Chapter 261 The Witch Cao Ying!

The soul power withdrew from the star field, and Chenfeng slowly walked into the room of the restaurant, as if nothing had happened.

After that, Chen Feng directly entered the small world with a thought, and his breath completely dissipated in this world.

In such a night, Chenfeng would naturally not appreciate it alone, and it would not be lonely if there are beauties like Xiao Xun'er and Lingyou as companions.

"Brother Feng, you are here!"

Seeing Chen Feng approaching, Xiao Xun'er and Ling You immediately turned their waists to meet him, each holding Chen Feng's arm.

Today's Xiao Xun'er, in order to cater to the morning breeze, specially put on a pair of green stockings. The overall temperament is also constantly changing between pure and charming.

Needless to say, Lingyou was very careful with the matching of this outfit. She was dressed in black and white fishing nets, which perfectly displayed her attractive figure.

After a great battle, Xiao Xun'er was not as strong as Lingyou, so she leaned against Chen Feng in advance and fell into a deep sleep...

After fighting like this for two days, Chenfeng finally came out of the small world.

Today, although he has lost some essence, he is still refreshed.


After leaving the restaurant, Chen Feng walked directly towards the route that he had inquired about before, towards the location of the alchemist trade fair.

The alchemist trade fair in Shengdan City has a great reputation in this area.

This fair is not as mixed as other fairs.

If you want to divide the trade fair into three, six or nine grades, then this pharmacist trade fair should be regarded as the top class, far from those small trade fairs...

The location of this trade fair is in the outer domain of the Holy Pill City, but the location is not bad, it is at the junction point of the outer domain and the inner domain. It is said that this trade fair also has the support of the Danta to develop so strong.

And because of this, when exchanging items in this trade fair, things like murder and extortion rarely occur. After all, in this Dan domain, no one can escape the pursuit of Danta.

"Alchemists Fair!"

Standing in front of a rather vast building, Chen Feng looked at the six dragon and phoenix characters written on the light blue wooden plaque, and couldn't help wiping off a cold sweat. The name of this trade fair is really concise and accurate enough.

At this moment, before the trade fair, there was a lot of traffic, and the flow of people came and went like a tide. Countless people in the robes of alchemists passed through the guards at the entrance of the trade fair smoothly under the envious eyes of all around them, and entered the other rooms. Inside.

After confirming the target, Chenfeng also smiled, and then slowly walked towards the gate of the trade fair. When the guards with cold faces were about to stop him, a powerful soul force suddenly emerged from Chenfeng.

This huge soul coercion instantly made those guards who were not low in strength feel tremendous pressure, and their faces turned pale.

"Senior, please come in!"

With such powerful soul power, these guards did not doubt Chen Feng's alchemist level at all. They saluted Chen Feng respectfully, and then made a gesture of please.


Seeing the guard's changed attitude, Chenfeng nodded in satisfaction. However, just as he was about to enter the spacious gate, there was a special noisy discussion around him.

"Look, the witch of the Cao family is here!"

"The current Cao family is in full swing in Shengdan City!"

"The witch of the Cao family...could it be Cao Ying?"

Hearing these voices, Chen Feng looked back curiously.

As Chen Feng turned his head to look, at the rear, among the crowded crowd, a passage was opened at some point, and a graceful figure moved out slowly with lotus steps.

After this graceful figure walked out, the surrounding atmosphere stagnated for a moment because of her.

The woman's body is long and charming, wearing a black dress, revealing a cold and arrogant temperament, her skin is like snow, and three thousand blue silk is casually draped over her fragrant shoulders. It's a feeling of infatuation.

The woman stood in front of the alchemist trade fair, looking out slightly, in her narrow and lazy eyes, there was a hint of enchantment, charming and charming.

While the people around were fascinated by her charm, the corners of the woman's slender lips slowly curved slightly.

At the moment when this arc was provoked, that thin and charming cheek was instantly enchanting.

The lazy eyes of the girl in black swept slowly around, and all those who were caught by her eyes were full of enthusiasm and fear. This girl's style is indeed very tempting, but in Under that kind of temptation, what's more, there is still a kind of fear that goes deep into the bone marrow.

Almost no one around her has never heard of this girl's name.

The witch of the Cao family, Cao Ying, is one of the candidates for the future Danta giant.

The previous title may not sound very loud, but the title of the Danta giant candidate is enough to make countless people regard her as a high-ranking goddess.

Danta is the holy place in the hearts of all alchemists in the mainland. It can even be said bluntly that the giant of Danta is the spiritual leader in the hearts of countless alchemists.

Cao Ying, the most outstanding genius in the history of the Cao family, became a direct disciple of one of the three giants of Danta at the age of 15, and was promoted to a sixth-grade pharmacist at the age of 17. According to this development trend, after a hundred years, it is absolutely possible to become a Danta master. Candidates for giants, chance, they can eliminate the so-called candidates and become the real Danta female giants.

For a woman with such a high achievement, the dazzling aura above her head is indeed enough to make everyone look up to her.

"Tsk tsk, the title of witch is really true!"

Looking at the coquettish beauty who appeared, Chen Feng gasped in admiration in his heart.

Cao Ying's temperament is somewhat similar to that of Queen Medusa in some respects, but there are essential differences between the two, each with its own charm.

Seemingly noticing the undisguised gaze of Chenfeng standing in front of her, the girl in black frowned slightly. However, she was not angry, but rather surprised by Chenfeng's youthful appearance.

"My lord, is it convenient for me to tell you your name?"

The next moment, Cao Ying stepped forward, took a few steps forward, came to Chenfeng, and made a moving voice like a silver bell.

"What's the situation? The witch actually asked this kid for his name?"

"Who is this kid? He looks very strange. He shouldn't be from the five major families!"

"This person doesn't wear the badge of a pharmacist, so he shouldn't be a pharmacist. How can the witch treat him like this?"

After Cao Ying asked Chenfeng's name, the people around felt a burst of surprise, except for the two guards before him who felt normal.

(End of this chapter)

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