Chapter 306 Xue Mei, Do You Adore Me?
This kind of silver color is not the pale silver color mutated due to some disease, it is as soft as silver thread, fluttering, but it makes the silver-robed woman have a strange attraction.

After looking at it for a while, Chen Feng also secretly praised it in his heart. Such a style and temperament can be rated as the best in his heart.

"Xuemei, hurry up!"

And at the end of the other road, there were two figures standing, one of them was an old man in the robe of a pharmacist, and on the badge on his chest was a simple medicine tripod with four silver stripes on it. Ripples, this means that the old man is a fourth-grade alchemist, which is nothing in the eyes of Chen Feng, but it is still relatively rare for the Jia Ma Empire.

Beside the old man, there was also a purple-clothed woman, and she was waving to the silver-robed woman at the moment.

The woman's age may be in her early twenties, her delicate cheeks are quite beautiful, and her body is slightly petite.

However, her development is quite surprising, she should be convex, should be concave, on top of her plump and mature delicate body, she is wearing a set of purple tight-fitting alchemist clothing, which looks like a noble uniform After all, the clothes of a pharmacist cannot be worn casually, and on her chest, there is a badge representing a second-rank pharmacist.

The woman's long black hair was bound by a purple belt, and then it fell all the way to her delicate buttocks. When she swung it, she gently patted her round and upright fragrant buttocks, making a slight low sound, but it was like Like a cat's paws, it kept scratching the hearts of those men whose eyes looked a bit wrong around them.

In comparison, this purple-clothed woman, compared with that silver-haired beauty, lacked an ethereal aura.

The silver-robed woman's pure silver but not tarnished soft three thousand silver threads made some women couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

"Tsk tsk, boy Chenfeng, don't you want the old man to drink your wedding bar again in a few days!"

Hai Bodong noticed Chen Feng's eyes, and couldn't help laughing.

Hai Bodong knew Chenfeng very well. With his temperament, when he saw such a beautiful woman, he would usually take it down.

"Haha, Grand Elder, you really know how to joke!"

Hearing Hai Bodong's straightforward words, Chen Feng laughed and replied.

At this moment, the silver-robed woman walked over slowly, glanced in surprise at Chen Feng and Hai Bodong, who were accompanied by several alchemists from the alchemist guild, then bypassed them and walked straight to the purple-clothed woman. woman.

Sniffing lightly the faint scent left behind by the woman in the silver robe, Chen Feng smiled in his heart and exclaimed: "It's really top-notch."

"Ling Fei, why are you walking so fast?"

"Meet Master Otto!"

Coming to the side of the woman in purple, a faint smile appeared on the delicate cheeks of the woman in silver robe. The smile in that moment was like the snow lotus blooming on the iceberg, which made people feel amazed.

"Hehe, girl Xuemei knows how to be polite! That guy Frank is a good teacher!"

Looking at the silver-robed woman with soft eyes, the old man praised him, and then glared at the purple-clothed woman beside him.


Hearing her teacher's belittling, the woman in purple pouted, expressing her dissatisfaction.

"Teacher, who is that? Why are there so many third-rank and fourth-rank alchemist masters surrounding him? And they seem to be accompanying him?"

After turning around, the woman in purple noticed Chen Feng and his party, and asked Otto curiously.

Hearing Ling Fei's words, Otto followed her gaze, and after a moment, his eyes became shocked.

"This is... His Majesty Chenfeng!"

Although Otto belonged to the Alchemist Branch of Black Rock City and didn't often do activities in the imperial capital, but with his status in the Jia Ma Empire, he was fortunate enough to have participated in the wedding of Morrowind once, so he recognized him instantly at this moment. Morrowind's identity.

"Teacher, what did you say, he is His Majesty Chenfeng?"

Hearing Otto's words, the purple-clothed woman's expression was very surprised, her well-developed capital trembled, and the silver-robed woman's slightly cold eyes also flashed a strange color.

Today's Chenfeng, in the Jia Ma Empire, seems to be a myth. Whether it is his cultivation talent, strength, or some policies issued, the people of the entire Jia Ma Empire admire him very much.

Among them, Xue Mei and Ling Fei were naturally included.

"I just passed by His Majesty Chenfeng, and I didn't even say hello..."

Thinking of what happened just now, Xue Mei's glamorous face showed a bit of nervousness and remorse.

"My God, His Majesty Chenfeng is here!"

Under the eyes of the two of them, Chen Feng and his party were actually walking towards this side.

"Otto greets His Majesty Morrowind! Senior Ice Emperor!"

The next moment, Otto quickly bent down and saluted Chenfeng and Hai Bodong very respectfully.

"Xue Mei has met His Majesty Chenfeng, Senior Ice Emperor!"

"Ling Fei has met His Majesty Chenfeng, Senior Ice Emperor!"

Seeing this, Xue Mei and Ling Fei also quickly bent over to salute, their graceful figures became even more charming.

"Get up!"

Looking at the three people saluting in front of him, Chen Feng smiled and waved his hands.

"Your name is Xuemei, right? Your temperament is very similar to one of my wives!"

Looking at Xue Mei's fresh and refined face, Chen Feng smiled and said with admiration in his eyes.

"My God, His Majesty Chenfeng actually talked to me..."

Hearing Chen Feng's words, the no-wash Xue Mei, who looked very aloof and cold, was extremely excited. Moreover, there was another embarrassing thing. After thinking about it for a long time, she didn't know what to say to greet Chen Feng. In a word, in an instant, her fair face turned red from being suppressed.

"Xue Mei, this girl, usually behaves gracefully, why did she lose the chain at such a critical moment today?"

Seeing that Xue Mei remained silent after Chen Feng spoke, Otto suddenly became very anxious.

"Your Majesty Chenfeng, this girl Xuemei has always admired you very much. Maybe she was too excited and nervous to see you today, His Majesty Chenfeng. That's why she behaved so rudely. Please forgive me!"

The next moment, seeing Xuemei's lips twitching but not speaking, Otto had no choice but to speak up to smooth things over.

"Oh, do you admire me?"

Hearing Otto's explanation, the corners of Chenfeng's mouth raised, and his eyes fixed on Xuemei's eyes.


Finally, Xue Mei, who was extremely nervous, spat out this one-word answer from Cherry's small mouth.

"It's not good to be so nervous, why don't you go and live in my palace for a while, and when you see me in the future, you won't be as nervous as you are now!"

Seeing Xue Mei's reaction, Chen Feng unabashedly said an invitation.

(End of this chapter)

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