Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 297 Bloodline Evolution, Famous in the Northern Territory!

Chapter 297 Bloodline Evolution, Famous in the Northern Territory!

"Brother Chenfeng!"

The next day, Feng Qing'er woke up from a coma, looked at Chen Feng next to her, her eyes were full of shy joy.

She quietly nestled on Chenfeng's shoulder, her pretty cheeks were full of happiness.

"Wake up... I have a treasure here that is very suitable for you!"

Seeing the cold and proud woman leaning against him so docilely before, Chen Feng felt very comfortable.

He smiled, and then took out a drop of golden blood from the ring.

"This is!"

As Chen Feng took out this drop of golden blood, Feng Qing'er's face suddenly changed drastically. At this moment, the blood in Feng Qing'er's body suddenly boiled a lot, an extremely strong attraction Power emerged in her heart.

"The blood of the monster phoenix is ​​left by the Dou Sheng powerhouse!"

Chenfeng said bluntly.


Hearing Chen Feng's words, Feng Qing'er covered her red lips lightly with small hands, and her beautiful eyes were also full of shock. She knew exactly what the blood of the monster phoenix at the fighting saint level represented.

That kind of thing is several times better than the inheritance accepted by those outstanding members of the Sky Yaohuang Clan, and there is no danger of accepting the inheritance.

"This thing..."

"It doesn't matter where this thing comes from, you just need to know, do you want it?"

Seeing the hesitation on Feng Qing'er's face, Chen Feng said calmly.

"I want!"

Hearing Chen Feng's question, Feng Qing'er nodded lightly, she could feel the powerful coercion emanating from this golden blood.

Once this drop of blood is fused, her bloodline will definitely be greatly improved, and she will also be able to obtain many inheritances from the ancestors of the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan.

"Since you want it, I will reward you!"

As Feng Qing'er finished speaking, Chen Feng bent his fingers, and directly flicked this drop of golden blood onto Feng Qing'er's fair skin.

In the blink of an eye, the golden blood penetrated through the skin and merged into Feng Qing'er's body. At this moment, Feng Qing'er's skin seemed to be dyed with a layer of gold.


The fusion of golden blood made Feng Qing'er's face filled with pain.

Feng Qing'er's jade hands made dazzling imprints like lightning, and immediately there was a clear drink from that small mouth.

Immediately afterwards, a black phantom of a monster phoenix manifested behind Feng Qing'er.

Moreover, with the passage of time, the phantom of the monster phoenix behind Feng Qing'er seemed to be resurrected, and it kept making phoenix cries.

This kind of movement, if Chenfeng hadn't used the seal to shield it in time, everyone within a hundred miles would probably feel abnormal.

After that, the black phantom of the monster phoenix gradually turned into gold, and under the golden light of the monster phoenix, Feng Qing'er's graceful and delicate body was filled with a bit of sacredness. With a bit of coquettishness.

At a certain moment, the golden light began to dissipate slowly, and Feng Qing'er's aura had already climbed to a one-star Douzong at this moment, reaching a level similar to that of Cao Ying.

Although this drop of blood essence is mainly for the improvement of bloodline and inheritance of memory for the people of the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan, there will always be some power inheritance more or less.

"Brother Chenfeng, I have broken through, I have broken through to Douzong!"

Opening her eyes again, Feng Qing'er couldn't hide the joy in her eyes, and then opened her jade arms, hugging Chen Feng tightly.

Just a few days ago, she was only a five-star Douzong. After a few days, she has transformed into a one-star Douzong. The holy strong will be extremely surprised.

Moreover, Feng Qing'er's improvement this time is secondary to her cultivation. What she really improved is the bloodline level. Like these long-standing Warcraft families, they are also similar to those of the Doudi family. With Feng Qing'er's current bloodline level, it is almost It is equivalent to the ninth-rank high-level bloodline in the World of Warcraft, that is to say, as long as she cultivates steadily and does not die halfway, she will definitely be able to achieve the cultivation level of Dou Sheng in the future.

This kind of bloodline level is already among the top among the younger generation of the Sky Monster Phoenix Clan. There may only be one or two people in the Sky Monster Phoenix Clan who can be compared with it.

Seeing Feng Qing'er's happy appearance, Chen Feng gently pinched her snow-white chin with his palm, and said with a smile: "Miss Feng, now you don't have to live so tired like before!"


Hearing this, Feng Qing'er nodded quietly.

In the past, although she was said to have a high status in Fenglei Pavilion, the pressure in her heart was extremely high, not only because it was difficult to cultivate dual-attribute battle qi, but also because she left the ethnic group to practice outside, and she was under a lot of pressure, thinking about it all the time. Think about how to improve your cultivation, and when you return to the ethnic group later, don't let others laugh at you.

Now that her bloodline has been evolved, perhaps, as long as she puts in half of the previous efforts, she can far surpass a large number of people in the clan, and the anxiety and pressure in her heart will naturally disappear.

"Brother Chenfeng, from now on, don't call me Miss Feng, just call me Qing'er!"

Feng Qing'er buried her cheeks in Chenfeng's chest, and said in a delicate voice, now she feels that she has had the closest relationship with Chenfeng. Naturally, that kind of unfamiliar address can no longer be used between the two of them.

"Alright, Qing'er, now that your bloodline has improved, let me see if you are stronger than last time!"

Chen Feng nodded with a smile, and then slowly approached Feng Qing'er.

"Good or bad!"

Seeing Chen Feng's actions, Feng Qing'er blushed for a while, she symbolically stopped her, and then fell completely.

Venerable Lei sent his apprentice here this time, which can be regarded as a great gift to Chenfeng.


Zhongzhou Northern Territory.

Because of destroying the Hong family and allowing Venerable Lei to descend in person, it can be said that Chen Feng's deeds became known to everyone in a short period of time.

Many people are well aware that the Han family in the northern region has a genius who can be called against the sky. At the age of about 20 years old, he has already entered the Douzong, and even Hong Tianxiao, the patriarch of the Hong family, is not an all-in-one enemy.

Because of Chenfeng, during this period of time, many people came to Tianbei City to visit the Han family, wanting to make friends.

Of course, there are also some of them who claim to be highly talented and do not believe that Chenfeng really has such a powerful young genius. They came to Tianbei City with the idea of ​​challenging.

"Everyone, Chenfeng has no visitors for the time being, so please come back!"

In the hall of the Han family, Han Chi looked at the many young people who came to challenge him, and said helplessly.

"From my point of view, that Chen Feng is an incompetent person who was blown up to the sky by some people!"

"If he doesn't dare to accept the challenge, then I, Huang Tian, ​​will keep blocking the door of your Han's house!"

Han Chi's words did not make these people leave. They all let go of their rhetoric, saying that Chenfeng's first day in the Northern Territory was not worthy of its name.

(End of this chapter)

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