Chapter 265 Cao Ying's Beauty Trick!

Spiritual energy is a kind of extremely mysterious energy between heaven and earth. It does not have the powerful power of battle qi, but it is a great nourishing thing for the soul.

This thing, like chaos, is extremely difficult to sense. In ancient times, those alchemists who practiced the soul cultivation method could sense the existence of spiritual energy and absorb it.

But in today's era, those so-called soul cultivation techniques are extremely scarce, and there are very few alchemists who know how to sense aura and absorb it.

Even if there is a soul cultivation art in the Danta, but with that level of secret treasure, even Cao Ying is a direct disciple of one of the three giants of the Danta, and he still does not have the qualifications to practice it.

At this moment, in order to sense the aura again, Cao Ying continued to close her eyes, but she could no longer enter the wonderful state before.

After all, things like aura are too extravagant for today's pharmacists.

"By the way, that mysterious formula just now!"

Suddenly remembered something, Cao Ying's lips parted slightly, and she kept chanting the mysterious formula that she got from Yunling Dust.

It lasted for about half an hour, and finally there was a slight fluctuation in the peaceful space in the room.

In her perception, this piece of nothingness that was originally full of energy from heaven and earth suddenly appeared wisps of very small, faint air currents like chaos.

These air currents are hidden extremely deeply, covered by the rich energy of heaven and earth, if not because of the formula, Cao Ying would definitely not be able to find them out.

"Aura, that's great, I can sense the aura from the heaven and the earth!"

Cao Ying stared at these extremely weak air currents, and couldn't hide the joy in her heart at all.

Cao Ying rarely had such an expression of joy from the heart before, but today, it appeared several times in a row.

All this is because of meeting Chenfeng.

In a burst of joy, Cao Ying could feel that the aura she sensed from the world was extremely faint and extremely fragile.

Even if it is inhaled into the body occasionally, it will be crushed by the energy of the surrounding world after a short movement. No wonder few people can sense the existence of aura.

Now, as long as the spiritual energy is successfully absorbed, as the spiritual energy gradually fills the soul, Cao Ying's soul will enter the so-called spiritual realm sooner or later.

And when the time comes, her medicine refining level will definitely be able to reach the level of an eighth-rank master.

The seventh grade is a master.

The eighth grade is the master.

The short difference of one rank has completely bridged the insurmountable gap between these two ranks.

Although with Cao Ying's talent, she will definitely be able to become an eighth-rank pharmacist in the future, but after absorbing the pregnant spirit dust and mastering the cultivation technique in advance, she can continuously compress the time required for this process.

"No, I can't seem to absorb this kind of thing!"

Suddenly, Cao Ying frowned again, and she found that although the unknown formula gave her the ability to sense spiritual energy, it did not give her a way to absorb spiritual energy.

Reiki is not something that can be absorbed at will like the energy of heaven and earth. It is extremely fragile, and it will dissipate when squeezed a little.

If there is no special way to draw it out from the many energies of heaven and earth, it is impossible to successfully absorb it.

Chen Feng had encountered this situation before, but he had temporarily summoned Yao Chen to solve the problem by practicing the Soul Cultivation Technique provided by Yao Chen.

And the spell that Cao Ying obtained from Yunling Dust is not complete, it is just a broken version. Although it can also absorb spiritual energy, the efficiency is very, very low.

After practicing hard for an hour, Cao Ying finally managed to integrate a wisp of aura into her soul.

As this ray of spiritual energy sneaked into the center of her eyebrows, Cao Ying suddenly felt a slight coolness in her mind.

This is a phenomenon that will only appear after the spiritual energy in the soul increases. Obviously, although this method is slow, it is at least better than nothing.

"Huh... this cultivation method is absolutely incomplete, and it is really difficult to absorb spiritual energy..."

Cao Ying breathed a sigh of relief, her fair face flushed slightly, revealing some helplessness.

This kind of sacrifice is quite disproportionate to the reward, but at this moment, she has no other choice.

After all, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. If some other seventh-rank senior pharmacists knew that Cao Ying was able to absorb spiritual energy at this age, even if it was only a small ray of spiritual energy, Lima would be so jealous that his eyes would turn red.

"You are really slow, it takes more than an hour to fuse a ray of spiritual energy!"

Hearing Cao Ying's sigh, Chen Feng nodded in agreement.

"A ray of spiritual energy...Master Chenfeng, how do you know, can you also sense spiritual energy?"

Hearing Chenfeng's casual answer, Cao Ying's reaction was very strong, because people who have not touched this level can't sense the existence of aura at all.

"Could it be, Mr. Chenfeng, you have already reached this step?"

Cao Ying raised her head, and her slender snow-white neck was perfectly displayed, which was particularly dazzling.

"Well, I have indeed been able to sense and absorb spiritual energy for a long time!"

Seeing Cao Ying's fierce reaction, Chen Feng smiled and nodded, his words were very flat.

"My God, who the hell is he!"

"He has reached this step at such a young age, and he is not even a pharmacist yet!"

After receiving Chenfeng's affirmative reply, Cao Ying was very shocked. She stared at Chenfeng's face with a pair of beautiful eyes, as if she wanted to see through him inside and out.

At this moment, Cao Ying realized that Chenfeng's astonishing performances before did not seem to be as simple as Bowen, but possessed such strength.

"Young Master Chenfeng, it seems that you already have a soul cultivation method, so this time, you didn't care about the pregnant spirit dust at all, and gave me the opportunity to exchange for copper pieces! Right?"

A rare sly smile appeared on Cao Ying's face, which was different from the charming one before.

She looked at Chen Feng strangely, and there was still a hint of expectation hidden.

"Hehe, Miss Cao Ying, are you thinking in your heart, how can I teach you the art of soul cultivation?"

Seeing Cao Ying showing such an abnormal expression, Chen Feng smiled and pointed directly.

"Then, Young Master Chenfeng, are you willing to teach me?"

Hearing Chenfeng's straightforward words, Cao Ying felt a little embarrassed.

But the next moment, the corners of her lips curled up into a subtle arc full of charm, filled with a demonic aura, like a fallen fairy.

A pair of long and narrow beautiful eyes looked at Chen Feng's eyes with a wink like silk. This kind of behavior was like using a beauty trick on Chen Feng.

 Recommend a good-looking Dou Po Fan Wen, reborn the double-headed fire spirit snake, captured thousands of beauties, and embarked on the road to the top!

(End of this chapter)

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