Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 288 Feng Qing'er Comes to Your Door!

Chapter 288 Feng Qing'er Comes to Your Door!

"It's so big!"

Chen Feng observed Queen Medusa's belly, and found that the scale seemed to be much larger than when Xiao Xun'er was pregnant.

Moreover, there may still be more than a year before Queen Medusa gives birth. Therefore, Chen Feng speculates that Queen Medusa may not only be pregnant with one child. Like Xiao Xun'er, she can bring multiple heirs to Chen Feng at once.

Thinking of this, Chenfeng couldn't help but get a little excited. If that's the case, there will be a big wave of surprises then.

In the early hours of the morning, Chenfeng came out of the small world again and returned to Han Xue.

The little girl Han Xue, when she was sleeping, her eyes were gently closed, she looked extraordinarily peaceful.

"It seems that tomorrow can't continue like this!"

In the past few days, Han Xue would faint every time, and Chen Feng couldn't bear it.

When Han Xue woke up, Chen Feng took her to practice Dragon and Phoenix Jue together.

The gap in cultivation between Han Xue and Chen Feng was even more frightening. It was equivalent to a Dou Master. Every time he performed the kung fu, the energy he absorbed was the amount of energy absorbed by a Dou Zun who performed the kung fu once.

Under Chen Feng's deliberate suppression, Han Xue broke through to the level of a Da Dou master within a few hours.

"Brother-in-law, this exercise is amazing!"

Seeing the huge change in her cultivation base, Han Xue's snow-white pretty face was slightly flushed with excitement.

She was completely addicted, and she didn't feel tired at all after practicing for several hours.

Back then, when Chen Feng came to the Han family for the first time, Han Xue learned about such a cultivation method from Han Yue. At that time, she had a little expectation in her heart, and today her wish finally came true.


When Han Xue and Chen Feng continued their double cultivation in the room, it was above a patch of sky outside Tianbei City.

Suddenly, a huge space crack appeared.

Immediately, three figures stepped out slowly from the crack in the space, they were none other than Venerable Lei, Tianleizi, and Feng Qing'er who were on the previous Thunder Mountain.

"Pavilion Master, this is Tianbei City! If the young man has not left, he should stay in the Han family's mansion!"

Tianleizi pointed to the huge city ahead and introduced.

"Go, go and see!"

Venerable Lei nodded and flew directly over the huge city wall, followed by Tian Leizi and Feng Qing'er.

However, just when the three of them were about to reach the sky above the Han Family Manor, a strange fluctuation came from the Han Family Manor.

Sensing this strange fluctuation, the three of Lei Zun immediately stopped in place and stopped moving forward.

Immediately afterwards, the space in front of the three of them twisted violently, and Chen Feng's figure slowly walked out of the twisted space.

"It seems that this is the young man Fei Tian mentioned. He is really extraordinary!"

With Chen Feng's appearance, Venerable Lei nodded inwardly. He never expected that Chen Feng would discover his group first.

At this time, Feng Qing'er's beautiful purple-brown eyes were also constantly examining Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's appearance is that kind of handsome, and he also has a kingly temperament that ordinary people don't have. From the appearance and temperament alone, it is very prominent.

"Strange, why can't I feel his cultivation fluctuation at all?"

Seeing Chen Feng appearing in the sky in front of him, Feng Qing'er's eyes suddenly flashed doubts, but the fact that Chen Feng was able to walk through the air already proved that he had the Dou Zong cultivation base.

"Why did you three come to Han's house?"

Chen Feng sized up the three of Venerable Lei and the others, and stayed on Feng Qing'er a few more times.

This woman always exudes a dignified aura that cannot be concealed.

She was wearing a colored dress, her skin was as fair as jade, her cheeks were slightly thinner, her perfect oval face, coupled with her pair of purple-brown gemstone eyes, made her look beautiful and holy, very eye-catching.

"Hehe, you must be little friend Chenfeng!"

Tianleizi chuckled, asked what he wanted to know, and indirectly answered Chenfeng's question.

"It seems that you are here to find me!"

Chenfeng replied quite casually.

Chen Feng had roughly guessed the identities of the three of them from the fluctuations in their cultivation.

Because, in the northern region of Zhongzhou, there are too few people who have reached Dou Zun's cultivation level, and even fewer people happen to have thunder attribute fighting spirit.

"That's right... Xiaoyou Chenfeng, old man Tianleizi, this is my Venerable Lei, the master of the Fenglei East Pavilion. After hearing about your deeds, I am very interested in you. I don't know where my little friend came from?"

With a warm smile on Tianleizi's face, he introduced himself and Venerable Lei.

"What about her?"

Seeing that Tianleizi missed the woman in the colorful skirt during the introduction, Chenfeng pointed it out without hesitation.

"Her name is Feng Qing'er, and she is the old man's closed disciple!"

This time, Tian Leizi did not speak, and Venerable Lei first introduced Feng Qing'er.


Hearing Venerable Lei's introduction, Chen Feng nodded secretly. He had already guessed Feng Qing'er's identity the first time he saw her.

Moreover, this Feng Qing'er's personality is also very similar to Chen Feng's memory, and she always has a somewhat proud look on her face at this moment.

But here in Chenfeng, no matter what kind of proud woman she is, she will become extremely docile in the end.

"Tsk tsk, with Miss Feng's beauty, I'm afraid many men would willingly bow down under your skirt!"

The next moment, Chen Feng directly teased Feng Qing'er with words, and his eyes were even more undisguised.

"How can ordinary men get into my eyes!"

Feng Qing'er felt that Chenfeng's teasing was a compliment, so she was not angry, but instead showed her sense of superiority.

"Hehe, that's true. I don't know who can kiss Fangze and taste such a delicate beauty like Miss Feng!"

Chen Feng chuckled, and immediately said something bolder.

Such remarks made Venerable Lei and Tian Leizi frowned subconsciously.

"This young man... Didn't Fei Tian say that he already has a young lady from the Han family and has made a marriage contract, how could he be so frivolous?"

Venerable Lei shook his head in his heart.

Tianleizi was also surprised for a while, he didn't expect that after seeing Chenfeng himself, he would find that he was so frivolous.

Chen Feng's undisguised words made Feng Qing'er's face blush, she stretched out her white wrist, pointed at Chen Feng, and said angrily: "You are so brave, you dare to tease me!"

"Miss Feng, you have misunderstood this!"

Facing the enraged Feng Qing'er, Chen Feng's expression did not change at all, and he still looked a bit frivolous: "Sooner or later, you will have a man, so it seems that there is nothing wrong with it!"

"You, shameless!"

Hearing Chen Feng's almost rascally words, the blush on Feng Qing'er's pretty face became more obvious.

The next moment, Feng Qing'er, who was extremely ashamed, shook her hand, and a colorful silk shot out from her sleeve, twisting and winding in mid-air, and twisting towards Chenfeng trickily.

(End of this chapter)

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