Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 304 Defeating the old ghost who picked up the stars!

Chapter 304 Defeating the old ghost who picked up the stars!

"Bold, how dare you disrespect your master!"

As the black-robed man's voice fell, Guardian Eagle suddenly turned his head and scolded.

"What are you..."

Being scolded by a protector-level minion immediately made the black robed man, the venerable soul hall, look ugly.

The next moment, a huge coercion emanated from the man in black.

"Master, I just remembered, this person is the old ghost picking stars, the elder of the Hall of Souls!"

As the black-robed man fully revealed his aura, a strange color flashed in the scarlet eyes of Guardian Eagle, and he quickly introduced to Chenfeng.

"Old Ghost Reaching Stars?"

Hearing the reminder from Guardian Eagle, Chenfeng's mouth showed a smirk, this one can be regarded as a "celebrity" in the Soul Palace.

"Interesting, you, a little protector, can actually remember this old man's name!"

Seeing that his identity had been found out, Old Ghost Zhaixing showed complacency on his face.

Although Chenfeng arranged a spatial blockade here, the old ghost who picked up the stars was sure that Chenfeng could only do it with the help of treasures.

In front of a junior like Chen Feng, Old Ghost Reaching the Stars didn't worry about any danger to him at all.

"Old ghost picking stars, since you are here this time, don't go back!"

A murderous intent flashed across Chen Feng's eyes, this person dared to peek into the harem, he had already offended Chen Feng's Ni Lin.

"Hehe, shameless!"

Seeing the murderous intent on Chenfeng's body, Old Ghost Zhaixing sneered, still looking very calm.

"Heh, don't be ashamed to speak out, I hope you can still laugh later!"

Chen Feng also responded with a sneer. At the same time, he manipulated the hidden spirit stone to reveal the breath of the five-star Dou Zun.

"Five Star Dou Zun!"

As Chenfeng revealed his aura, the smile on the old ghost's face froze instantly.

"It seems that outsiders have guessed well. The emperor of this small empire was indeed taken away by someone. However, why can't the old man remember who he is above Zhongzhou?"

The old ghost of Zhaixing thought quickly in his heart, and then said with emotion: "Your Excellency, this time I was mistaken. In fact, with such strength as Your Excellency, maybe you can consider joining the Soul Palace."

"Soul Palace, is it also worthy to recruit me?"

Hearing the invitation from Old Ghost Reaching the Stars, Chen Feng rejected it with disdain.

"It seems that Your Excellency must fight this old man today!"

Faced with Chen Feng's repeated insults, the Old Ghost Reaching the Stars was also furious. His pale palm suddenly stretched out from his sleeve, and the vast black mist surged, and instantly condensed into a palm print of black mist that was as large as ten feet long. A slap is a slap in the direction of Chenfeng.


Hearing the terrifying sound of breaking wind, Chen Feng's face was calm, and he stretched out his palm in the same way. A giant silver palm came out quickly, and collided fiercely with the palm print made by the old ghost picking stars.


In an instant, where the two palm prints collided, there was an earth-shattering explosion, and a terrifying air wave swept away.

However, no matter how raging that energy is, the surrounding space barriers will remain motionless, and the outside world will not be able to perceive any breath or sound, and even the light will be blocked by [-]% or [-]%.

Therefore, even though Chenfeng and Old Ghost Reaching the Stars were fighting in the sky above the imperial city, no one else noticed.

Under the remaining strength, the old ghost who picked up the stars was forced to retreat more than ten steps in a row, and his face became serious in an instant.

He knew that if he couldn't get rid of this space barrier today, he might be in danger.

"Can't delay any longer!"

The old ghost who picked up the stars pondered for a moment, and then, the vast fighting energy spewed out from his palm, and then turned into a strange viscous substance, which solidified into a pitch-black ghost-headed sword in a strange squirm.

This big knife is extremely strange, it is covered by a layer of jet-black strange crystal layer, the blade lightly wiped across the space, and a crack the size of a thumb suddenly appeared quietly.

The Old Ghost Reaching the Stars held the broadsword tightly in his palm, and looked at Chen Feng across the way with serious eyes. The broadsword trembled suddenly, and then slashed down angrily from the air.

"You brought it on yourself!"

"Broken Star Slash!"

As the deep roar of the old ghost picking stars resounded, countless stars seemed to appear behind him in the sky, and then turned into streams of tiny streams of light converging on the sword, and with the gathering of these streams of light, The energy above the broadsword became more and more terrifying.

"Did you use this trick so quickly!"

Watching the scene of the old ghost picking up the stars accumulating energy, Chen Feng had a faint smile on his face.

He knew that this star-breaking knife was the biggest trump card of the old ghost who picked up the stars. The fighting skills at the peak of the earth level were used in the same level, and it was generally difficult to meet an opponent.

It's just that the fighting skills at the top of the earth level are really not enough in front of Chenfeng, who has many fighting skills at the sky level.

At this moment, Chenfeng's hands also quickly condensed energy, and a silver thunder gun slowly condensed out.

"Death to me!"

The Old Ghost Reaching for the Stars smiled grimly, and slashed down with a knife, and with the fall of the knife, some vibrations occurred in the space in front of him. If this space was not blocked, it would probably collapse directly.

In the end, a huge sharp sword glow of several tens of feet shot towards Chen Fengfeng like lightning with an incomparably domineering posture.

At the same time, the thunder gun in Chen Feng's hand also came out, and instantly increased dozens of times, shooting straight at the sharp sword.

With the firing of the thunder gun, the big knife that seemed to be infinitely powerful was actually as fragile as a piece of paper at this moment. It began to shatter from the tip of the knife inch by inch without making the slightest ripple.

"How, how is this possible?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, there was a hint of horror in the eyes of Old Ghost Zhaixing.

"Could it be that what he used was a heavenly-ranked fighting skill, and only a heavenly-ranked fighting skill can have such power!"

The Old Ghost Reaching the Stars screamed, and then ran away crazily, regardless of the shattering sword.

However, the space here is blocked, no matter how he runs, he can only run to the edge of the space barrier.

Seeing the silver thunder gun approaching in horror, a fear of death finally climbed into his heart at this moment.

He knew very well that if he was hit by the lightning gun, even he might be killed on the spot.

"Bang bang bang!"

At the moment of death, this old ghost who picked up the stars hastily swung a series of vigorous grudges, trying to stop the offensive of the thunder gun.

However, these attacks fell on the huge thunder gun, but they dissipated immediately after a slight ripple appeared, and they couldn't stop many attacks at all.


Fortunately, at the last moment, the old ghost who picked up the stars still couldn't get rid of it completely, and was pierced straight through the abdomen by the silver thunder gun.


After the thunder gun pierced through the body of the old ghost picking stars, it instantly turned into a raging thunder force, wandering around the old ghost picking stars, his black robe was destroyed in an instant, and even his flesh and blood were transformed. It was charred.

(End of this chapter)

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