!" Qing thoughtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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