Chapter 255 Ancient Dragon Island!
Inside the space crack is a strange passage filled with faint silver light, the passage extends to an unknown end, and the four of Chenfeng are flying rapidly in this passage.

"The space control methods of the Primordial Xulong people really deserve their reputation. They can build such long-distance space transmission channels in a flash!"

Looking at the surrounding space passages, Chen Feng let out a sigh of admiration in his heart, wanting to achieve this step, even for ordinary Dou Zun peak powerhouses, it is somewhat difficult to do.

Generally speaking, only those who can do this are those who are strong in fighting saints.

The Gulong clan's control over the power of space is indeed much stronger than ordinary people.

However, on Chenfeng's side, since he merged with the body of the void, his control over the power of space has also reached an extremely strong level, far surpassing that of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan. It is much inferior to Heiqing's space control.

Along the way, Hei Qing slowed down and led the way ahead. After all, the speed displayed by Chenfeng and the others was too slow for a high-level Dou Zun like him.

During this period, Hei Qing would ask about Zi Yan's experiences over the years from time to time.

On Zi Yan's side, she roughly stated some things that happened at Canaan College in the past few years, and let Hei Qing know that she was still suffering from the sequelae of accidentally eating the shape-changing grass a few months ago. Feng appeared and gave her the elixir that could improve her strength, as well as the precious transformation elixir, so she could become what she is now.

"In this way, Zi Yan, you are able to return to the clan, all thanks to little friend Chen Feng, otherwise, we really wouldn't have gone to the Northwest Continent!" Hei Qing said with emotion after hearing Zi Yan's words.

However, next, Hei Qing hurriedly said to Chenfeng: "Little friend Chenfeng, I didn't expect that you were born in the Northwest Continent, but you have such a wealth of medicinal resources, and your own cultivation talent is not inferior to that of the Central Province. Human genius! What a rare thing!"

"These small achievements are not worth mentioning!" Chen Feng smiled and waved his hands without explaining anything.

"Hehe, little friend Chenfeng is too modest... In short, little friend Chenfeng, you gave Ziyan the transformation pill, and brought Ziyan to Zhongzhou, so that our family can successfully recover the blood of the royal family. You can be regarded as a benefactor of our family. I, Hei Qing, thank you here!" With a smile on the corner of Hei Qing's mouth, he sincerely thanked Chen Feng.

Chenfeng naturally wouldn't accept Hei Qing's thanks, and quickly shook his head and said, "Senior Hei Qing, you're welcome, Zi Yan is my wife, these things are all my duty as a husband!"


Hearing Chenfeng's words, Hei Qing was at a loss for words. Up to now, he has not accepted the fact that the blood of the royal family married a human. After all, the wish of most of their Donglong Island clansmen is to support the orthodox royal blood. Those who ascended to the position of Dragon Emperor.

Next, the four of Chen Feng shuttled through the space channel for more than four hours, and the uniform silver light around them made Zi Yan and Zi Mojiu a little dizzy.

At this moment, the speed of Hei Qing in front suddenly slowed down, and Chen Feng looked along the distance, but saw a silver halo faintly emerging at the end.

"It's finally here!"

Seeing the circle of light, the three of Chenfeng were also refreshed, their speed increased slightly, and they followed Hei Qing. After a while, the four of them turned into four lights and shadows, and quickly rushed into the silver circle of light.

Rushing into the aperture, Chen Feng's vision suddenly became brighter after being blurred for a moment, and the vision in front of him was no longer the monotonous silver, lush green and mountain peaks that filled him again. eyeball.

"Is this Dragon Island?"

Being at a high altitude, Chen Feng looked at the land in front of him with a slightly strange gaze. Of course, it should be more appropriate to use an island to describe the thing in front of him.

The area of ​​this island is extremely vast, above the sky of the island, there is a ring of pale silver bowl-shaped mask hanging down, enveloping the entire island.

However, outside the mask, there is a chillingly dark empty space...

This island is completely suspended in the void space.

"As expected of the ancient dragon clan of Taixu, such handwriting is shocking..."

Chen Fengfeng couldn't help but let out a sigh of admiration. Although the area of ​​this island is not as large as the space opened up by those fighting saints, it is more hidden here.

Empty space, a place where even Dou Zun dare not wander in and out, it is absolutely safe to place the habitat here, living in this empty space, Zhongzhou Continent naturally rarely hears such a thing. Clan news.

"Come with me!"

Hei Qing glanced down, then waved his hand, and landed on a certain part of the island first, followed by Chen Feng, Zi Yan and Zi Mojiu.

"Brother Chenfeng, I didn't expect that the scenery in my clan is not bad, it's much more bizarre than that of the Fenyan Valley!"

Seeing the location and scene of Long Island, Zi Yan said happily with a smile on her face.

"Indeed, Long Island has too many strange things!" Chen Feng smiled and nodded.

When it landed downwards, Chenfeng could sense that there were many powerful and obscure auras on this dragon island, and it seemed that they should all be strong members of the ancient Xulong clan.

In the past, those rare Dou Zong powerhouses on Zhongzhou were not worth mentioning on this Dragon Island. There are many high-ranking Dou Zun, and this is the first time Chen Feng has seen so many strong men in these years.

However, it is not surprising that the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan has such strength, after all, they are the most top existence in the World of Warcraft.

And as Zi Yan descended on this Dragon Island, powerful auras constantly shot out from various places on the island, circling in midair.

They looked at Chen Feng and his party in amazement, of course, the most important thing was Zi Yan, the unique aura of royal blood made them feel awe in their hearts.

"This is the blood of the royal family!"

"The blood of the royal family has not appeared for many years!"

Soon, more than a dozen Taixu ancient dragon clan powerhouses with cultivation bases at the level of high-level Dou Zun rushed towards the four of Chenfeng.

Hei Qing didn't stop here, and directly landed on a giant peak in the center of the island.

On the top of the giant peak, the four of Chen Feng slowly fell down, and just as the soles of the four of them landed on the ground, a figure in white robes quietly appeared in front of the four of them.

"Hei Qing met the third elder."

When Hei Qing saw the white-robed old man in front of him, he cupped his hands, then pointed to Zi Yan behind him, and said excitedly: "Third Elder, our clan has finally welcomed a clan member with royal blood!"

(End of this chapter)

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