Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 289 The comparison in Feng Qing'er's heart!

Chapter 289 The comparison in Feng Qing'er's heart!

Although the colorful silk and satin that Feng Qing'er displayed seemed to be made of cloth, there was a hint of metallic luster in it, which was obviously not an ordinary thing.

Seeing Feng Qing'er attacking Chen Feng, Venerable Lei and Tian Lei Zi at the side did not stop them, they also wanted to see Chen Feng's true strength.

However, the scene that happened next was clearly known to the two of them.

With Feng Qing'er's strength, it seems ridiculous to want to test Chen Feng's level.

I saw that when Feng Qing'er's colored silk with a strong wind hit Chenfeng's chest, Chenfeng's palm suddenly stretched out, and firmly grasped the incomparably sharp tip of the colored silk.

Surprisingly, at that moment just now, there was no fluctuation of battle energy between Chen Feng's palms.

Relying entirely on his physical strength, he grabbed the colorful silk and satin that Feng Qing'er shot out with an angry blow.


Seeing this, Feng Qing'er's beautiful eyes could not help flashing a strange luster.

However, she was so angry that she seemed to ignore the gap with Chenfeng.

With a trembling of the jade hand, another streak of colored silk shot out from the sleeve, twisting and winding in mid-air, attacking Chenfeng from a very tricky angle.

The next moment, the ending was still the same as before, Chenfeng's other hand quickly stretched out, and firmly grasped the second colored silk that Feng Qing'er shot.


Seeing this scene, Feng Qing'er snorted coldly, and wanted to continue to attack, but at this moment, a stream of silver fighting spirit emerged from Chenfeng's palm, and immediately spread away along the silk.

The thunderous aura emanating from that silver energy finally made Feng Qing'er's face change drastically.

In a panic, a wave of green and silver alternated, as if the majestic grudge formed by the fusion of the wind and the thunder, shot out along the silk and satin, and finally collided fiercely with the silver energy of Chenfeng.


A low-pitched explosion exploded in the sky, and the residents of the city also discovered the vision in the sky.

Hearing the movement here, the Han family was the first to rush over.

"This is?"

Seeing Feng Qing'er fighting against Chen Feng, Han Chi's face was full of doubts.

In his line of sight, Feng Qing'er's green and silver two-color energy had already been destroyed, and the thunderous grudge that Chen Feng unleashed continued to press towards Feng Qing'er along the colored silk and satin.

At this moment, Feng Qing'er finally showed a hint of panic in her eyes.

Beside him, Venerable Lei made a quick move, swaying a palm wind to stop the silver grudge energy.

If it wasn't for Chenfeng not doing his best, but using less than half of his strength, I am afraid that even Venerable Lei beside him would not be able to stop him.

"A combination of wind attribute and thunder attribute? Very good!"

Following Venerable Lei's move to help Feng Qing'er block Chen Feng's attack, Chen Feng also stopped, with a hint of appreciation on the corner of his mouth.

Although the colored silk satin has experienced such a violent energy impact, it still has not broken like this.

Feng Qing'er has a physique of two attributes. This physique may not be as rare as the Enandu physique, but it is quite rare. Generally speaking, all alchemists also have two physiques, but alchemists focus on the fire attribute.

The physique of the two attributes is actually not very suitable for cultivation, because it is not pure, but Feng Qing'er, not only was able to cultivate to this point, but also perfectly integrated the two attributes of fighting energy, and the power was much stronger than ordinary fighting energy.

At this moment, Feng Qing'er, who was a little bit ashamed because of the fiasco, softened a little after hearing Chen Feng's praise.

The way she looked at Chenfeng, she was not convinced at the beginning, but now she has a little more appreciation. As for the teasing words of Chenfeng before, she has already ignored them.

Venerable Lei stroked his silver beard and said with a smile: "Little friend Chenfeng, Qing'er is already defeated by you, so you don't need to praise her anymore!"

Hearing Venerable Lei's words, Feng Qing'er glanced at Chen Feng, then blushed slightly, and explained in a low voice: "Teacher, the reason I lost to him was because my cultivation was not as good as his. If I can also have the cultivation of Dou Zong, it is not certain who will win!"

"Qing'er? Are those two people Venerable Lei and Miss Feng?"

In the Northern Region of Zhongzhou, almost everyone knows that Venerable Lei, the master of Fenglei Pavilion, has accepted a female disciple with excellent talent named Feng Qing'er.

At this moment, Han Chi who was watching the battle had some guesses in his mind when he saw Venerable Lei intercepting Chenfeng's grudge energy, and then heard Qing'er called him.

"Han Chi, I have met Venerable Lei!"

The next moment, Han Chi bowed his hands directly to Venerable Lei. After all, Venerable Lei was the overlord who had stood in Zhongzhou for many years, and Han Chi dared not lack the proper etiquette.

"Patriarch Han doesn't need to be too polite!"

Seeing this, Venerable Lei showed a smile on his face, and raised his hand very politely, without putting on airs of the Venerable.

"Is he Venerable Lei?"

At this time, Han Yue and the other strong members of the Han family had already flown out of the manor.

When they saw Han Chi's address to Venerable Lei, they were all shocked. After living in the Northern Territory for many years, the members of the Han family were very afraid of Fenglei Pavilion.

Moreover, not long ago, Chenfeng also destroyed the Hong family and killed Hong Chen, a disciple of the Fenglei Pavilion. Therefore, many members of the Han family thought that Venerable Lei was here to ask the teacher to inquire about the crime, and their hearts were full of worries.

However, when they saw the tone of Venerable Lei's words to Han Chi, the worry in their hearts dissipated a lot. It seemed that they did not come to Xingshi to ask for a crime.

"Brother Feng!"

Han Yue flew directly to Chen Feng's side, and the cultivation base of the high-ranking Dou Wang made people's eyes shine.

"Hehe, this must be the young lady of the Han family. At such a young age, you have already reached the high-level fighting king. My friend Chenfeng, you have a very good vision!"

Seeing Han Yue's arrival, Venerable Lei praised in an elder tone.

"Master Lei, you are too praised, my little cultivation is nothing!"

Hearing Venerable Lei's appreciation, Han Yue replied very politely.

"It's just a fighting king, what kind of excellence is that..."

Listening to the conversation between Venerable Lei and Han Yue, Feng Qing'er felt a sense of comparison in her heart. In her opinion, even though Han Yue was one or two years younger than her, such talent could not be compared with her own at all.

However, just when Feng Qing'er had such thoughts, a strange fluctuation suddenly came from somewhere in the Han family manor.

Immediately, with the Han Family Manor as the center, the energy of heaven and earth in the entire Tianbei City and beyond Tianbei City fluctuated violently.

"With this momentum, someone breaks through Douzong?"

Sensing this fluctuation, Venerable Lei and Tian Leizi's expressions changed slightly. They didn't expect to encounter such a thing when they came to the Han family for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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