Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 259 Holy Pill City!The real center of Zhongzhou!

Chapter 259 Holy Pill City!The real center of Zhongzhou!
"Little friend Chenfeng, it seems that you have a lot of secrets in you, and you were able to quietly enter the secret place deep in my Dragon Island!"

After drinking back the guards, Zhuli showed a warm smile on his face, and slowly said to Chenfeng: "The aura just now must have been emitted on purpose by you, little friend!"

"Elder Zhuli's guess is right, if Chen Feng suddenly visited Long Island, it would be inappropriate if he still hides his aura!" Hearing this, Chen Feng smiled and nodded.

"It's okay, some secrets are normal! Besides, Xiaoyou Chenfeng is Zi Yan's husband, and he is not an outsider to my Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan. It is also a good thing to have such abilities!"

Regarding Chen Feng's answer, Elder Zhuli didn't mind, on the contrary, he admired his candid personality very much.

The next moment, Zhuli continued to ask: "Young friend Chenfeng is here to find Zi Yan!"

"Yes, I want to bring Zi Yan back!" Chen Feng nodded and said bluntly.

"Take it back? Little friend Chenfeng, why did you suddenly make such a decision, wouldn't it be good to let Zi Yan stay on Donglong Island to finish receiving the family inheritance?" Zhu Li asked with some doubts.

"Accept the inheritance?"

Hearing Zhuli's words, Chenfeng suddenly remembered that these long-inherited monster races will leave some heritage for future generations.

Like in the original book, some of the advanced fighting skills mastered by Zi Yan are all obtained from those ancient dragon inheritances, and from these inheritances, she can directly obtain the cultivation base empowerment of her predecessors.

"Then, is Zi Yan accepting the inheritance now?" Chen Feng frowned and asked.

"Yes, this inheritance, if you accept it successfully, will leave Zi Yan with many secret fighting skills of my dragon clan in her mind!" Zhu Li nodded and said: "It will probably take another month! The inheritance period cannot be interrupted!"

"I agreed to pick her up soon. I never imagined that any inheritance would take so long!" Hearing Zhuli's explanation, Chen Feng had a wry smile on his face.

"Elder Zhuli, since this is the case, I will come here to look for her after Zi Yan accepts the inheritance!" Chen Feng said helplessly.

"Okay, next time Zi Yan accepts the inheritance, the old man will tell her in time!" Hearing this, Zhu Li smiled and nodded.

"Then Chenfeng will bid farewell first!"

After saying this, Chen Feng waved his hand and directly tore a huge space crack in the space around him.


Seeing Chenfeng's method, Zhuli was shocked again. Even if they are the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, if they want to achieve this step, they need at least five-star Dou Zun and above strength.

"Little friend Chenfeng, you amaze me more and more!" Zhu Li exclaimed.

"Elder Zhuli, see you next time!"

Chen Feng smiled, didn't explain too much, and directly stepped into the space crack.

Compared to these, Zhuli would be even more surprised if the space teleportation flag was exposed and disappeared instantly.


Coming out of the void space, Chen Feng came to a place thousands of miles away from Fenyan Valley, which was already very close to Danyu.

This time, Chen Feng was the only one on the road, and he simply recruited the eighth-level peak monster, the Void Thunderhawk, that was rewarded earlier.

The speed of this monster is basically equivalent to that of some human saints.

After finding the right direction, Chen Feng drove the Void Thunderhawk in the space passage.

On the way, Chenfeng seized the time and entered the small world to exercise with Xiao Xun'er and Lingyou.

Of course, Xiao Xun'er and Lingyou couldn't possibly be Chen Feng's opponent.

After defeating Xiao Xun'er and Lingyou, Chen Feng planned to practice hard.

Now, his cultivation has reached the level of the two-star Dou Zun, and the effect of the Dou Zun Rising Star Pill has actually surpassed that of the Intermediate Experience Pill.

After all, a Dou Zun Rising Star Pill can allow Chenfeng to steadily increase his cultivation by one star, while the Intermediate Experience Pill is somewhat reluctant.

Even, when Chenfeng's cultivation base is a little higher, the two intermediate experience pills may not be able to raise him by one star.

"Take one first to improve your cultivation, it's a waste to put treasures on your body if you don't digest them!"

After the exercise, Chen Feng went to a corner of the small world and sat down cross-legged, and then swallowed a Dou Zun Shengxing Pill without hesitation.

This kind of elixir can be taken three times in a row, and it will be effective three times. That is to say, Chenfeng can use this to break through to the five-star Dou Zun smoothly.

Four days later, Chen Feng came out of the small world. At this time, his cultivation level had successfully reached the three-star Dou Zun.

"It should be almost to Shengdan City!"

After looking at the map, Morrowind sent the Void Thunderhawk, a big guy who is easy to attract attention, to the small world.

Instead, they took the Purple Demon Eagle, entered the space wormhole of the nearest city, and headed towards the Holy Pill City.


After traveling for a few hours, a circle of silver glow loomed in the distance of the space wormhole, exuding astonishing space fluctuations.

Seeing this, Chenfeng didn't hesitate, and directly drove the spaceship through the silver light circle.

The violent space fluctuation caused the entire spaceship to jolt violently, but this jolt only lasted for less than three seconds before dissipating gradually.

And the silver light that filled Chenfeng's sight became weaker and weaker. After a while, the silver light burst out violently. The dazzling glare made Chenfeng habitually narrow his eyes slightly.

At this time, there were bursts of noise in Chenfeng's ears.

Opening his eyes slowly, what appeared in Chenfeng's line of sight was a huge square made entirely of crimson rock.

There is no end to this square, the only thing that can be seen is the red line that stretches from the eyes to the end of the line of sight... Looking at it, it must be at least a few thousand meters wide, and a person standing in it is like a tiny ant Like, not noticeable at all.

At this moment, people are coming and going in this scarlet square, and there are continuous noises.

Just when Chen Feng came out, the space behind was still violently twisting and fluctuating.

Space ships swept out of it one after another, and finally quickly became smaller, but the figures in it, like beans, kept falling from the sky.

Obviously, this is the landing and exit point of a space wormhole.

This kind of popularity is almost unmatched by any space wormhole in any city.

"Is this the outer domain of Shengdan City? I remember that there are eight such huge space squares in the outer domain! What a huge handwriting!"

Looking at this huge square, Chen Feng couldn't help sighing in his heart.

In Saint Pill City, it is divided into Outer Domain and Inner Domain, both of which belong to the top power in the mainland, the territory of Danta.

Although this Holy Pill City is known as a city, it is far from being comparable to ordinary cities. In terms of area, it is probably half the size of the Black Corner Region. time.

(End of this chapter)

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