Chapter 307 Sister-in-law's contempt!


As Chen Feng's words fell, the people around were a little shocked, and Xue Mei was even more nervous, her small mouth was slightly opened, as if hesitating to speak.

"His Majesty Chenfeng actually invited Xuemei to live in the palace for a few days, I heard that right, Xuemei's luck is too good..."

On Ling Fei's side, a pair of big eyes were shining, and she was full of envy for Xue Mei.

"Xue Mei, hurry up and agree, what a great opportunity it is to be able to visit His Majesty Chenfeng's palace!"

Seeing Xue Mei's reaction, Ling Fei acted ten times more anxious than her, holding Xue Mei's hand and shaking it constantly.

This kind of movement once again made her well-developed capital tremble up and down, left and right, which was very eye-catching, and successfully diverted Chenfeng's attention a little.

"This woman is quite similar to Xue Ni. They are the kind of well-developed and extroverted women, but it seems that she is more carefree than Xue Ni in terms of personality!"

Glancing at Ling Fei's uneven body, Chen Feng secretly commented in his heart.

"Your Majesty Chenfeng, is what you said true?"

Xue Mei suddenly spoke, although her voice was as small as a mosquito, it was very pleasant.

Hearing such a voice, Chen Feng only felt that the depths of his heart had been washed and felt extremely comfortable. Then he nodded lightly and said with a smile: "Of course it is true!"

"Your Majesty Chenfeng, Xuemei and I are good sisters, we go together wherever we go, can you let me go to the palace with Xuemei?"

Just when Xue Mei's red lips were wriggling again, Ling Fei's eager voice came.

"Since you are good sisters, let's go together then!"

Hearing Ling Fei's request, Chenfeng naturally agreed without hesitation. He has always been very interested in such sisters fighting together.

"Your Majesty Chenfeng, you are so kind!"

"Ling Fei, you girl, how could you be so disrespectful in front of His Majesty Chenfeng, why don't you quickly take your hands away..."

Seeing that his apprentice actually hugged Chenfeng's arm, Otto was very nervous, and hurriedly wanted to stop him.

"It's okay, Miss Ling Fei's character is quite straightforward!"

Seeing this, Chen Feng smiled and shook his head gently.

In the previous life, in the technologically advanced world, Chenfeng liked to make friends with such extroverted girls, because of their carefree personalities, they would always have some ambiguous physical contact unintentionally.

I believe that most men will not refuse that kind of inadvertent ambiguous contact. Of course, the prerequisite is that the girl herself should not be ugly and have a good figure.

"His Majesty Chenfeng is so approachable, I really admire him!"

Hearing this, Otto had no choice but to give up, and quickly flattered him.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that the old man is going to drink this kid's wedding wine again!"

Hai Bodong watched all this, a strange color appeared in his old eyes.

"In this case, the little girl will thank His Majesty Chenfeng!"

On Xuemei's side, when everyone was silent, she stretched out her jade hand to smelt the silver thread on her forehead, and with a smile on her face again, she softly responded to Chenfeng and agreed to his previous invitation.

"Okay, then I will take you two back to the palace after I finish arranging some matters for this pharmacist meeting!"

Seeing that Xuemei agreed, the smile on Chenfeng's face grew stronger.

"His Majesty Chenfeng is here, I really feel lost and welcome!"

At this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded in the distance.

Everyone followed the prestige, and saw that at the entrance of the inner courtyard wall, a figure in a purple pharmacist's robe was slowly walking towards this side.

This purple-robed figure, with a face like dry bark, looks like an old man on the verge of death, but in his body there is a terrifying grudge energy that makes even the Dou Wang powerhouse feel terrified.

And with the arrival of the purple-robed figure, Otto, as well as some alchemists who accompanied Chen Feng, cast extremely respectful gazes at him.

Because, this old man's identity is the president of the Jiama Emperor's Alchemist Guild, and he can be regarded as the leader of the entire Jiama Empire's alchemists.

"This old guy... probably didn't expect that I would be able to drag Chenfeng kid here that day!"

Following the appearance of this purple-robed old man, Hai Bodong's eyes flashed a smug look.

Behind the purple-robed man, followed by two other old men, obviously, these two are important positions in the alchemist guild.

And behind the three of them, a little girl followed.

The little girl's appearance was very delicate, and under the influence of the royal family, there was a faint innate noble temperament.

She was wearing a specially made pale green alchemist gown. The loose cuffs were wrapped with brocade silk into the shape of a lotus flower. The belt shows that small waist to the fullest.

"A playful guy... Didn't he just marry four wives yesterday, and found another one today, what on earth is he going to do with so many wives..."

At this time, the little girl saw Ling Fei hugging Chen Feng's arm with her big black eyes, the gesture was very intimate, and there was a touch of disdain in her eyes.

This little girl who is only sixteen or seventeen years old is Chenfeng's sister-in-law, Princess Yaoyue.

"Your Majesty Chenfeng, please give me some instructions for the Jia Ma Empire's pharmacist conference!"

The purple-robed old man seemed to be walking slowly, but in fact he was extremely fast. He came to Chen Feng and spoke very politely.

"Pharaoh's words are serious, what instructions can Chen Feng give for such a meeting of alchemists..."

Hearing the words of the old man Fa Ma, Chenfeng did not put on airs, and said very casually: "The matters of the conference can still be arranged by Pharaoh! Chenfeng will send people to protect the order of the conference, and add Some jackpots!"


Hearing Chenfeng's last words, Fa Ma's eyes were also a little bright. The current royal family's strength is unknown to ordinary people, but Fa Ma is very clear. I have sensed it, and know that there are like clouds of royal masters now.

"I don't know what kind of glory His Majesty Chenfeng wants to add?" Fa Ma asked with a smile.

"The top ten of the conference, No.1 can get a Huangji Pill..."

"Huangji Pill, that is a sixth-grade elixir!"

"Sixth grade elixir, the rewards of this competition are too generous!"

Chen Feng had just announced the No.1 reward of the conference, and Fa Ma and many alchemists around him all exclaimed in unison.

That kind of elixir is not worth mentioning to Chen Feng, but it is a priceless treasure to people like them.

(End of this chapter)

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