Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 291 Venerable Lei: Little friend Chenfeng, can I let Qing'er learn from you!

Chapter 291 Venerable Lei: Little friend Chenfeng, can I let Qing'er learn from you!
At this moment, with Cao Ying coming to Chen Feng, Feng Qing'er was not the only one with complicated thoughts, even Venerable Lei and Tian Leizi who were on the side were very shocked.

At Cao Ying's age, she has already broken through to Dou Zong. With that kind of talent, she can also be included in the top ranks of Zhongzhou, and she is likely to become Dou Zong in the future.

"Unexpectedly, this little friend Chenfeng is not only amazingly talented, but also the girls around him are all amazingly talented!"

Venerable Lei sighed in his heart, he now values ​​Chen Feng even more than before.

"Ying'er, since your cultivation level has broken through to Dou Zong, your fighting power must have been enhanced!"

Looking at the alluring beauty in front of him, Chen Feng said with a smile on his lips, pointing out.

"That's natural, why don't we try it later! Let Brother Feng see my current strength!"

Hearing this, Cao Ying raised her head proudly, revealing a section of her snow-white neck, and her exquisite and plump curves were perfectly displayed.

"It seems that Xiaoyou Chenfeng and his wife are still exchanging ideas from time to time... Not only are they talented, but they also work so hard. If only I were a disciple of Fenglei Pavilion!"

Listening to the conversation between Chenfeng and Cao Ying, Venerable Lei showed a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

The people around were similar, and they all felt that Chen Feng and Cao Ying were practicing hard. However, Han Yue beside Chen Feng understood that the sparring that Chen Feng and Cao Ying referred to was not the sparring that everyone thought.

"Qing'er, little friend Chenfeng's talent is far superior to yours, and this cultivation of mind is also worth learning. Why don't you stay at Han's house for a few days this time, and learn from little friend Chenfeng well, it will be of great help to you!"

After thinking for a moment, Venerable Lei suddenly turned his head to Feng Qing'er beside him and said.

"Stay in Han's house? Learn from him?"

Hearing Venerable Lei's words, Feng Qing'er was very surprised on her pretty face.

"That's right, this little friend Chenfeng, besides his own strong talent, must have other unknown strengths. If you can learn from them and master a little bit, you will make great progress!"

Seeing Feng Qing'er was puzzled, Tianleizi smiled and explained slowly: "Just treat this as a trial, and you don't have to worry about anything else!"

"Okay... Teacher, you are right!"

Hearing Venerable Lei's explanation, Feng Qing'er, who had already been subdued by Chen Feng, nodded slightly.

"Just, can he agree?"

After Feng Qing'er agreed, she asked again in doubt.

"Don't worry, leave these matters to the teacher!"

Hearing Feng Qing'er's words, Venerable Lei gave a confident smile.

The next moment, Venerable Lei came to Han Chi in person, and said to Han Chi, "Patriarch Han, the excellence of your son-in-law really amazes me. I wonder if Patriarch Han can let the young apprentice stay at the Han family for a few days and learn from your son-in-law Chenfeng?"


Before Tianleizi took the initiative to talk to him, Han Chi felt flattered, and now an overlord like Venerable Lei was talking to him in such a tone, which made Han Chi even more excited.

"Master Lei is serious. Miss Feng can come to Han's house as a guest, which makes my Han family flourish. Welcome, welcome!"

Facing Venerable Lei's request, Han Chi almost didn't think about it, and agreed first.

"Okay, since that's the case, thank you Patriarch Han!"

Seeing that Han Chi did not hesitate, Venerable Lei was also overjoyed.

"Why did father agree to let Feng Qing'er live in?"

On the other side, Han Yue frowned slightly when she heard the conversation between Venerable Lei and Han Chi.

Although she knew what Venerable Lei meant and simply wanted Feng Qing'er to learn from Chen Feng, she had other premonitions in her heart.

Before Chenfeng, he brought her, Zi Yan, Xue Ni, and tutor Ruolin back to Jia Ma Palace from Jia Nan Academy. In the end, they all became Chen Feng's women...

"It seems that this Feng Qing'er will become my sister too!"

Thinking of this kind of result, Han Yue suddenly felt relieved, and felt that it was nothing. At the beginning, she herself, Zi Yan, tutor Ruo Lin, Xue Ni, Xiao Yu, Liu Fei and others, when they first arrived in the palace, Yun Yun, Nalan Yanran, and Ya Concubine accepted it with pleasure.

On the other side, there was a strange color in Cao Ying's charming eyes. Immediately afterwards, she turned her head to look at Chen Feng, and found that there was a faint smile on Chen Feng's face.

"Brother Feng, are you thinking about it again?"

Cao Ying said in a resentful voice.

"Yinger, what do you think?"

Regarding Cao Ying's words, Chenfeng didn't hide anything, and said it very frankly.

"You're so playful!"

Hearing Chenfeng's undisguised answer, Cao Ying felt helpless, so she curled her lips pretending to be angry.

"Little friend Chenfeng, if you don't mind the trouble, you can guide me when you have time! Of course, I won't let you suffer. This is a volume of ground-level physical combat skills from my Fenglei Pavilion. Three thousand thunder moves is my reward!"

After seeking Han Chi's consent, Venerable Lei came to Chenfeng with a smile on his face, and handed him a silver scroll.

Seeing Venerable Lei's actions, Tian Leizi, as well as the powerhouses from the Han family, were shocked.

Three thousand thunder moves, the low-level physical combat skills of the earth level, as the untold secret of Fenglei Pavilion, have never been allowed to be touched by outsiders.

Unexpectedly, Venerable Lei actually took the initiative to give it to an outsider to practice today, which is really surprising.

"Earth-level primary, the quality is slightly lower, but since it is of the thunder attribute, there may be other merits!"

On Chenfeng's side, when Venerable Lei sent out the three thousand thunder scrolls of fighting skills, he accepted them reluctantly.

Seeing that Chen Feng accepted the scroll of Three Thousand Thunders, Venerable Lei didn't care about his words that belittled Three Thousands of Thunder's fighting skills, because in his opinion, Chen Feng might really have a better body fighting skill than Three Thousands of Thunders.

He sent [-] thunderbolts with the idea of ​​investing. Now no matter what, he has successfully sent it out, which means he has accomplished his goal. In the future, if Chenfeng becomes the famous powerhouse in the mainland, using [-] thunderbolts will also add a lot of glory to Fenglei Pavilion.

"It seems that little friend Chenfeng has agreed to this matter...Qing'er, why don't you come over and thank you little friend Chenfeng!"

The next moment, Venerable Lei showed joy, then turned slightly sideways, calling Feng Qing'er to come over.


At this moment, the expression on Feng Qing'er's face was very serious. After all, Venerable Lei had done so much to allow her to study with Chenfeng for a period of time, and she was ashamed to let Venerable Lei's efforts go to waste.

(End of this chapter)

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