Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 292 Feng Qing'er: Brother Chenfeng, please give me more advice!

Chapter 292 Feng Qing'er: Brother Chenfeng, please give me more advice!
"Brother Chenfeng, in the next few days, please give me more advice!"

At this moment, Feng Qing'er completely discarded the previous unhappiness, came to Chenfeng, stretched out her white jade hands, made a fist gesture, and spoke very seriously.

"Good talk, good talk!"

Seeing Feng Qing'er's current posture and the name she called herself, Chen Feng was very satisfied, and nodded with a smile.

"Since that's the case, the old couple won't bother you...Qing'er, you must study hard, and don't let down the teacher's expectations of you!"

After Chenfeng agreed, Venerable Lei did not put on airs of being the overlord of the Northern Territory, and said goodbye to Chenfeng and the Han family.

"Master Lei, go slowly!"

Seeing this, Han Chi quickly returned the gift. Today, he has more face. The courtesy of the overlord of the Northern Territory is something that many big families in the Northern Territory can't even imagine.

Soon, Venerable Lei and Tian Leizi left through the void, leaving Feng Qing'er in the Han family manor.

"Miss Feng, come with me, I will arrange a place for you to live in!"

With her protruding belly, Han Yue flew to Feng Qing'er's side, and said in a calm tone.

"Miss Laohan is here!"

Perhaps because she felt that she was better than Han Yue in cultivation, Feng Qing'er liked Han Yue more than Cao Ying, so she thanked her very politely at this moment.

"Yue'er, Miss Feng will leave it to you to greet me, but don't lose your etiquette!"

Seeing this, Han Chi and the elders of the Han family didn't meddle too much in the affairs of the young people, and they all left with a smile.


"Brother Feng, I just want you to see my strength after breaking through the Douzong!"

After everyone left, only Chen Feng and Cao Ying were left in this sky.

This retreat for a few days, Cao Ying already missed the power of Chenfeng, so she put her arms around Chenfeng's neck and made a tingling sound.

"Okay, then I will work harder and check it for you!"

Chenfeng grabbed it lightly with the palm of his hand, and then, the two of them spread their speed together and ran directly to a certain room in the depths of the Han family manor.

The scene of the two quickly entering the room happened to be seen by Han Yue in the sky. Suddenly, Han Yue's eyes became a little resentful. Speaking of which, because she was pregnant, she hadn't been nourished by the morning breeze for a long time.

"Are they going to enter the room for a discussion?"

Beside Han Yue, Cao Ying also saw the scene of Chenfeng and Cao Ying entering the room, with a hint of curiosity in her beautiful eyes.

Hearing this, Han Yue came back to her senses, with a blush on her cheeks: "Brother Feng must be teaching Sister Yinger some precautions after breaking through!"

"So it is!"

Hearing Han Yue's explanation, Feng Qing'er nodded her white chin thoughtfully, and at the same time, she was still a little envious.

She has practiced for many years, and she has always felt that she is excellent, but now, two people who are a few years younger than herself have already broken through the Dou Zong, but she herself is still a five-star Dou Emperor, and she feels a great sense of frustration in her heart.

Next, under Han Yue's arrangement, Feng Qing'er moved into another room in the small courtyard where Chen Feng lived.

"Miss Feng, this courtyard is where my sister Han Xue and I live, so you can live here with peace of mind!"

Han Yue greeted with a smile.


Feng Qing'er nodded happily, she had memorized the layout of this small courtyard in the sky before.

There are only three rooms in this small courtyard, and there is a circular flower bed in the middle, where various flowers and plants are planted. The room she is in is just opposite the room that Chen Feng and Cao Ying entered, and there is only a flower bed in the middle.


inside the room.

Chen Feng and Cao Ying just came in, they couldn't wait to take off their clothes and meet each other frankly.

"Look at how much progress you can make after this breakthrough!"

Looking at the graceful and delicate body like white jade in front of him, Chen Feng showed an evil smile at the corner of his mouth, and then rushed forward.

In the room where the spring light suddenly appeared, strange voices sounded, and the movement was very loud.

On the edge of the flower bed outside, Feng Qing'er looked at the room where Chen Feng and Cao Ying lived, her beautiful eyes were full of curiosity.

"Breakthrough Douzong, what kind of experience will you have?"

The curiosity in Feng Qing'er's heart was getting bigger and bigger, her footsteps moved lightly, and she involuntarily moved closer to the other side of the flower bed.

Suddenly, Cao Ying's slightly smug voice came from the room.

Feng Qing'er slenderly brushed away a strand of black hair in front of her forehead, and there was a little light shining in her purple-brown eyes.

"You are Miss Feng!"

At this moment, a sweet voice came from the gate of the small courtyard, interrupting some thoughts in Feng Qing'er's mind.


Turning around, Feng Qing'er immediately saw a snow-white figure.

The woman who appeared here was dressed in a snow-white dress. Although she looked young, she was staggeringly developed in some places. Her delicate facial features were moving, and the snow-white skin exposed was even more shocking.

With just one glance, Feng Qing'er felt that the girl in front of her was a little beauty whose appearance was not inferior to her own.


Han Xue looked at the guests in the yard, gasping for breath. Before that happened, she also chased Chenfeng to the front of the manor, but when she returned, Chenfeng and the others flew over, and she could only run back, which made her extremely tired.

"Miss Feng, do you know where my sister and my brother-in-law went?"

Han Xue glanced in the yard, but didn't see anyone else, so she continued to ask Feng Qing'er.

"It seems that she is the second miss of the Han family, Han Yue's biological sister! The beauty of the family!"

Hearing this, Feng Qing'er immediately guessed her identity.

The next moment, Feng Qing'er stretched out her snow-white jade hand and pointed to the room where Chenfeng and the two were located: "Your brother-in-law should be in this room. As for Miss Han, she just left the courtyard and said she was going to arrange for someone to decorate my room."

"Oh, so my brother-in-law is here!"

Hearing Feng Qing'er's words, Han Xue nodded, focusing all on her brother-in-law.

Under Feng Qinger's gaze, Han Xue walked directly outside the room, and then stretched out her hand to push the door: "Brother-in-law, are you inside? I'm coming in!"

In this small courtyard, the sisters and Chen Feng almost didn't have the habit of locking the door. The door of the room was slowly opened with Han Xue's light push.

Suddenly, in the crack of the door, a blushing scene appeared in front of Feng Qing'er.

(End of this chapter)

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