Chapter 316 Xun'er's Thoughts!
"Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei are also here... Are they both married to Brother Feng?"

Xiao Xun'er's pretty face also showed some doubts, because when Chenfeng brought her, Queen Medusa, and Lingyou out just now, he only said that they should come to see the other sisters, but he didn't say who they were. .

"Xun'er, where did you go when you left the Xiao family?"

The next moment, Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei came directly in front of Xiao Xun'er.

The two of them asked about Xiao Xun'er's experiences during this time.

"I was raising a baby some time ago, because it is far away from the Jia Ma Palace, so I came here today!"

Xiao Xun'er almost subconsciously made up an excuse, she didn't want to tell all about being a female slave of Morrowind, for fear of being looked down upon by these many sisters.

As for women, once they mix with other women, they will compare with each other a little bit.

For this point, Xiao Xun'er is no exception. Therefore, she intends to bury the history of being treated as a female slave by Chen Feng forever in her heart, and will not let anyone know about it.

"So that's how it is..."

"It's really good that our sisters can be together often in the future!"

Regarding Xiao Xun'er's explanation, Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei didn't have any doubts, they happily pulled Xiao Xun'er aside to reminisce about the past, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

"Brother Feng, who are these two younger sisters?"

After Xiao Xun'er introduced herself, Yun Yun looked at Queen Medusa and Lingyou.

It has to be said that Xiao Xun'er, Queen Medusa, and Lingyou's appearance and figure amazed all the girls.

Three people, three completely different temperaments, any one of them is like a fairy.

"Medusa, Lingyou..."

Chenfeng introduced Queen Medusa and Lingyou.

"It turns out that this sister is Queen Medusa. The rumors are indeed true. Queen Medusa not only has a fierce reputation, but also has a unparalleled beauty..."

Hearing Chen Feng's introduction, Nalan Yanran, Yao Ye and the others were quite shocked.

They are all members of the Jia Ma Empire, so they have naturally heard about Queen Medusa.

Although Cao Ying, Tang Huo'er, and Han Yue had never heard of it, they were still very surprised at the moment. The beauty of Queen Medusa, even with her pregnant image, was still captivating.

This woman is simply too coquettish.

In the following time, the three of them also became one with the girls here.

What's more interesting is that, like Xun'er, Queen Medusa didn't say anything about being treated as a female slave by Chenfeng before.

In this matter, the two of them behaved very tacitly.

That night, Chenfeng was the first to favor Xun'er.

Xun'er's beautiful face, as if walking out of a painting, became even more beautiful after leaving the small world.

Just like the green lotus blooming in the world of mortals, it is refined and unique.

Such a woman is as if conceived by the aura of Zhong Tiandi, and she is so outstanding that it is a bit dazzling.

Gently peeling off the covering layer of mist, a blood-spitting perfect carcass immediately appeared in front of Chen Feng.

Her skin is extremely white, her slender and flexible waist looks extremely smooth and tender, and those plump snow-white pairs make people love it even more.

"Brother Feng, wait a minute!"

Looking at Chenfeng's fascinated eyes, Xun'er's eyes showed a bit of complacency. She unhurriedly took out a set of one-piece stockings from the ring, and then slowly put them on from the soles of her feet. until the white neck.

"Tsk tsk..."

Seeing Xiao Xun'er's skill becoming more and more familiar, Chen Feng was very satisfied in his heart, carefully appreciating the performance of the beautiful woman in front of him.

"Brother Feng, now that we have Zheng'er and Shu'er, when will they go to meet their grandfather?"

After a long time, the fishnet stockings on Xun'er's body were already full of holes. She was sweating and stuck to Chen Feng's body, and asked with some expectation.

"This one……"

Hearing Xun'er's words, Chen Feng originally wanted to directly refuse, but seeing the maternal radiance suddenly showing on this pretty cheek, he hesitated again.

After all, the current him still has no power to fight back against the huge power of the ancient clan.

"Brother Feng, in fact, with your talent, father will very much approve of our marriage!"

Xun'er gently slid her palm over the skin on Chenfeng's back, and explained softly: "Besides, my current bloodline level has reached the tenth rank, and I have a great say in the clan!"

"Xun'er, since this is the case, I will take you back after a while!"

Chen Feng had thought about Xun'er's explanation before, but he was not in a hurry, and he didn't want to expose too much before he had no strong strength.

If someone knows that he has reached the peak of Dou Zun at the age of 20, I am afraid no one can calm down. At that time, even Gu Yuan will protect him, and there will still be a great risk. Moreover, Chen Feng himself does not like to be under the fence of others and is restricted everywhere. a feeling of.

"All right!"

Hearing Chenfeng's answer, Xun'er was very sensible and didn't continue to ask.

Now, Chenfeng and the two children are her everything, for them, Xun'er is willing to give up everything.

As the room gradually fell silent, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and then, a white dazzling naked body broke in.

It turned out that it was Tang Huo'er who heard that there was no movement inside, and thought that Xiao Xun'er had fallen, so he couldn't wait to strip himself naked and ran over.

"Sister Xun'er, you're not in a coma yet... No, that's not what I mean! I mean, sister Xun'er, why haven't you fallen asleep yet..."

Tang Huo'er looked at Xiao Xun'er who was sticking to Chen Feng's body, and subconsciously spoke, but halfway through the sentence, he realized something was wrong and quickly changed his words.

"I'll take a while..."

Xun'er replied in a low voice, and then, her cold little hand slowly reached down.

"Oh, then I'll come back later!"

Tang Huo'er turned around in embarrassment, ready to leave.

However, at this moment, an invisible force wrapped her body, and she was lying on the other side of the big bed in an instant.

"Huo'er, just wait here, and I will deal with you later!"

Chenfeng laughed, and then continued to work hard, writing hard...

For the next few days, Chenfeng was doing the same thing every day. After all, it took a lot of time to pamper everyone with so many women.

In the process, Chen Feng raised the cultivation bases of all the women around him to the Dou Zong stage.

With Chen Feng's cultivation at the peak of Dou Zun, practicing Dragon and Phoenix Fight with them will help them like an empowerment.

As their cultivation level improves, their body functions will become better, and their youthful appearance will be maintained forever.

(End of this chapter)

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