Chapter 318 Infiltrating the Soul Hall!
Gamadi Capital.

It has been a week since the emperor's wedding, but the festive atmosphere still hasn't subsided much.

Most of the residents look forward to the emperor continuing to marry wives to bring them benefits.

Although the imperial capital was still immersed in the celebration, many guests who came from afar left one after another.

On this day, in the middle of the night, two streaks of black mist with strange movements sneaked into the imperial capital without the city wall guards noticing.

"Her Majesty has been in the Jia Ma Empire for a while, I wonder if he has discovered anything?"

"I don't know, how can we speculate on a big man like His Holiness!"

Two strands of black mist were flying in the sky while talking.

From their words, it is not difficult to see that they are from the Hall of Souls, and they seem to have come for the old ghost who was caught by Chenfeng before.

Because Chenfeng is now in the Wind Realm, and when he got married before, he changed the monitoring and alarm lower limit of the monitoring compass to above Dou Zun's cultivation level.

Therefore, the two soul palace protectors who only had the cultivation level of Dou Zong sneaked into the imperial capital, and did not attract Chen Feng's attention.

"Her Majesty is here to investigate Emperor Nagama, it is very likely that he is in this palace, let's go directly there!"

After some conversation, two streams of black mist rushed straight towards Jia Ma Palace.

The guards on the edge of the palace still didn't notice the arrival of the two black mist, just like that, the two black mist came to the depths of the palace unimpeded.

"Hehe, for the two of you and me, the palace of this small country is like entering a land without people!"

Coming to the depths of the palace, one of the black mist spoke disdainfully.

"It's just that there is still no breath of the venerable here?"

Another person said suspiciously.

"Perhaps His Holiness is hiding his aura and watching Emperor Jia Ma. It's really abnormal for a young man to appear in a place like this that can be called the pride of heaven in the Northern Territory!"

"Well, since this is the case, should we continue to go deeper, in case it disturbs His Holiness' plan?"

"You're right, if it affects His Holiness' plan, we won't be able to go around!"

"Let's go!"

After staying on the top of a hall in the palace for a while, the two black mist suddenly made a move to evacuate.

"You two, since you're here, why don't you stay for a few more days!"

However, just as the two streams of black mist were about to evacuate to the outside, an old voice suddenly sounded from somewhere in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a large energy net suddenly appeared, completely covering the two strange black mist.

"Five Star Douzong, do you think that you alone can stop the two of us?"

The owner of this old voice is Jia Xingtian. At this moment, he is looking at the two black mist across the energy network. One of the black mist looms out of human form, mocking Jia Xingtian disdainfully.

"Hehe, I can't stop the two of you by myself, but what about five hundred Dou Kings if you add ten Dou Emperors?"

Facing this man's ridicule, Jia Xingtian replied with a sneer.

As Jia Xingtian's words fell, countless light clusters suddenly lit up on the ground of the palace below, and hundreds of powerful auras permeated the air.

"Ten fighting emperors, five hundred fighting kings?"

Hearing this, the figures in the two strands of black mist were finally moved.

They didn't expect that among Emperor Jia Ma, there would be so many Dou Kings and Dou Huang powerhouses.

Normally, Dou Wang and Dou Huang powerhouses would not be taken seriously by them at all. However, with so many Dou Wang and Dou Huang powerhouses accumulated together to perform formations, it would be difficult for even them to break through, let alone the main force. The cultivation base of the people in the formation is about the same as theirs.

"Do you know our identities? If you attack us, there is no need for your Jia Ma Empire to exist!"

Realizing that today's situation is more dangerous, the black shadow threatened directly.

"No matter who you are, don't even think about leaving the palace today!"

Regardless of the identities of these people, the sentencing genius has a very tough attitude.


Seeing this, the two men in black robes hiding in the black mist were furious, and several black chains immediately shot out to attack the huge energy network.

It's just that the energy network built by so many powerful people is simply not something they can destroy.


Within the wind realm.

After Chenfeng received the summons from Jiaxingtian, he also noticed the situation outside, and immediately turned on the monitoring compass to check.

When he found out that the guards in the palace had been able to deal with the two guardians of the Dou Zong of the Soul Palace alone, he felt a burst of relief.

Now, the resources under his control can definitely support a huge force comparable to San Gu, but the time seems too hasty.

In a few more years, the number of experts in the Jia Ma Empire would definitely increase tenfold, dozens of times.

"Looks like it's time to interrogate that old ghost who picked up the stars!"

With the appearance of the two soul palace guardians, Chenfeng also remembered the old star-seeking ghost who was confined in the Qiankun treasure box to recuperate.

As an important person in the Soul Palace, he came to the Northwest Continent alone. He must have a mission. In addition to exploring his own secrets, he may also involve the Xiao Clan.

Thinking of this, Chenfeng appeared in the small world with a thought.

"Congratulations, master!"

"Congratulations, master!"

"Congratulations, master!"

In the small world, Yaochen, Guardian Eagle, and Old Ghost Reaching the Stars all bowed to salute when they saw Chenfeng appear.

"Old Ghost Reaching the Stars, do you have any mission to come to Jia Ma Empire this time?"

Chenfeng asked straight to the point.

"Returning to Master, this time, the main purpose of this subordinate is to observe the remaining members of the Xiao Clan. The other purpose is to find out the secret of how fast you are cultivating, Master..."

The old ghost who picked up the stars replied without the slightest hesitation.


Hearing such an answer, Chen Feng was stunned, it was almost exactly what he had guessed.

Now, sisters Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei have become his wives, if the Soul Palace disturbs the Xiao family, Chen Feng will naturally stop them.

"Old Ghost Reaching the Stars, since your injury has healed, go back and return to life..."

Chen Feng explained a few words to Old Ghost Picking Stars, and then took him directly out of the Wind Realm, and also handed him two intermediate puppet pills.

These two mid-level puppet pills were naturally not brought to the two soul palace guardians in the palace by the old ghost who picked up the stars.

Intermediate Puppet Pills are too wasteful to be used by Dou Zong cultivators.

Chen Feng's idea was to let the old Ghost Reaching the Stars find an opportunity to let the other Hall of Souls take it after he went back.

"Yes, Master!"

After accepting the puppet pill, the old ghost who picked up the stars respectfully responded.

Soon, the old ghost who picked up the stars appeared next to the two soul palace guardians.

"My lord, your lord is here!"

Seeing the appearance of the old ghost who picked up the stars, the two trapped soul palace guardians were suddenly pleasantly surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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