Chapter 264 Cao Ying Falls in Love! ([-]-character chapter)
Cao Ying's appearance and that kind of seductive temperament will attract a lot of attention wherever she puts it.

Now that Chenfeng led such a beautiful woman to open a room in a restaurant, he naturally encountered many envious and jealous eyes.

Chen Feng didn't care about other people's gazes, and after completing the check-in procedures, he led Cao Ying upstairs.

However, Cao Ying was not as natural as Chenfeng. She was born in the Cao family, one of the five major families in the Dan domain, and she had a foothold in the Holy Pill City, and she had never lived in a restaurant outside.

The reason why Chenfeng agreed to open the room this time, apart from knowing the secret of the copper piece, is also related to the novelty in her heart, the idea of ​​wanting to try it out.

Soon, Chen Feng and Cao Ying entered a luxurious room on the fifth floor together.

"The atmosphere of this restaurant is somewhat unique!"

After looking at the layout of the room, Cao Ying's eyes were full of curiosity, and then she commented softly.

"Miss Cao Ying thinks it's novel, why don't you stay here for one night!"

Chenfeng closed the door and spoke very casually.

"No, let's study the copper piece first!"

Hearing that Chenfeng proposed to stay overnight here, Cao Ying quickly smiled and shook her head, and then put the copper plate obtained at the alchemist trade fair on the table.

Staring straight at this extremely ordinary piece of copper, Cao Ying was full of doubts.

Because, no matter how she looked at the pattern on the copper sheet, she didn't get any useful information.

"Hehe, Miss Cao Ying, if the above secrets were so easy to obtain, they would have been bought by others a long time ago. How could it be our turn to sit back and enjoy the benefits today!"

Looking at Cao Ying who was carefully pondering the copper piece, Chenfeng said lightly with an inscrutable smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Then trouble Master Chenfeng, come and tell me what is the secret of this thing!"

Looking at Chen Feng's expression, Cao Ying did not feel disgusted, but tried her best to cooperate with Chen Feng's words.

"Good talk!"

Seeing this, Chenfeng laughed, and immediately curled his fingers together, a wisp of silver battle energy quickly condensed on the fingertips, turning into a tiny silver needle.

Then, he held the extremely condensed silver fighting spirit needle, and carefully inserted it obliquely into the green patina on the surface of the copper sheet.

"Thunder attribute battle qi, it turns out that he is not a pharmacist... However, it is really strange that he is not a pharmacist, but can possess such a strong soul power!"

Seeing the thunder-attribute grudge energy overflowing from Chenfeng's fingertips, Cao Ying was thoughtful. She had always thought that Chenfeng was an extremely talented alchemist just like her.

Next, under the gaze of Cao Ying, Chen Feng carefully manipulated the fine needle of fighting spirit, and peeled off all the green patina on the copper plate.

"Is it necessary to remove the copper rust to see the real secret of this copper piece?"

Looking at Chen Feng's actions, Cao Ying secretly guessed in her heart.

However, just when Cao Ying thought that Chen Feng was going to solve the mystery of the copper piece, Chen Feng casually threw the copper piece away under her stunned gaze.


Looking at Chenfeng's actions, Cao Ying really didn't understand what he was playing.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing Cao Ying's expression, Chenfeng smiled, and then his palm slightly bent, a suction burst out, sucking all the green copper rust on the table into his palm, and then condensed into a green copper ball the size of a thumb.

"Miss Cao Ying, the real secret is not on the copper plate, but in the inconspicuous copper rust. How can it be inferred from the ancient things with common sense?"

With a flick of his fingers, Chenfeng flicked the green copper rust towards Cao Ying, saying, "Calm it with fire, and you will discover the secret here!"

"The secret is in the patina?"

Hearing this, Cao Ying was a little dubious, and the next moment, she flicked her fingers, and a dazzling red flame slowly rose in her palm.

The flame was an extremely conspicuous bright red color, even thicker than fresh blood, and a small figure could be faintly seen in it, like a flame elf, writhing and flying within it.

"It's the Blood Demon Fireworks. Ms. Cao Ying's family is really rich!"

Seeing the flames appearing in Cao Ying's hands, Chen Feng smiled and praised.

The blood demon fireworks are not actually natural fires, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are man-made flames.

Because this thing is not condensed using flames, but needs to gather the blood of nearly a thousand fire-attributed monsters, and then fuse these fire-attributed blood full of various auras together, and finally borrow the fire in the blood The attribute energy condenses into the shape of flame.

The blood demon fireworks are powerful, but the method of making them is too harsh. Without the support of large financial resources, it is absolutely impossible to gather nearly a thousand kinds of monster blood full of flame attributes.

Seeing that Chenfeng recognized the flame she used at a glance, the smile on Cao Ying's face became more and more charming, and she was very surprised by Chenfeng's extensive knowledge.

Next, Cao Ying took the green copper ball carefully, and swept the green copper ball with the blood demon fireworks.

After this calcination, Cao Ying also just discovered some special features of the copper rust. It can only be seen that no matter how the blood-red flame raises the temperature of the copper ball, it has never shown signs of melting.

"Sure enough, there are some famous halls!"

With some joy in her heart, Cao Ying hurriedly raised the temperature, and after nearly ten minutes, the green copper ball showed signs of melting.

With the intensification of the melting of the copper ball, the green color on the copper ball is gradually fading, and grains of extremely tiny light yellow dust quietly fall off from the melted copper rust, and then suspend in the flame , twinkling, like an elf, giving people a very strong sense of spirituality.

Soon, the copper ball completely disappeared, and the five pale yellow dust, shining with a luster full of spirituality, were suspended in the flame, no matter how the blood-red flame burned, there was no change in the slightest.

"This is?"

Looking in surprise at the five grains of light yellow dust inside the flames, Cao Ying was a little dazed. This kind of thing was obviously not in her cognition.

"Master Chenfeng, next, I will listen to your explanation!"

After looking at it for a while, Cao Ying looked at Chenfeng, and with a smile, she stretched her jade hand gently in front of her, flawless, like a work of art, so beautiful that it makes people tremble.

"Cough... If I'm not mistaken, this thing should be the dust of the pregnant spirit that only existed in ancient times!"

Seeing Cao Ying's charming posture, Chen Feng almost spewed out an evil fire in his heart. He coughed lightly, suppressed the feeling, and then slowly said: "Compared with this thing, a scroll of seventh-grade You got a huge bargain for an intermediate prescription!"

"is it?"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, a charming smile appeared on Cao Ying's exquisite and enchanting cheeks, she covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Then what is the use of this pregnant spirit dust?"

"This spirit-conceiving dust was also very famous in ancient times, because it is not only a necessary item for refining the eighth grade and the elixir on it, but also if it is integrated into the soul, it can breed the soul, gradually Strengthen the spiritual energy in the soul, so as to step into the so-called spiritual realm." Chenfeng explained.

Hearing this, Cao Ying's eyes suddenly filled with surprise.

Unexpectedly, this seemingly inconspicuous little thing has such great supernatural powers.

"In ancient times, some alchemists who touched the spirit realm would try their best to get the spirit dust... This thing is like a magnet that can attract spirituality. If it is integrated into the soul, it will It can make the aura in the soul more and more abundant without knowing it!" Chen Feng said with a smile.

Hearing this, Cao Ying nodded slightly, the joy in her eyes was hard to hide.

This so-called spiritual realm requires the soul to have the effect of the spirituality of the pill, and the premise of this effect is that the soul must be filled with enough spiritual energy. Unexpectedly, such small gadgets can actually increase the spiritual power of the soul. Aura.

"This kind of pregnant spirit dust can only be refined by a few eighth-rank alchemists after they understand the refining method, but I think the refining method of the pregnant spirit method should have been lost now. , Even the giant Danta can't come up with such a treasure!" Chenfeng continued to explain.

"Master Chenfeng, you know a lot, and it doesn't match your face at all!"

Cao Yingyu brushed away a wisp of blue hair that fell on her forehead with her hands, a charming smile appeared on her enchanting cheeks, her eyes full of charm were fixed on Chenfeng's face, and she said very seriously.

"Then, does Miss Cao Ying suspect that I am some old monster with a good face?"

Being stared at by Cao Ying like this, Chenfeng didn't even blink his eyes. He also stared closely at Cao Ying who had a charming smile on his cheeks.

The smile on Cao Ying's face, if she is a young man who has not experienced much in the world, is really a little overwhelming, but who is Chenfeng, he has been in contact with all kinds of beauties, so he can look at each other with ease.

"Old monster, how could it be, I believe in my own feelings..."

Cao Ying's slender jade arms slowly stretched out, fully revealing her snake-like figure, which made Chenfeng's heart a little hot again.

"What do you feel?"

Chen Feng continued to stare at the fascinating and alluring face, and asked.

"This one……"

Being stared at by Chen Feng like this, a blush appeared on Cao Ying's face, but her eyes did not move away.

"I can't express this feeling. Anyway, in my eyes, you are at this age, but you are more mature than ordinary people!" Cao Ying explained with a smile.

"Okay, for the time being, you pass the test!"

Chen Feng smiled and did not continue to ask.

Next, Cao Ying turned her gaze to the five grains of light yellow dust on the table.

After pondering for a moment, she waved her hand slowly, and a cloud of pregnant spirit dust was suspended in front of her.

Staring closely at this speck of pregnant spirit dust, Cao Ying slowly closed her eyes, and while she was closing her eyes, a suction force suddenly emerged, and under this suction force, the pale yellow shiny dust immediately melted A thin stream of light shot straight into her forehead, and then disappeared.

When the pregnant spirit dust melted into her forehead, Cao Ying's charming body trembled slightly.

All of a sudden, Cao Ying frowned, resisting the dull pain. In her feeling, the dust of the pregnant spirit was like a bullet, hitting her soul fiercely, and then penetrated into it. generally.

Even with such a painful expression, Cao Ying still looks so charming, and has a strange feeling that makes people feel distressed.

Seeing Cao Ying directly absorbing the Yunling dust in front of her, Chenfeng felt a little relieved. After all, Cao Ying's actions like this were equivalent to completely trusting Chenfeng.

Soon, a strange fluctuation suddenly permeated the surrounding world, wisps of extremely faint strange air flow penetrated through the spatial fluctuation, and finally invaded slowly from Cao Ying's smooth forehead.

"Is this aura!"

With this strange air entering her body, Cao Ying was pleasantly surprised.

She could feel a light yellow particle of light emitting light faintly appearing in her mind, a strange suction emanating from the particle of light.

This kind of suction is not strong, but it seems to have a strange power, which pulls the aura that those countless strong people are helpless, from the space between the heaven and the earth.

The spiritual energy, like the breath of chaos, slowly penetrated from the space, and then continuously penetrated into the center of Cao Ying's eyebrows.

This kind of aura absorption lasted for about three hours, and the light and suction force emitted by the pale yellow light particles gradually weakened. Obviously, this kind of pregnant spirit dust cannot last for too long.

And as the light emitted by the light particles became increasingly dimmer, after a long time, a tiny click sounded in Cao Ying's mind.

The dust of the pregnant spirit that was about to dissipate in his mind suddenly burst into a burst of intense light.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely vague old voice rang out in her mind.

"The extreme of the soul... close guarding the heavenly spirit... accepting the spirit to forge the soul..."

The vague old voice reverberated in Cao Ying's mind in a low voice, like a Sanskrit sound resounding, making people feel in a trance.

"It is said that some powerful people can leave soul imprints on some objects. If my expectations are correct, the old voice should be left by the ancient strong people!"

After the voice disappeared, Cao Ying murmured thoughtfully in her eyes.

"Master Chenfeng, did I lose my composure just now?"

The next moment, Cao Yingcai suddenly realized that Chen Feng was standing beside her. Chen Feng had noticed all the changes in her face just now. Immediately, her cheeks flushed again, and she felt A little embarrassing.

"It's okay, with this kind of opportunity, it's normal to be serious!"

Chen Feng replied calmly, alleviating the embarrassment in Cao Ying's heart.

"Miss Cao Ying, you must have gained a lot this time!"

"Well, Mr. Chenfeng, during the period just now, I felt the existence of spiritual energy in the heaven and earth very clearly!"

Cao Ying nodded. On her alluring face, there was a look of shock and surprise that could not be concealed.

(End of this chapter)

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