Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 303 Someone Comes from the Soul Hall!

Chapter 303 Someone Comes from the Soul Hall!

"His Majesty is married again!"

"It's really great, I hope His Majesty the Emperor will hold a few more weddings this year!"

The next day, red lanterns were hung everywhere in Jiama Imperial Capital, and the people of the entire giant city were also shrouded in joy.

Whenever the emperor gets married, the tax of the entire empire will be reduced or exempted. Such an emperor will naturally be loved by the people.

Of course, with Chenfeng's current net worth, there is no shortage of several months of tax relief. He even provided a lot of support for the development of the Jia Ma Empire. These resources are the Jia Ma Empire's ten years. Ten years of taxes can't come out.

The reason why Chenfeng still maintains this tax is because he doesn't want to break this rule.

If they get something for nothing for a long time, the people will not have too much desire to fight, and they only think that the empire will support them. That kind of result is what Chenfeng does not want to see.

At this time today, the forbidden area of ​​the Jia Ma Palace, which seemed a bit empty, is now full of people, countless guests from all directions crowded the palace.

The huge noise resounded throughout the sky of the palace, making people feel a slight tingling in their eardrums.


With the sound of an ancient bell, the intense noise in the palace stopped abruptly, and then, in front of the main hall, on the grandest square, a road was orderly made way.

Immediately, Han Yue, Han Xue, Liu Fei, and Tang Huo'er, the four brides in red dresses, surrounded by many maids, stepped on the red carpet, walked up the steps, and came to the high platform in front of the hall.

The beauty of the four brides almost made everyone present feel envious.

Soon, Chen Feng's figure also appeared on the Xitai.

"Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to attend my wedding in Morrowind..."

Chenfeng bowed his hands to all the guests and said a few polite words.

After that, it was all handed over to the master of ceremonies.


"Presumably this is Yunshan, the old suzerain of the Yunlan Sect. Sure enough, being famous is worse than meeting him!"

"The old suzerain of Yunshan is here!"

During the guests' banquet, Yun Shan, the strongest person in the Yunlan Sect, received countless praises from the Dou Huang and Dou Zong powerhouses from Zhongzhou.

This was something that Yunshan had never dared to think about before. One day, his name and taboo, Yunshan, would be known by so many powerful people from Zhongzhou, and they would step forward to cling to him one by one.

The same is true for Hai Bodong who came back from the Canaan Academy. Now, with the help of the pill given by Chen Feng, Hai Bodong's cultivation has also broken through to Douzong.

Because he and Chenfeng belonged to the same family, there were more Zhongzhou powerhouses who came to greet him than Yunshan.

"The family has a kid like Chenfeng, what a blessing for the family!"

No matter who they are, they all have a sense of vanity, and Hai Bodong is no exception. When he learned that the young lady of Fenyangu was among the people Chenfeng married this time, he was extremely excited.

He stayed in Jia Nan College for a while, and now he also knows some general layout of Zhongzhou, and he is clear about the huge energy that Fenyangu has in Zhongzhou.

Now, Chenfeng has become Fenyangu's son-in-law, and anyone who dares to deal with Chenfeng in the future will have to weigh it.


On Chenfeng's side, after the wedding started, they first completed the wedding ceremony with the four daughters Han Yue, Han Xue, Liu Fei, and Tang Huo'er on the wedding platform, and then went directly to the nearly ten thousand banquets below.

There are quite a lot of guests this time, Chenfeng needs to be a little more thoughtful, talk about the scene, and give the old man and his family some face.

And because of this wedding, Chenfeng also temporarily changed the lower alarm limit of the monitoring compass for the past few days, and changed the original alarm setting to Dou Zun if it exceeded the Dou Zong realm.

At this wedding, a lot of Dou Zong powerhouses came, and, as shown by the monitoring compass, Tang Zhen was not the only one who came.

According to the monitoring compass, there are three other guys who have reached Dou Zun and whose origins are unknown are hiding among these guests.

"It seems that these old guys can't help being curious and come here!"

Glancing at the three people hiding in the crowd, Chen Feng murmured in his heart.

Today was a day of great joy for him, and he did not go out to find out these people, as long as they all behaved peacefully, Chen Feng would treat each other with courtesy, even if one of them was a venerable from the Hall of Souls.

When the wedding is over, Chen Feng intends to let the Guardian Soul Slave and Eagle test the Venerable Soul Palace.

As time passed, this lively wedding gradually came to an end, and most of the guests from all directions left.

And Chenfeng also entered the harem after everyone left.


Suddenly, in Chenfeng's perception of the perfect soul power in the spiritual realm, he found a strange aura following him.

"Even dare to follow me here?"

At this moment, Chen Feng couldn't help showing some anger on his face.

With the monitoring compass, those hidden guys couldn't escape Chen Feng's perception at all. As long as they were in the Jia Ma Empire, their positions would always be exposed to Chen Feng's nose.

"I originally planned to deal with you tomorrow, but I didn't expect you to come to die early!"

Looking up at a certain place above the sky, Chen Feng rushed up in a dodge.

"Hey, did you find the old man?"

After Chen Feng came to the sky, a surprised voice suddenly sounded, and then, a figure covered in black robe appeared in front of Chen Feng.

"What do you say, old man!"

Chen Feng said without hesitation.

"Boy, if it weren't for you being Tang Zhen's son-in-law, just based on what you just said, I would have taken your life!"

Hearing this, the old face under the black robe showed a bit of anger, and then the cold voice sounded.

"Hehe, you don't have the ability to want my life, Chen Feng!"

Chen Feng sneered, and immediately took out the Space Blocking Talisman, sealing off the Baizhang space where the two of them were.

"Who are you?"

Looking at the thick space barriers that suddenly appeared around him, the man in black said in surprise.

"I should ask this question! Venerable Soul Hall!" Chen Feng said in a cold voice.

"You can guess the identity of the old man? It seems that you are not from the Northwest Continent!" the man in black was shocked again.

"Since you don't tell me, I'll let someone identify you!"

Chenfeng was too lazy to talk nonsense with this guy, and directly summoned the soul of the eagle guardian from the soul control banner.

"I have seen the master!"

Guardian Eagle came out from the soul-controlling banner and immediately saluted Chenfeng. The aura emanating from him also made the man in black immediately recognize his identity.

"Boy, you are making this old man more and more curious. You actually have the ability to make the people in my soul hall worship you as master!"

Looking at the situation over there, the man in black robe was not angry, but his voice became flatter instead.

(End of this chapter)

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