Chapter 260 Star Field, Three Thousand Flames!

Walking into Shengdan City, even if it is just an outer domain, the prosperity of the streets is several times stronger than any city that Chenfeng has been to before.

In the real center of Zhongzhou, riding some sixth-level flying beasts will still attract a lot of attention, but it is not surprising, because here, even sixth-level alchemists seem to have become extremely common. After only entering the outer domain for a short while, Chen Feng met two or three people wearing the badge of a sixth-grade pharmacist.

"Sure enough, more people still need to go to big places to see the world, otherwise, like the previous Jia Ma Empire, a sixth-grade pharmacist would be touted to a very high position!"

Looking at the two sixth-grade pharmacists walking side by side, Chen Feng sighed with a smile on his lips.

On the same day, Chen Feng was in the outer domain and heard a news. It turned out that there were not so many alchemists coming to the Holy Pill City at normal times.

This time, the main reason why so many pharmacists came here is because, two days later, there will be a pharmacist trade fair held in Shengdan City.

"Alchemist trade fair, go and see when the time comes, and see what good things can appear at the trade fair in this kind of place!"

Chen Feng murmured in his heart, and then found a restaurant in Outland to stay.

With the passage of time, the night also slowly poured down from the sky, wrapping the entire Saint Pill City in the blurred night.

On the balcony of the restaurant, Chen Feng stood with his hands behind his back, looking up at the bright stars in the sky, with curiosity in his eyes.

Compared with the night sky in other places, the night sky of Shengdan City is more spiritual.

"It seems that above this is the star field trapped with three thousand flames!"

With his hands behind his back, Chen Feng stood quietly under the endless starry sky, and suddenly had the idea to go in and have a look.

The next moment, his eyes slowly closed. The moment his eyes closed, the majestic soul power, like a tide, spread out from the center of his eyebrows, and then spread towards the bright starry sky .

Soon, this soul power penetrated a strange energy barrier and entered a dark place.

In that soul vision, a seemingly endless giant dragon is winding and entrenched. The giant dragon's pupils are closed tightly, and a strange purple-black flame is lingering above its body.

"Is this the Three Thousand Flames? It is worthy of being ranked ninth on the list of different fires!"

Seeing the giant dragon and the purple-black flames permeating its body, Chenfeng let out a low murmur in his heart.

Three Thousand Flame Fire, also known as Three Thousand Starry Sky Flame Fire, ranks ninth on the Alien Fire List. The fire is purple-black and shaped in the starry sky. It can absorb the power of stars and become stronger continuously.

This fire does not exist in the earth, but takes shape in the distant starry sky. It is recorded in ancient books that three thousand flaming fires take shape, and silver fire falls from the sky. The land of thousands of miles is like a desert. Now, the sun is shining.

Because it is in the starry sky, a place that is difficult for ordinary people to reach, the existence time of the three thousand flames will be longer than other different flames, and it is precisely because of this that it has been given enough time to evolve.

Therefore, most of the three thousand flames that have been discovered belong to the kind of super heaven and earth spirits with high spiritual intelligence. Even if they are found, it is extremely difficult to capture them.

This kind of strange fire has a very special ability, that is, the rumored "Three Thousand Star Physique", which can absorb the power of stars to strengthen itself or heal injuries.

Therefore, some strong men who have fought with people who have three thousand flames call them "undead bodies". This kind of physique, under the light of stars, can almost compare with the dragons possessed by Chenfeng. Elephant body.

According to Chenfeng's thinking, in the future, if there are people around him who are suitable for refining the different fires, they can take away the three thousand flames. Moreover, the Yuhuo Pill that was rewarded by the system before can be very good for refining different fire.

"Who dares to spy on the star field of Dancheng!"

Just as Chen Feng was pondering in his heart, a loud shout suddenly sounded from the depths of Chen Feng's soul.

The sudden stern voice, with a huge coercion, acted on Chenfeng's soul power.

However, such soul coercion cannot pose any threat to Chenfeng.

It can even be said that it is very weak!

After all, Chenfeng's current soul realm, after fusing two miniature soul sources, has reached the late stage of the spiritual realm. Even if it is a Danta, there are only a handful of people whose soul power can be stronger than Chenfeng's.

When this soul pressure swept over, the soul power of Chenfeng suddenly gathered, and then directly transformed into a phantom "Chenfeng".

The soul is too illusory for the strong in this era, and the soul power is also colorless and invisible, and it is impossible to deal with it. Few people have seen such a real humanoid soul.

After all, it is very difficult to condense an empty soul into a human form and keep it there for a long time.

And these, for Chenfeng, are very easy.

"Phantom of the soul!"

After Chenfeng condensed the phantom of the soul, a subtle voice of surprise resounded in the void space.

"Hehe, I'm here today just because I'm curious about these three thousand flames, don't panic, Your Excellency!"

Chen Feng's soul phantom slightly arched his hands in a certain direction, and then disappeared in place.

"What happened, why did such a powerful soul wave appear just now?"

In the nothingness, there was an old voice, which slowly sounded, and immediately, several figures rushed from all directions, and quickly descended on the place where the phantom of Chenfeng's soul disappeared just now.

"Someone spied on the star field before, but luckily they didn't wake up the three thousand flames, otherwise, it would be a lot of trouble."

"Who can be detected?"

"No, this person's soul power is extremely strong. I guess, it's very close to the president's soul power, and he just manifested a phantom of his soul, but I haven't seen his true face clearly!"

"Could it be people from the Soul Palace? They are also very interested in the Three Thousand Flames!"

Beside, another low voice of doubt sounded quietly.

"I don't know, but the aura left by that person doesn't look like that of the Soul Palace!"

"Strengthen some martial law. The three thousand flames absorb the light of the stars, and they will become stronger and stronger. We can't keep sealing it, but it has a lot of resentment towards us. Once the seal is broken, I'm afraid the entire city of Shengdan will be destroyed." Everything will be ruined by it, and in addition, this matter must be reported to the president as soon as possible!"

After a while of discussion, the figures here gradually dispersed.

(End of this chapter)

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