Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 263 Let's go to the room to talk in detail!

Chapter 263 Let's go to the room to talk in detail! ([-]-character chapter)
"Miss Cao Ying, your perception is not weak! Moreover, some places are hidden extremely deeply! It is elusive!"

Hearing Cao Ying's compliment, Chen Feng didn't refuse anything, but praised her again.

"Above this Zhongzhou, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers! Master Chenfeng's hidden strength is truly astonishing!"

Hearing these words, the corners of Cao Ying's lips curled up into a subtle arc full of charm, filled with a demonic aura, like a fallen fairy.

Her plain words were full of appreciation and respect for Chenfeng.

She is officially a peer who can make her extremely cold and arrogant, so far, there are not many people.

Seeing Cao Ying's seductive smile, Chen Feng also showed a hint of appreciation in his eyes. Of course, the points of appreciation of the two must be different.

"Master Chenfeng, let's go!"

Facing Chen Feng's direct gaze, Cao Ying turned her gaze to the stairs and said softly.

At the entrance of the stairs, there are two old men standing here. These two people have kind smiles on their faces, but the robes on their bodies show that they are from the trade fair.

There was no pharmacist badge on the chests of the two of them, but judging from the majestic fighting spirit that permeated the air, it was obvious that these two were two tyrannical fighting sect masters.

When Cao Ying and Chen Feng came to the stairs, one of the yellow-robed old men glanced at the seventh-rank pharmacist badge Cao Ying was wearing, his face suddenly showed some surprise, and then he smiled and said: "Miss Cao Ying , this is the first time I have seen you come to the top floor of the Alchemist Trade Fair by yourself!"

Obviously, it was not the first time for Cao Ying to enter this top floor, but in the past, she always came here with some elders, this time, it was the first time she came here with her own strength.

At such a young age, she has already become a seventh-rank pharmacist. This kind of talent makes this Dou Zong powerhouse very envious, and even dare not offend. After all, Cao Ying's future achievements are limitless, and such a status cannot tolerate them disregard.

"Who is this?"

Another old man noticed Chen Feng who was walking side by side with Cao Ying, and found that Chen Feng didn't wear any alchemist badge, so he asked curiously.

"Master Chenfeng is my friend, I want to take him up there together!"

Hearing this, Cao Ying quickly replied to the old man. She knew that Chenfeng didn't want to reveal her strength. Her actions like this helped Chenfeng continue to conceal her strength.

"Okay, Ms. Cao Ying's friend, of course you can go up there!"

Hearing Cao Ying's words, the two old men immediately looked at Chenfeng with admiration. After all, there are very few people who can make the witch Cao Ying a friend.

"Please come with me!"

After saying that, the old man in yellow robe turned around first, and then led the way, while the two of Chen Feng followed slowly.

Following behind the yellow-robed old man, the two of them passed a short staircase, but it was only 20 meters short, and Chen Feng found that there were no less than five hidden eyes, shooting from some hidden places. I waited for the person to scan again.

"Hehe, it seems that these people are the ones who really guarantee the normal progress of the alchemist trade fair!"

Chen Feng didn't pay attention to these gazes, he slowly stepped on the last step, and then, the top floor of the alchemist fair appeared in his field of vision.

Compared with the two floors below, the top floor is not spacious, but the decoration is extremely careful. It is not as dazzling as the second floor. The light blue warm jade is spread all over the top floor.

On the top floor covered with warm jade, there are very few people, at a glance, there are only a few dozen people.

If these dozens of people were placed outside, all of them would be real powerhouses or alchemists who could cause some sensation.

The appearance of Chen Feng and Cao Ying immediately attracted the attention of some people on the top floor, and they immediately turned their attention.

When they saw the badge on Cao Ying's body, a little surprise flashed in the eyes of these people, whether they knew Cao Ying or didn't know Cao Ying, it was the same.

Those who didn't know Cao Ying were all guessing who this young seventh-rank junior pharmacist was.

Of course, although they were curious, these people understood the rules of the top floor, so naturally they would not ask or inquire about other people, because this could be regarded as a taboo and would arouse disgust from others.

"Hehe, Miss Cao Ying, if you and your friend need anything, you can tell me, and I may be able to provide some information!" The yellow-robed old man said with a smile.

Hearing this, Cao Ying pondered for a while, and then said softly: "I need three kinds of medicinal materials, Liuhe fruit, snow lotus tree, lion's fibrous root..."

"Liuhe fruit, snow lotus tree, lion's fibrous root...they are some precious medicinal materials, but I remember that a snow lotus tree just happened to appear today, come with me!"

The old man in yellow robe muttered, then immediately remembered something, and led Cao Ying and Chen Feng towards a booth.

As soon as she arrived, she found a needed medicinal material, and a smile appeared on Cao Ying's face again.

Cao Ying and Chen Feng followed the yellow-robed old man for a certain distance, and then stopped at the north corner of the top floor.

At this moment, there is a jade platform here, and the cold air diffuses from the platform, and then spreads out, which makes the temperature here drop a lot.

Around the jade platform, there are still many people around, obviously interested in the scattered things on the jade platform.

Chen Feng's eyes skipped over the jade platform, and stopped on the gray-haired old man behind the jade platform. The old man was sloppy and lazy, lying on the jade platform, ignoring the many people around him. The onlookers plucked their ears recklessly.

"Hehe, Mr. Yan, did you sell that snow lotus tree of yours today?"

The yellow-robed old man squeezed into the side of the jade platform, and smiled at the grey-haired sloppy old man.

"Not yet, these guys just look at it and don't buy it, and they think it's too expensive, bah, the lower two floors are cheap, if you think it's too expensive, go down and buy it!"

The slovenly old man rolled his eyes, and spit on the ground beside him regardless of his image. Although the old man's image was poor, he did wear a seventh-rank senior alchemist badge on his body. Obviously, the other party was a seventh-rank senior alchemist. Alchemist.

Seeing this, some people around couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, but it's not easy to quarrel with others in this kind of place, so they can only leave in embarrassment.

Chen Feng was also taken aback by the sloppy old man's attitude, he suddenly remembered something, and his eyes wandered over the jade platform.

"Level [-], not a bad girl!"

Noticing Cao Ying's seventh-rank badge, the old man's eyes were full of surprise, and then he picked up a snow-white wooden material: "You want this snow lotus tree!"

"Not bad!"

Seeing what the old man picked up, Cao Ying nodded with a smile and said, "Old Yan, let's make a price!"

"I want snow lotus wood, a seventh-grade intermediate elixir!" The sloppy old man grinned.

"Seventh Grade Intermediate Medicinal Pill..."

Hearing this, Cao Ying frowned slightly, and he also knew that the other party was deliberately raising the price, so he said bluntly: "Old Yan, although this snow lotus tree is precious, it is a bit expensive for you to ask for a seventh-grade intermediate elixir! Why don't I produce a seventh-grade primary pill, and you sell it to me!"

"Hey, the seventh-rank junior is the seventh-rank junior, but the premise is that I must take out my favorite pill!"

The sloppy old man chuckled, and when he changed his voice, he said with a smile. Obviously, the so-called seventh-rank intermediate was just trying to play tricks on purpose.

Although the image of this sloppy old man is not good enough, it has to be said that the things he sells are indeed some high-end goods. The other rare medicinal materials also attracted Cao Ying's attention, and the price is quite expensive.

Just when Cao Ying's eyes wandered over the jade platform, she suddenly saw Chen Feng's hand resting on a light yellow copper plate.

This piece of copper is still covered with some green rust. If you look carefully, you can see that there seem to be some strange patterns on the copper piece.

The things on the jade platform are all very good in appearance, one can tell the extraordinary things at a glance, only this light yellow copper piece looks like garbage in the treasure pile, not attracting attention at all.

Seeing that Chenfeng actually picked up such an unremarkable piece, Cao Ying felt a little puzzled, because in her detection, she didn't see anything unusual about this piece of copper, it seemed to be too ordinary. Ordinary.

"Master Chenfeng, are you interested in this copper piece?" Cao Ying asked curiously with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Well, the pattern on the copper plate has some ancient taste!" Chen Feng smiled and nodded.

"An ancient thing?"

Hearing this, Cao Ying was also interested, and immediately said, "Can you show me?"

Chenfeng did not refuse Cao Ying's request, and calmly handed the copper piece to Cao Ying.

"Thank you, Mr. Morrowind!"

Cao Ying thanked her, and then reached out to take the copper piece.

As soon as the copper piece was bought, there was a faint coldness spreading. Of course, this is not because the copper piece is strange, but because it has been in the cold air for a long time.

Cao Ying flipped through the piece of copper with great interest, and gently rubbed her jade finger on it. The rough touch was just like a very ordinary piece of copper.

If it weren't for the somewhat complicated patterns drawn on it, I'm afraid no one would really regard it as a treasure.

Even Cao Ying couldn't understand these complicated patterns, and due to the existence of some rust spots, the patterns were distorted, making it difficult to see clearly.

"Is this something ancient?"

Flipping through the copper piece, Cao Ying felt a little unbelievable in her heart. No matter how she probed, she never found anything strange about the copper piece.

"This little friend has sharp eyesight, and can tell at a glance that this copper piece comes from ancient times!"

The slovenly old man narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Chen Feng with a hint of appreciation on his face.

Because this piece of copper was placed at the old man's place, more than one person was interested in it, and many treasure hunters had come to investigate it before, but no one finally exchanged it.

"What's the price of this thing?" Chen Feng asked directly.

"A volume of seventh-grade high-level alchemy formula!"

Picking his ears, the sloppy old man said lightly.

"How expensive is this copper piece?"

Hearing the old man's quotation, Cao Ying was also a little surprised, and immediately asked: "Old Yan, what is so strange about this copper plate that you admire it so much?"

"I don't know, I only know that he is an ancient thing!"

The slovenly old man curled his lips and spoke uprightly.

At this moment, some onlookers around couldn't help laughing because of the sloppy old man's answer. Obviously, it was rare to see such a superb stall owner.

"Hey, what's the use of this thing, maybe the little friend next to you will know!"

Seeing the reactions of the spectators around, the old man smiled and pointed to Chenfeng.

Hearing this, Cao Ying's gaze also shifted from the copper plate to Chen Feng's handsome face, with a hint of expectation in her eyes.

"Miss Cao Ying, if you change this thing, you shouldn't suffer a loss!" Cao Ying's eyes swept over, Chen Feng smiled and said softly.

"Master Chenfeng, what do you mean, you want to give this thing to me?"

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Cao Ying's face, with an irresistible demonic aura on her charming face.

"Well, but it would be even better if the price of this thing can be lowered a bit!" Chen Feng nodded and said, not paying any attention to the feelings of the sloppy old man beside him.

Hearing Chen Feng's words, the slovenly old man's face darkened, and just as he was about to speak, he heard Cao Ying's words: "Old Yan, I didn't know you like to raise the price. This thing is a volume of seventh-grade intermediate pills!"

After saying this, Cao Ying took out a scroll and put it on the jade platform, and then put away the mysterious copper piece.

For Cao Ying, a volume of seventh-grade middle-level alchemy formulas is not a small price, but at this moment, she trusts Chenfeng very much and is willing to take a gamble.

"Okay, okay, take it away! It's hard to make two deals, and you young people have to haggle over the price!"

Seeing this, the slovenly old man laughed and cursed, but his movements were not slow at all, and he quickly put away the roll of pill formula that Cao Ying took out.

Next, Chen Feng and Cao Ying walked around casually, and then left the pharmacist trade fair.

During this period, Cao Ying was also very sensible and didn't ask the secret of the copper piece. After all, there are many people in that kind of place.

"Master Chenfeng, you can tell me the secret of this thing now!"

On the street, Cao Ying finally couldn't help asking curiously.

"No, there are still too many people here, it's easy to cause a stir!" Chen Feng shook his head.

"Then, why don't Master Chenfeng come to my house?" Cao Ying asked tentatively.

"Go to your house, let alone!"

Chen Feng continued to shake his head, and then said: "Let's open a room and discuss it in detail!"

"Open a room?... Well, it is indeed quieter than my house!"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Cao Ying hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Next, Chenfeng led Cao Ying to a nearby restaurant and opened a room.

Most of the people in the restaurant cast envious looks at Chen Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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