Chapter 314 Open up a new world!

Bodhi Pill, an eighth-rank high-grade elixir, can increase the chance of a strong person who is at the peak of the rank nine Dou Zun by [-]% to break through to semi-sage.

However, these nine ranks are easy to say, but if you really want to practice it, it is really life-threatening. Think about how terrifying the fighting energy can be contained in the body of a Dou Zun peak powerhouse, and you want to fill it up. , and it has been filled nine times in a row. This kind of demand is enough to be worthy of the word terrible.

Every time a turn is completed, the difficulty is equivalent to that of raising one star cultivation base in the Dou Zun stage, or even worse.

"In less than two years, climbing to the top of Dou Zun is enough to make people in the whole continent envious. You don't need to rush into the next road of cultivation, it doesn't matter if you take your time!"

Thinking of the extremely difficult process of nine-turn sanctification ahead, Chen Feng was not depressed.

With such a powerful system, maybe the next reward can directly solve this problem.

With the help of the hidden spirit stone, Chenfeng doesn't have to worry about someone seeing through his cultivation.

Next, Chen Feng took out the Heart of Space.

If this huge diamond-shaped crystal wasn't big enough for Chenfeng's cultivation secret room, it would have crushed the secret room and collapsed the moment it was extracted.

"This thing will become the base of my huge family in the future..."

Looking at this huge heart of space, Chen Feng's eyes shone brightly.

Today's him, his strength has not yet reached the level of ignoring the top powerhouses in the Dou Qi Continent. The Heart of Space is undoubtedly his biggest hole card at present.

That kind of space barrier in the big world is enough to stop the attacks of the strong under Dou Di.

Moreover, in that world, it will also become a means for Chenfeng to fight against the enemy. Even the energy of heaven and earth in the thousands of miles of territory can definitely pose a threat to some strong fighters.

When this world becomes larger in the future, and the energy of the heavens and the earth becomes more abundant, Chenfeng will be able to mobilize more power.

"Today, let me open up a new world!"

Having made a plan in his heart, Chenfeng immediately put away the heart of space, and his body disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he was already above the sky of the harem.

The next moment, the huge heart of space reappeared, and under the constant use of the marks in Chen Feng's hands, the surrounding space shook violently. Immediately afterwards, the huge diamond-shaped spar actually slowly dissipated in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Feng also disappeared abruptly in the sky with one step.


This is a white world.

Everywhere is filled with blinding white light.

At a certain moment, following the appearance of a figure, a handful of dirt gradually appeared in the vast white world, and then, that handful of dirt became bigger and bigger, turning into a piece of land.

It's like a small island suddenly appearing in the white ocean.


Soon, the world shook violently again, and the area of ​​the small island began to expand at an astonishing speed.

In a blink of an eye, there is no end in sight.

The speed of this spread cannot be described in words.

Chen Feng's figure was suspended above the land without relying on any power. Even if he didn't have any fighting spirit in his body at this time, he could still freely stay in any sky in this world.

Because, at this moment, he has become the master of this world.

With just one thought, the mountains, rivers and landforms of this world can be changed. With one thought, all the energies of heaven and earth in this world can be gathered together and turned into a sharp sword in his hand, which can be used to kill the invading enemy .

"The great world of thousands of miles is under my control. This feeling is really amazing!"

Looking at the world that has expanded thousands of miles in the blink of an eye, Chen Feng's heart is full of pride. Now, although he is only at the peak of Dou Zun, he has become a creator of the world and has a party that is completely his own. huge world.

In the next time, Chenfeng plans to transform the landscape of this world.

When his order was issued, the ground rose rapidly. In the central area, a plateau with a height of thousands of feet and a territory of hundreds of miles appeared. The terrain sank in four directions, forming four huge oceans. In other places, there was an endless sea. Huge plains, endless mountain peaks, bottomless cracks...

"Haha, even the world created by the Doudi powerhouse can't be like me!"

Looking down at the transformed world, Chenfeng was very happy.

After that, Chen Feng had a thought, and a huge space gate appeared in front of him.


"Go, today my husband will take you to a whole new world!"

After arriving in the harem, Chenfeng didn't hide anything, and directly told many women about the world created by the heart of space.

"A whole new world?"

When Yun Yun, Ya Fei, Xiao Yixian and others heard Chen Feng's words, there was a hint of doubt in their beautiful eyes.

At this moment, a huge door of space appeared above the sky of the harem.

"Follow me in and you'll know!"

Chen Feng smiled and didn't explain too much for the time being, but greeted them to enter the gate of space.

"All right!"

With anticipation, Yun Yun walked towards the door of space first.

As Yun Yun entered the gate of space, her figure disappeared immediately.

Next, Cao Ying, Tang Huo'er, Ya Fei, Little Doctor Immortal, and Nalan Yanran also flew towards the space gate in the sky.

Even Xue Mei and Ling Fei, who had just arrived not long ago, both had the cultivation of Dou Wang, and they followed with vibrating Dou Qi wings.

Because this world cannot be directly exposed to the eyes of the world, Chenfeng had better bring some maids from the original harem into it.


"here is?"

Coming out of the space passage, Yun Yun and the others floated in the sky, their eyes filled with shock.

Not to mention the maids in the harem, they sat on the back of the purple magic vulture, their legs were a little weak.

"Brother Feng, you said just now that this is a new world. Could it be the kind of space that only the strong fighters can open up?"

Cao Ying withdrew her gaze, looked at Chen Feng with her beautiful eyes, and asked in surprise.

Cao Ying lives in the Dan domain, and knows that the Dan domain has the existence of the Dan world. That kind of world is completely separated from the original world.

"That's right, here is a world of its own, with no contact with the outside world!"

Hearing Cao Ying's words, Chen Feng smiled and nodded.

"Isn't that a method that only those who fight against saints can master?"

Cao Ying was shocked, but she didn't doubt Chen Feng's words.

Because, in this huge world, there are only some of the most common plants and trees, and there are no other living things except them.

(End of this chapter)

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