Chapter 310 Xiao Yu Gives Birth!

Although Ling Fei's appearance is not up to the super high level of Chenfeng's other women, her figure is extremely plump.

Fair skin, perky buttocks, and a lively and bold personality all add a bit of unique charm to her.

The hand feels very good. If she is stripped naked, she will definitely be very attractive.

That sensual delicate body, on the bed, will also show greater advantages compared to ordinary women.

And Xuemei, like Han Yue, has that kind of extremely cold and beautiful face, and her voice is clear and melodious, like an ice lotus on the snow mountain.

If one conquers such a frosty beauty, one will have an extraordinary sense of accomplishment in one's heart.

Chenfeng is now looking forward to what kind of seductive expression Xuemei's aloof face will have when she tactfully conveys Chenghuan.

Next, Chenfeng's flight speed increased, and within a few steps, he brought Ling Fei and Xue Mei to the top of a group of palaces deep in the palace.

This is where Chenfeng's harem is located. However, above the sky of this harem, there is an invisible seal that prevents outsiders from prying.

People outside can only roughly see the outline of the building inside, while people inside will not be obstructed in any way.

This time, Chen Feng came to the harem, greeted the others hastily, and brought Xue Mei and Ling Fei to an empty palace.


As the door of the room was closed, both Xue Mei and Ling Fei in the room became a little nervous.

Although some of Ling Fei's previous performances were very bold, but even if she had some psychological preparations, she still seemed a little at a loss when encountering such a thing.

On Xuemei's side, even though she left Chenfeng's embrace, she still felt a little hot in her body. She lowered her head and looked at her neckline, as if Chenfeng's big hand was still there, her pretty face flushed with shame.

Chenfeng couldn't resist such a shy and pretty alluring look, he stretched out his arms and hugged Xuemei.

The manly breath on Chen Feng's body came out, Xue Mei felt her whole body go numb, and she leaned softly into Chen Feng's arms.

Thinking of some things that Chen Feng promised just now, Xue Mei couldn't help feeling excited, she bravely raised her pretty face, her beautiful big eyes were suddenly watery, and said softly: "Your Majesty, you have to take pity on me..."

Xue Mei's expression like this adds a bit of charm to her cold face, her slender body is almost charming, and her snow-white skin is like creamy white jade, but it is full of elasticity and feels excellent.

"Your Majesty, I also want you to take pity on me!"

Seeing Xue Mei, who was always cold, say such embarrassing words, Ling Fei was not to be outdone, she immediately untied her dress.

Then he approached Morrowind.

At such a time, Chenfeng also knew that it was time to do something, and he quickly brought the two of them to the big soft bed in the center of the room.

Xue Mei, who closed her eyes, felt the warmth on her lips, and her heart was very nervous, but she also had a strange feeling, and some fragrant sweat broke out from the palms of her hands.

Ling Fei, who was lying next to her, was staring at Chen Feng, her cheeks were burning hot, but she was also looking forward to it.

Soon, the room was filled with a beautiful spring.

"Sister Yun, Brother Feng seems to have brought back two sisters!"

In the garden outside the palace, Cao Ying, who was dressed in a tulle black dress, looked at the palace where Chen Feng was with a slightly resentful gaze.

"Yeah, one of them seems to be very similar to you, Yue'er!"

Yun Yun nodded lightly and said, then looked at Han Yue.

Hearing this, Han Yue's face was reddish, she didn't speak, her belly is already big now, and because of this, she hasn't been nourished by the morning breeze for a long time.

"Maybe Brother Feng found such a sister who is very similar to you, Yue'er, because he missed the taste of Yue'er!"

Seeing the expression on Han Yue's face, the smart Cao Ying immediately explained Chen Feng's intentions from the side.

"I'm also very happy to have other sisters share my worries when I can't serve Brother Feng!"

Han Yue smiled and nodded.

"Speaking of which, Yue'er, you should be giving birth soon, and then you can..."

Nalan Yanran suddenly spoke.

"It should be Yu'er and Liu Fei earlier!"

Han Yue shook her head and said, "Xue Ni and Sister Lin are also earlier than me!"

"Anyway, your time is within a few days, and there will be a few more little guys!" Yun Yun said with a smile.

Suddenly, a soft force appeared around Cao Ying, shooting her body directly towards the palace.

Seeing this scene, Yun Yun's cheeks flushed slightly.

But soon, that soft power appeared on her body again...

When Yun Yun arrived, there were already two white jade-like bodies lying limp on the bed.

In this huge harem, it is almost like spring all the year round, and every once in a while, there are fresh flowers stationed there, which will never make people tired.

"Give birth, Mrs. Yu is about to give birth..."

At this moment, the anxious voice of the midwife sounded in the harem.

After discovering the movement of the blood spar, even though Chenfeng had just stripped off Cao Ying's clothes, he had no choice but to temporarily suppress the heat in his heart, and hastily went outside Xiao Yu's bedroom to wait.

Fortunately, everything went so smoothly. Xiao Yu gave birth to a healthy little princess for Chen Feng.

After a burst of joy, Morrowind named the little guy Mittel——Yulong.

After comforting Xiao Yu, Chen Feng said directly to the system: "System, open the gift bag!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for increasing the lifespan by 100 years!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, everyone recorded in the genealogy of Wanshi, the cultivation speed has increased by [-]%!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the Rank [-] Dou Zun Peak Experience Card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the space expansion pack!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the first-level heaven-level fighting skills, and slash!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining ten Dou Zun Shengxing Pills!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a Fighting Saint Ascension Pill!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining an intermediate experience pill!"

(End of this chapter)

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