Chapter 317 Tutor Ruolin Gives Birth!

As time passed, another seven days passed.

During these seven days, Chenfeng received some good news.

Xue Mei and Ling Fei became pregnant one after another, and Xue Ni also gave birth to a baby girl for Chen Feng yesterday, and Chen Feng named her Mittel—Xue Jian.

The accumulation of rewards three times allowed Chenfeng to harvest another large wave of supplies.

Among them, after Xue Ni gave birth to Xue Jian, the system's rewards included a elixir called Creation Pill.

The effect of the Creation Pill is that it can make people directly condense the Dou's whirlwind and become a Dou Zhe.

When this pill appeared, even Chenfeng was very surprised.

You must know that a person cannot practice martial arts until he becomes a fighter.

Those children who are a few years old can only practice step by step when they were young. They usually take medicinal baths or take some mild medicines.

Calculated according to the length of cultivation, the fighting spirit stage is the most time-consuming period for many geniuses in their lives.

But now, with such a elixir, a person who is at the stage of Dou Qi can directly condense the Dou Qi whirlwind without any side effects, and it is afraid that he can become a genius in batches.

Think about it, a child who has just been born and only remembers things for a short time has already become a fighter, which is equivalent to starting cultivation ten years earlier than others.

"A hundred Fortune Pills are definitely enough for the time being!"

Looking at the rewarded Good Fortune Pill, Chenfeng was very satisfied.

When his children start to practice, they can feed him back at that time, then he can lie down in advance.

While Chenfeng was studying these rewards, the blood spar in his body had an abnormal reaction again.

"It seems that Ruolin is about to give birth!"

Sensing the movement of the blood spar, Chenfeng quickly came to the outside of tutor Ruolin's room.

Because Xiao Yu, Liu Fei, Xue Ni, Tutor Ruo Lin, Zi Yan, and Han Yue were all pregnant at about the same time, they gave birth to children one after another during this time.

However, among these, Zi Yan seems to be an exception, she has only shown a little sign up to now.

According to Chen Feng's guess, Zi Yan is a monster, and like Lingyou and Queen Medusa, her pregnancy time is longer than that of humans.


"It's born, it's born, it's a little princess!"

Not long after Chenfeng came here, the loud crying of a baby and the excited voice of Mrs. Wen came from the room.

Now, when all the girls gave birth, they took many recovery pills in advance, and the delivery process was not as painful as Nalan Yanran, Yafei and the others.

"Ruolin, how are you doing!"

Chen Feng walked to the side of the bed, stretched out his hand to caress Ruo Lin's little hand, and spoke softly.

"Husband, I'm fine!"

Instructor Ruolin smiled and shook her head, that gentle and charming face had an indescribable allure.

"Ruo Lin, this little guy's appearance, it seems that he has completely inherited your gentleness like water, how about calling her Ruoshui!"

Chen Feng held the child in his arms, and said with a smile on his face.

"Okay, Ruoshui, what a nice name!"

"Son, you have a name..."

Tutor Ruolin smiled gently, and slowly raised her plain hand, taking the child from Chenfeng's.

"Sister Ruolin, my Xuejian was born one day earlier than your Ruoshui, Ruoshui will only be a younger sister from now on..."

At this moment, Xue Ni, who just gave birth yesterday, also came over.

She was joking with Instructor Ruolin, her plump and straight breasts swayed in a shocking arc amidst the laughter.

"Xue Ni, are you thinking that, as our mentor, Ruolin has fallen behind in childbirth, so we can win back..."

Xiao Yu teased Xue Ni, those long straight and round legs exuded a dazzling white light as she walked, which made people want to check it out.

"Okay, you girl, that's what I thought!"

Instructor Ruolin also stood up directly, because with the recovery of many pills, her vitality had already recovered after giving birth to a child. At this moment, even if she was pretending to be angry, her appearance was still as gentle as water.

In the past two days, Chen Feng had just tasted Xiao Yu's beauty, and those long legs were truly incomparable.

And Ruolin's gentle gaze, like a stream of clear water flowing quietly through his heart, made Chenfeng unable to help but be intoxicated by that unique gentleness and agility.

Although Tutor Ruolin is a few years older than Xiao Yu and Xue Ni, her plump and exquisite figure exudes a mature style honed over time.

This kind of mixed natural style is far from being comparable to young girls like Xiao Yu.

"Hey, Sister Ruolin, look, Brother Feng looks at you as if he wants to swallow you..."

Noticing Chen Feng's gaze, Xue Ni laughed outright.


Hearing this, Instructor Ruolin looked back at Chenfeng shyly, her face blushed instantly, and after several months passed, she also longed for the nourishment of Chenfeng.

"Xue Ni, it seems that you also want to join tonight..."

Chen Feng looked directly at Xue Ni, and smiled evilly.


Xue Ni smiled coquettishly, remembering the madness of Chen Feng last night, her face flushed instantly.


Next, while the girls were playing, Chen Feng silently said to the system in his heart: "System, open the gift bag!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for increasing the lifespan by 100 years!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, everyone recorded in the genealogy of Wanshi, the cultivation speed has increased by [-]%!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Nine Rank Dou Zun Peak Experience Card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a miniature soul source!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining [-] Star Fighting Pills!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining ten Dou Zun Shengxing Pills!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a Fighting Saint Ascension Pill!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining an intermediate experience pill!"

"Ding! The above rewards have all been distributed to the system space, please pay attention to check the host!"

Following Chen Feng's low voice, many notification sounds immediately sounded in his mind.

"There is also the Fighting Saint Rising Star Pill. It seems that the probability of its appearance is not low, but it will not appear until certain stages!"

Listening to these system prompts, Chen Feng murmured in his heart.

The reward this time, the Dou Wang Sheng Xing Pill, made Chen Feng's eyes shine.

This Dou Wang Sheng Xing Pill is not only huge in number, but its effect is also very outrageous.

It can make the cultivators at the fighting king stage stably break through a star after taking it, and the most powerful thing is that it is effective after taking it seven times in a row, and there is no side effect if you only need to take it for a period of time.

This also means that Chenfeng can use this to improve the cultivation of the Dou Wang powerhouses in batches, allowing them to quickly become high-level Dou Wang, and even directly break through to Dou Huang.

(End of this chapter)

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