Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 311 Liu Fei: Sister Xuemei, as long as you work hard, you can break through to the Douhuang

Chapter 311 Liu Fei: Sister Xuemei, as long as you work hard, you can break through to the Douhuang in a month!

"All the above rewards have been distributed, please pay attention to the host to check."

As the words fell in Chen Feng's mind, several system prompts sounded in his mind continuously.

Listening to these system prompts, Chenfeng quickly skipped the rewards that had appeared before.

The only ones that appeared for the first time were the elementary fighting skills of the day level, Da Lie Zhan, and the Dou Sheng Sheng Xing Pill.

Chen Feng already mastered many kinds of sky-level fighting skills, but no one would think too many of this level of fighting skills.

Different fighting skills may produce miraculous effects under different circumstances.

Moreover, when you master enough fighting skills, you will be more comfortable using them, and maybe you will gain a deeper understanding from them.

It is precisely because Chen Feng has already cultivated many fighting skills that have reached the heaven level, and it is not difficult to practice a fighting skill of this level again.

As the saying goes, one method is mastered, ten thousand methods are enlightened, although various fighting skills are cultivated in different ways, they all lead to the same goal in some ways.

After mastering this point, unless it is some special fighting skills, the rest is not difficult to get started.

This fierce slash is also a rather domineering attacking technique, with extremely strong penetrating power, and there is no attribute requirement.

Of course, practitioners with metal, wind, fire, and thunder attributes will be significantly stronger than those with earth, water, and wood attributes when performing this fighting skill.

"This fighting skill, if Yuner, Yinger and the others have grown up, you can try to let them practice it too!"

After reading the information about the Da Lie Slashing Fighting Skill, Chen Feng nodded his head slightly, and then he looked at the Dou Sheng Sheng Xing Pill.

Fighting Saint Rising Star Pill: It can only be taken by the strong fighters with the cultivation base of the Fighting Saint. After taking it, it can make 100% of the strong people who are under the three-star Fighting Saint or below the three-star Fighting Saint break through a star, and the cultivation base exceeds three stars. For Dou Sheng, for every one star higher, the probability of star promotion is reduced by 20.00%. At the peak of the Nine-Star Fighting Saint, each practitioner can take it three times in a lifetime, and it will expire after three times...


Looking at the information about the Dou Sheng Sheng Xing Pill, Chen Feng couldn't help but gasp in his heart.

This Dou Sheng Sheng Xing Pill can really make the Dou Sheng powerhouse directly break through to one star.

Although the powerhouses above the three-star Dou Sheng will gradually reduce their chances of ascension after taking it, it is still very attractive.

At the cultivation stage of Dou Sheng, the gap between each star is as big as a moat.

If there is no such means that can be called against the sky, it is almost impossible to leapfrog and challenge someone with a higher cultivation level than oneself.

Like in the original book, Xiao Yan relied on the powerful family lines of the Xiao clan and the power of the strange fire to leapfrog the battle in the stage of fighting saints.

But now, a single elixir can make a person of that kind of cultivation break through one star. If it is spread, I am afraid that there will be a bloody storm in the Douqi Continent immediately.

Even those hidden old monsters will become active one by one.

Even if there is only a [-]% chance, those terrifying powerhouses with high-level fighting saints will do whatever they can to get this elixir.

"This effect is so terrifying. When I step into the realm of fighting saints, this will become a treasure pill for my cultivation to increase dramatically!"

Chen Feng said very excitedly in his heart.

It's a pity that so far, only one pill like this has appeared.

If more Dou Sheng Xing Xing Pills can be brought in, Liu Yun is confident that he can create the strongest force in the mainland in a very short period of time.

In today's Dou Qi Continent, without Dou Di, Dou Sheng represents the highest combat power. The strength of a power is not only related to the number of Dou Sheng powerhouses, but the quality is also the top priority.

"I hope that after Mayfair, Xueni and the others give birth, they can continue to bring treasures like the Fighting Saint Ascension Pill..."

Chen Feng temporarily suppressed the restlessness in his heart. After all, the current him is only a five-star Dou Zun, and he is still far away from the realm of Dou Sheng.


Soon, Chenfeng came to the palace again.

Following the entrance of Chen Feng, Xue Mei and Ling Fei woke up one after another.

"Brother Feng~"

Xue Mei opened her eyes and looked at Chen Feng resentfully. Although her voice was still as clear as before, it no longer had any coldness.

Xue Mei's originally cold heart had been warmed up by Chen Feng's body, and from then on, everything in her heart was Chen Feng.

Ling Fei opened her snow-white jade arms, and just about to get up and put her arms around Chen Feng's neck, a burst of severe pain hit her, making her cheeks turn pale.

Xuemei's side was similar, when she moved her snow-white jade feet, her body also felt a burst of pain.

"Take this pill and you will recover soon!"

Looking at the state of the two of them, Chen Feng couldn't bear it, and immediately took out the healing pill for the two of them to take.

Under the effect of the elixir, the bodies of the two recovered quickly, and they took them to meet Yun Yun, Cao Ying, Nalan Yanran and others to get to know each other.

Xue Mei is usually aloof, and this has something to do with a little bit of pride in her heart. The more beautiful a woman is, the higher the chance of being aloof.

However, after meeting many women in Chenfeng, Xue Mei realized that there are almost everywhere beautiful women like her here, and she has no sense of superiority over others. It's as cold as ice.

"They are all Dou Huang, Dou Zong's cultivation base, this is too scary..."

Moreover, when Xue Mei learned that among her sisters, the one with the lowest cultivation level had already reached the Douhuang cultivation level, her small cherry mouth suddenly opened into the shape of an oh, and her eyes were full of shock and disbelief. .

One must know that in the previous Jia Ma Empire, Dou Huang's cultivation level could almost be regarded as the top powerhouse in the entire empire, and could be admired by thousands of people.

As long as there is a Dou Huang strongman, the family of that strong man can become one of the top families in the empire.

But now, Chen Feng's dozen or so wives are actually all strong men above the Dou Emperor, and some of them have dabbled quite far in the Dou Zong realm, which is almost beyond Xue Mei's cognition.

Seeing the surprised expressions of Xue Mei and Ling Fei, Liu Fei smiled and said, "Xue Mei, Ling Fei, as long as you two work hard, maybe in less than a month, you can be with us Same, step into the ranks of Dou Huang!"

"Work hard? Will you be able to step into the Douhuang realm in a month?"

Hearing this, Xue Mei and Ling Fei were very puzzled in their eyes. Breaking through the Dou Huang, in their view, is not something that can be achieved with hard work, after all, their own cultivation talents are there.

(End of this chapter)

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