Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 313 The heir has reached a human, and his cultivation has climbed to the peak of the 9-star

Chapter 313 The number of heirs reached ten, and his cultivation reached the peak of the Nine-Star Dou Zun!

"System, open the gift package!"

After coming to the secret training room, the first thing Chen Feng opened was the relatively conventional big gift bag.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for increasing the lifespan by 100 years!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, everyone recorded in the genealogy of Wanshi, the cultivation speed has increased by [-]%!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the Rank [-] Dou Zun peak experience card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a pair of communication stones!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Heaven-ranked intermediate status fighting skills, Jinghongwu!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining ten Dou Zun Shengxing Pills!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a Fighting Saint Ascension Pill!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining an intermediate experience pill!"

"Ding! The above rewards have all been distributed to the system space, please pay attention to check the host!"

Following Chen Feng's low voice, many notification sounds immediately sounded in his mind.

These rewards, except for the volume of physical combat skills that reached the middle level of the sky rank, other things have appeared before, and Chen Feng has not checked them one by one for the time being.

"I hope this special gift package can surprise me!"

Next, Chenfeng took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and continued to speak to the system: "System, open the special gift package!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained two advanced experience pills!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained the heart of space!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained three Fighting Saint Ascension Pills!"

Opening this special gift bag, although only three system prompts sounded, each prompt made Chenfeng feel excited.

"I didn't expect there to be such a thing as an advanced experience Dan!"

Thinking back to the first notification sound, Chen Feng couldn't help showing ecstasy.

The next moment, he almost couldn't wait to sink his mind into the system space to check the rewards brought by the special gift package.

Advanced Experience Pill: After using it, it can increase the host's cultivation level by a hundred years.

"Hundred years of cultivation! And it's a one-time reward of two!"

After reading the information about the advanced experience pills, Chenfeng felt excited. These two experience pills are equivalent to two hundred primary experience pills, which can increase his cultivation base by 200 years. With them, Chenfeng's cultivation base can be increased in an instant. Ushered in a huge improvement.

However, at this moment, Chenfeng did not immediately use the Advanced Experience Pill, but chose to read the other rewards first.

The second reward of this special gift bag is a white rhombus crystal with a size of three feet.

Heart of space: After placement, one side will immediately achieve an independent space with a range of thousands of miles. As long as the power of space is continuously injected into the heart of space, it will be able to continue to open up space, making the space continue to increase, and the world opened up by this side, all The power can be mobilized by the host at will. In this world, the host is the master...

"It's such a strange thing..."

Analyzing the usage of the Heart of Space, a bright light flashed in Chenfeng's eyes.

Before, he had obtained a similar treasure, the Qiankun Treasure Box.

It's just that things like the Qiankun Treasure Box have too limited space and are not suitable for use on the bright side.

And this heart of space is completely different. It has a territory of thousands of miles from the beginning, allowing Chenfeng to open up an independent space for living like those ancient races.

Moreover, as long as a cultivator who has mastered the power of space, even if he is only Dou Zun, he can help Chen Feng expand the space area of ​​this world together.

The bigger the world opened up, the greater the power that Chenfeng can mobilize in it.

Just imagine, if Chenfeng could mobilize the energy of heaven and earth within a territory of ten thousand miles, or even a territory of one hundred thousand miles, to attack in an instant.

Even those high-level fighting saints would immediately back away in fright when they saw it.

After reading the second reward, Chenfeng was very satisfied.

Next, Chen Feng looked at the third reward, Fighting Saint Rising Star Pill.

This time, there are a total of three Fighting Saint Rising Star Pills as rewards, and with the addition of the previous two, there are five pills in total. These five pills are almost comparable to a ninth-grade treasure pill.

"It seems that I will break through to Dou Sheng as soon as possible. At that time, relying on this Dou Sheng Sheng Xing Pill, I can become a four-star Dou Sheng in a very short time!"

With anticipation in his heart, Chenfeng directly arranged a layer of seal in the secret room, and then extracted and used the two high-level experience pills that could increase his cultivation level by a hundred years.


Soon, as the two high-level experience pills took effect, Chenfeng's aura began to rise rapidly, and the bottleneck that troubled him was quickly broken. From the cultivation base of the five-star Dou Zun, he advanced to the six-star Dou Zun in the blink of an eye.

The pinnacle of the six-star Dou Zun!

Seven Star Dou Zun!

Seven Star Dou Zun peak!

Eight Star Dou Zun!


The pinnacle of the Nine Star Dou Zun!

Four consecutive golden dragons took off from Chen Feng's body, and his cultivation finally stabilized at the peak of the Nine Star Dou Zun.

At this moment, Chen Feng felt an unprecedented powerful force in his body.

However, his current cultivation is still a long way from becoming a saint.

Before becoming a fighting saint, there is still a realm of semi-holy cultivation.

Although there is only one step between the Dou Zun peak and the semi-sage, this step is like a stream in the sky.

The gap between the two is terrifyingly indescribable.

The reason for this is that this short step hides a unique cultivation.

This kind of unique cultivation can only be felt by those who are close to the semi-sage level.

In Zhongzhou, some top powerhouses call this unique practice, nine-turn sanctification.

The so-called Nine Ranks is a quantifier specially used to measure the gap between the peak Dou Zun and the semi-sage.

After all, the gap between the two is too terrifying, and it is necessary to use a more seemingly subtle, but actually huge difference level to distinguish carefully.

Nine revolutions is actually not complicated. In simple terms, it can also be called nine times of condensing and compression. When a strong man at the peak of Dou Zun is full of grudge, it is the beginning of nine revolutions.

At this time, he needs to condense and compress all the battle qi in his body, and finally make the empty space in the full body reappear that can accommodate the new battle qi.

And when the grudge is full again, it must continue to be condensed.

After repeating this for nine times, it will be Dzogchen.

And the vindictiveness in the body will also undergo qualitative changes under this kind of compression.

Then he jumped across the immeasurable sky stream, and truly entered the rank of semi-holy.

Therefore, some strong people who have reached this step call this practice hidden in the peak of the Dou Zun, and call it the Nine Revolutions, and only after the Nine Revolutions can they become saints.

"It seems that Bodhi Pill will come in handy soon!"

Feeling the aura of his own cultivation, Chenfeng couldn't help but think of the twenty Bodhi Pills that the system rewarded Nalan Yanran when she gave birth to a child.

(End of this chapter)

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