Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 266 Bidong Cao Ying, the witch will also fall!

Chapter 266 Bidong Cao Ying, the witch will also fall!
"A seductive little elf like you, probably not many men would refuse!"

Looking at the extremely charming Cao Ying in front of him, Chen Feng's tone suddenly became provocative.

Hearing this, Cao Ying wasn't annoyed at all, instead the smile on her cheek became more charming, she covered her mouth and said with a coquettish smile, "Master Chenfeng, if you say that, you won't reject the little girl!"

Hearing Cao Ying use such a delicate title like a little girl, Chen Feng really couldn't stand it, and immediately said: "If you want me to teach you the soul cultivation method, there are conditions!"


In Cao Ying's beautiful eyes like spring water, there was a hint of surprise on purpose, and then her red lips parted slightly, and she said softly: "If the spells you teach, Mr. Chenfeng, meet my expectations, I can promise you anything. Conditions, of course, must be within my ability!"

"Don't worry, my Jue won't let you down, Ms. Cao Ying!"

Seeing Cao Ying being so forthright, Chenfeng also smiled and promised.

This time, he didn't intend to hide his clumsiness. Since he had already planned to invite Cao Ying into the harem, it didn't hurt to give some rewards in advance. Moreover, he appreciated Cao Ying's character very much.

"Miss Cao Ying, I'm going to teach you the soul cultivation technique next, called Yunlingjue. If you have learned this technique, don't disclose it to others, not even your teacher, otherwise , the consequences will be very serious!"

"Young Master Chenfeng, please rest assured, the little girl's mouth has always been very strict!"

Cao Ying moved her face closer to Chenfeng, revealing a row of snow-white teeth. Although her movements were frivolous, her eyes were very serious.

A faint scent of fragrance came towards him, and Chen Feng looked at the enchanting cheeks that were close at hand, and there was a rippling in his heart.

The next moment, Chenfeng moved his palm, and a black scroll that was as black as ink and had an ancient aura appeared in his hand.

"Is this the soul cultivation technique?"

Sensing the ancient aura emanating from the black scroll that Chen Feng handed over, Cao Ying's watery eyes burst into joy.

Soon, she was impatient to pour soul power into the scroll.

This process took a very long time. As time passed, Cao Ying's mind was completely placed in the scroll, and the sky gradually became dark. Soon, the city of Saint Pill was sprinkled with unique starlight.

At a certain moment, a strange fluctuation suddenly came from between Cao Ying's eyebrows. Immediately, the energy of the surrounding heaven and earth was also affected. In the energy of the sky and earth, countless auras were drawn out and poured into Cao Ying crazily. Between eyebrows.

The speed of this influx of spiritual energy can be said to be a thousand times faster than Cao Ying's incomplete spell before.

As this kind of fluctuation gets bigger and bigger, there is a slight change in the energy of the world within a few miles around. Of course, ordinary people can't detect this kind of change, even some senior pharmacists of the seventh rank can't detect it. .

After this situation lasted for an hour, Cao Ying stopped slowly.

At this moment, Cao Ying, who slowly opened her eyes, looked at Chenfeng with shock and joy.

"This speed of absorbing spiritual energy is more than a thousand times faster than just now. No wonder he told me not to tell even Master..."

Looking at Chen Feng's calm eyes, Cao Ying's thoughts were very complicated. She found that the man in front of her had grasped something that she could not reach before. If the news comes out, I am afraid that the entire Danyu and even the entire continent will be boiled because of this.

"What is his background...and why is he so nice to me?" Cao Ying's heart was already in a mess at this moment, and she couldn't suppress her curiosity towards Chen Feng.

"Your talent is good, it's just the first time you've achieved this effect!"

Chenfeng put away the scroll and said with an appreciative tone.

"Young Master Chenfeng, thank you, you are willing to give me such a precious thing!"

Cao Ying cupped her hands towards Chenfeng, her beautiful eyes were full of gratitude. To be honest, this kind of soul cultivation technique has far exceeded her imagination. The speed of absorbing spiritual energy can only be described as horror .

"Miss Cao Ying, if you really want to thank me, why don't you stay here tonight and enjoy the wonderful starlight with me?"

Hearing Cao Ying's words, Chenfeng immediately extended an invitation to her.


Hearing this, Cao Ying turned her gaze out of the window. Only at this moment did she realize that the sky had already darkened a lot unconsciously.

It was the first time for her to stay outside at such a late hour. In the past, except for going to Danta for retreat and practice, she would always return home before dark.

"All right……"

After hesitating for a moment, Cao Ying nodded in agreement like a ghost, and with a sweet smile, there was a charming charm on that delicate cheek. It's enough to drive a man crazy.

"Let's go!"

Seeing Cao Ying nodding, Chen Feng directly held her fair and slender palm.

When Chen Feng held her palm, Cao Ying's graceful body trembled suddenly, and a strange tingling feeling spread to all parts of her body instantly, which she had never experienced before.

It was the first time that she had such intimate contact with the opposite sex. Cao Ying didn't resist at all, and just let Chenfeng hold her hand.

Next, Cao Ying was held by Chen Feng and slowly came to the window.

Looking through the window, Cao Ying looked at the blurred night and the bright stars in the sky, but Cao Ying had no intention of admiring them.

At this moment, all her thoughts were devoted to the mysterious man beside her who was a year or two younger than herself.

"Young Master Chenfeng, you said earlier that you need to make one condition to teach me how to practice Fajue. Could it be that you just let me watch the stars with you?"

This kind of silence lasted for a while, and Cao Ying finally couldn't help but take the initiative to speak up. After saying this, her little heart was beating non-stop, and the palm held by Chen Feng was also thumping. Leaking fragrant sweat.

"Miss Cao Ying, what do you think?"

Sensing the tension in Cao Ying's heart, Chen Feng turned sideways slightly, and put his face close to that alluring cheek, and said softly.

At this moment, the distance between the two was so close that Cao Ying could feel the hot air exhaled from Chenfeng's mouth. She instinctively took a half step back. The reason for the half step was that she was already against the wall behind her.

The next moment, Chenfeng continued to take half a step forward, bringing his whole body closer to Cao Ying again.

Such a posture looks very old-fashioned, but for an untrained girl like Cao Ying, the effect is very obvious.

At this moment, when the morning wind approached her, her cheeks blushed and she couldn't help closing her eyes.

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(End of this chapter)

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