Chapter 296 Cultivation has skyrocketed!

"This is the Six Star Fighting Emperor!"

Feng Qing'er was extremely excited at the moment, with a moving smile on her face, because of the rapid improvement in her cultivation, her whole body was trembling violently.

"Don't move!"

Seeing Feng Qing'er who became excited because of her breakthrough in cultivation, Chenfeng had no choice but to continue to use her strength and speed up the speed of the exercise.

"Brother Chenfeng..."

Because Chen Feng suddenly speeded up the operation of the exercises, Feng Qing'er couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the practice, and immediately looked at Chen Feng with resentful eyes.

However, Feng Qing'er's eyes looked more like a temptation to Chen Feng.

That alluring look immediately made Chen Feng feel hot.

However, Chenfeng is still waiting for an opportunity, he knows that Feng Qing'er has a strong character.

Now that you have this kind of fast cultivation method, you will be very fascinated. Once you are fascinated, you will be very afraid of losing it.

"Okay, I will use the exercises to ease it, but don't move around, so as not to affect the effect of cultivation!"

Chen Feng smiled and nodded.


Because of practicing this dragon and phoenix art, Feng Qing'er's voice became weaker and weaker.

In the following time, Feng Qing'er's cultivation continued to grow at an extremely fast speed.

On the fourth day, she had already broken through to the level of the Seven Star Douhuang.

At this time, in her heart, she was already more and more greedy for this feeling of soaring cultivation, and she obviously couldn't do without Chen Feng.

Gradually, Chenfeng began to have some other operating routes.

Although Feng Qing'er felt very embarrassed about Chen Feng's bolder move, she didn't say anything to stop her.


At a certain moment, the room where the two were located was suddenly pushed away by a small hand.

Immediately, Han Xue and Cao Ying appeared side by side at the door.

"Brother-in-law, are you alright? It's been four days, and I want to practice with you too!"

At the door, Han Xue's face swelled slightly, and she walked towards the couch impatiently.

Hearing Han Xue's words, Feng Qing'er, who was cultivating, felt her heart tighten. She also knew that Chenfeng had been guiding her in cultivation for a long time.

However, Feng Qing'er couldn't bear to leave Chen Feng with such a fast way of cultivation.

"Miss Feng, brother Feng's guidance to you this time should be interesting enough!"

On the side, Cao Ying put her hands on her slender waist, and said with a dissatisfied expression on her face.

"Okay, then I'll come down now..."

Hearing Han Xue and Cao Ying's urging, Feng Qing'er suddenly felt embarrassed.

After all, in terms of relationship, Cao Ying and Han Xue obviously wanted to get closer to Chenfeng.

She herself is just a friend that Chenfeng just met.

The next moment, Feng Qing'er showed a reluctant expression on her face, and planned to get off the soft couch.

However, Chen Feng is still running the exercises, and has no intention of stopping at all.

"Miss Feng, look at you, Brother Feng has helped you so much, don't you know how to repay Brother Feng?"

Seeing Chen Feng continue to practice the exercises, Cao Ying also understood what Chen Feng meant, and she scolded Feng Qing'er before leaving the room again.


Listening to Cao Ying's last words, Feng Qing'er's eyes were a little confused.

In the past few days of ambiguous contact, in her heart, she also had a strange liking for Chen Feng.

"Brother Chenfeng..."

With a strange feeling in her heart, Feng Qing'er's beautiful eyes gradually moved down.

After thinking for a moment, she seemed to have made a decision.

"If you want to practice this exercise with Brother Chenfeng all the time, an ordinary relationship will definitely not work. Maybe after this time, I won't have such a chance to practice again..."

Thinking in her heart, Feng Qing'er's eyes showed shrewdness and temptation.

"Brother Chenfeng..."

Immediately afterwards, she pretended to be unstable, and her whole body fell forward.

As she expected, Chen Feng quickly reached out to support her body.

At this time, Feng Qing'er also took advantage of the situation, and lightly rested her head on Chen Feng's shoulder.

The alluring fragrance on the hair immediately rushed into Chenfeng's nose.

At this moment, Chen Feng no longer held back, and took advantage of the situation to pull Feng Qing'er into his arms.

Although Feng Qing'er had already made some psychological preparations, at this moment, she was still very nervous.

"Brother Chenfeng, with this miraculous cultivation method of yours, you are destined to be surrounded by countless women...I just beg you, you must be responsible to me in the future!"

Feng Qing'er's weak voice came, and it was the first time she had seen such a way of speaking in so many years.

"Don't worry, I, Chenfeng, am responsible for every woman!"

Chen Feng immediately answered Feng Qing'er's question.

"Okay, you must not lie to me!"

In front of Chen Feng, Feng Qing'er no longer had the slightest arrogance. Her tone of voice was like a born immortal who had fallen to the mortal world, which made people feel affectionate.

Such a weak performance also added to Feng Qing'er's body a bit of a charming temperament that was different from before.

When all the flowing seven-color skirts fell off, Feng Qing'er was so shy that she buried her jade cheeks in Chen Feng's arms.

Soon, the scene in the room became very beautiful.


Feng Qing'er is a member of the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan.

She has the blood of a high-level monster, and in terms of physique, she is naturally stronger than many ordinary humans.

However, no matter how strong she is, she is still no match for Chen Feng.

In the end, Feng Qing'er fainted because of her injuries.


After winning this battle, Chenfeng didn't feel the slightest bit of fatigue, but instead felt refreshed.

Outside, after hearing the movement in the room disappear, Cao Ying and Han Xue, who had been waiting outside the door for a long time, opened the door and walked in with resentful eyes.


"Brother Feng!"

"This is too strong!"

"Did Miss Lian Feng lose so quickly? It seems that my brother-in-law is usually more considerate of me!"

As soon as Cao Ying and Han Xue came in, they saw Feng Qing'er who had passed out, and there was a bit of surprise in their eyes at the moment.

At the same time, the two of them admired the powerful strength of Chenfeng even more.

If a few more sisters don't come to help, then they will all experience the same experience as Feng Qing'er today in the future.

"Xue'er, Ying'er, do you two want to practice too?"

Seeing Cao Ying and Han Xue walking in, Chenfeng smiled and hooked his fingers.

"Of course!"

Seeing Chen Feng hooking her finger at her, Han Xue immediately forgot about Feng Qing'er's tragic situation, and rushed over quickly.

Not to be outdone, Cao Ying rushed over quickly and competed with Han Xue for Chenfeng.

(End of this chapter)

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