Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 290 Cao Ying breaks through Dou Zong, Feng Qing'er's sense of superiority is hit!

Chapter 290 Cao Ying breaks through Dou Zong, Feng Qing'er's sense of superiority is hit!
After a while, the energy of the surrounding world, as if being pulled by a kind, began to frantically gather towards a certain room in the Han Family Manor.

The shock between the heaven and the earth is also becoming more and more intense, and a stream of strong energy continuously seeps out from the sky and the earth, and then rushes towards it in a steady stream.

From a distance, almost the entire Han family manor is wrapped in some colorful energy, which is extremely spectacular.

"It seems that Yinger is about to break through!"

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng murmured in his heart, the Po Zong Pill rewarded by the system has a different effect.

"Sister Yinger's talent is really good!"

Knowing the situation, Han Yue looked at her manor with beautiful eyes enviously.

Cao Ying is the heavenly girl of Danta, whose starting point is much higher than the two sisters of the Han family. Although she is envious, she has no other bad intentions.

This kind of change in the Han family manor naturally attracted the attention of everyone in Tianbei City.

Countless astonished eyes cast upwards, looking at the substantial energy in the sky, and the coercion of the energy that diffused faintly, which made many weaker residents feel terrified.

"I don't know which one of the Han family broke through to Douzong this time?"

Tianleizi came to Han Chi and asked with a warm smile on his face.

"This... should be another wife of my good son-in-law!"

Hearing Tianleizi, the North Pavilion Master's kind inquiry, Han Chi was also a little flattered. After being stunned for a moment, he felt that there was nothing to hide about this matter, so he pointed to Chenfeng and told Tianleizi the answer.

"Oh, another wife of little friend Chenfeng?"

Hearing Han Chi's answer, Tianleizi's face was slightly startled. Behind him, Venerable Lei and Feng Qing'er had similar reactions. In this Douqi Continent, generally speaking, families with better family backgrounds are less willing to let their own women serve a husband with other women.

The attitude of the members of the Han family not only showed no objection at all, but also very much approved of it, which was somewhat unreasonable.

"This guy already has a wife, and he still wants to mess with this Miss Han! What a fool!"

Feng Qing'er glanced at Chen Feng, and a strange look flashed in her eyes, but it was not entirely contemptuous, as another emotion seemed to be hidden inside.

Although she was compared with Han Yue before, it is undeniable that Han Yue's cultivation talent is much better than ordinary women, and she is tall and tall, and her appearance and temperament are also excellent.

Feng Qing'er's true evaluation of Han Yue is quite high, and it was only because of the superiority in her heart that she deliberately belittled Han Yue in her heart.

Now, knowing that Chen Feng's other wife has actually broken through the Dou Zong, Feng Qing'er's sense of superiority was immediately hit hard.

The changes between the heaven and the earth, as time went on, not only did not weaken, but became more and more intense, until later, a colorful energy vortex hundreds of feet in size appeared in the sky of the Han family manor.

After the energy vortex appeared, the energy of the surrounding world was sucked in by the energy vortex like a whale.

And as more and more energy poured into the blood pool, a majestic aura, like a phoenix flapping its wings, slowly spread out from the room.

For a while, within a thousand miles around Tianbei City, many strong men felt something, and for a while, all eyes turned to the direction of Tianbei City.

"This aura... Is anyone going to break through to Douzong again?"

"That direction seems to be the direction of Tianbei City!"

"Not long ago, the Han family annexed the Hong family and dominated Tianbei City. It seems that this time, someone from the Han family broke through the Douzong again!"


Voices full of envy sounded in the area around Tianbei City.

Over Tianbei City, energy roared into the sky, and the huge energy vortex was spinning at an increasingly crazy speed, and all the energy it absorbed was transmitted down from the center of the vortex, and entered the room of the Han family manor.

Perhaps it was because of the fluctuations in the energy of the heaven and the earth that caused a lot of dark clouds to gather over Tianbei City. For a while, the originally sunny weather turned into dark clouds.

However, this situation did not last long. When the energy concentration reached a certain peak, it gradually began to decline. The huge swirling energy vortex also slowly slowed down, and then it began to slowly dissipate.

"Being able to break through Dou Zong, I think she should be quite old!"

Looking at the scene over there, Feng Qing'er made a subjective judgment in her heart.

Soon, as the energy vortex of the world completely dissipated, an extremely strong breath came from the room.

Immediately afterwards, a slightly thin figure slowly emerged, with the soles of its feet lightly stepping on the void, and the majestic aura emanating from its body made even a high-ranking Douzong powerhouse like Tianleizi startled.

Of course, the reason why Tianleizi had such a reaction was not because of fluctuations in his cultivation, but because of the soul coercion pervading between heaven and earth.


Feeling the strength of this aura, voices filled with awe and envy resounded in the entire Tianbei City.

Dou Zong, the real watershed for the strong in the mainland, if he successfully stepped into this level, he would have the basic conditions to flourish in Zhongzhou.

In the depths of the Han family's manor, the beautiful figure in the sky stood gently in the void, without the appearance of fighting spirit wings behind it, walking in the air, this is the unique symbol of the Douzong strong.

Under the gaze of everyone, the beautiful figure in the sky that just broke through quickly flew towards Chenfeng and his party.

As the distance continued to approach, Feng Qing'er finally saw the true face of the person who broke through the Dou Zong.

She has a long and delicate body, wearing a tight black dress, exuding a cold and arrogant temperament. Her skin is like snow, and three thousand black hairs are scattered on her fragrant shoulders casually. Her cheeks are slightly thin, but they are extraordinarily delicate, just like porcelain.

In the woman's narrow and slightly lazy eyes, there is a hint of enchantment, charming and moving.

"Brother Feng, my breakthrough is quite fast this time!"

Cao Ying came in front of Chenfeng, and a brisk voice came out. The slight curvature at the corner of her slender lips made this thin and charming cheek full of seductiveness.

"You're so young! You still look so coquettish!"

After seeing Cao Ying's face clearly, Feng Qing'er seemed to have received a huge blow in her heart, and her eyes appeared in a trance.

Feng Qing'er didn't feel too much about losing to Chenfeng before, but this time is different. Generally speaking, women are the ones who compare with each other the most.

(End of this chapter)

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