Chapter 319 Xiao Mei Gives Birth!

"My lord, people from this small empire dare to attack us, and even say they don't take our soul hall seriously. They really don't know what to do! Please teach them a lesson!"

"The venerable is here, these people who don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth are ready to die!"

As the star picking old ghost directly appeared inside the energy net, the two soul palace guardians immediately stopped attacking the energy net, each with a smug look on their faces.

"This is?"

Outside the energy grid, Jia Xingtian and a group of palace guards were suddenly surprised. The strangeness of the old ghost who picked up the stars was beyond their comprehension.

However, at the next moment, what everyone didn't expect was that the mysterious strong man who appeared did not destroy the energy network, but instead took the two black-robed men away one by one like chickens.

Soon, the old ghost who picked up the stars appeared outside the imperial capital, and the two soul palace guardians were pinched by him.

"My lord, why is this?"

One of them was very puzzled.

He was still wondering if it was because the appearance of the two of them disrupted the old ghost's plan that the old ghost got angry.

"Dare to spy on the master's palace, death is not a pity!"

The old ghost who picked up the stars didn't say any more nonsense, and directly exerted force with his palms, crushing the two of them to death.

The reason why they were not killed in the palace was because they were afraid of polluting the air in the palace.

"Next, try to get those guys to take the elixir given by the master!"

After killing these two people, the old ghost Zhaixing whispered in his heart.


Liu Yun didn't pay attention to the small incidents in the outside world.

He took out the monitoring compass this time, and changed the lower limit of the alarm to Dou Zong.

Next, Chen Feng went to Xiao Yu's place.

Last night, Xiao Yu's provocative long legs almost fell apart.

At the same time, it also gave Chenfeng's waist a great workout.

Xiao Yu, Xue Ni, and Instructor Ruolin, these three girls often live together at night. The three of them formed a formation to defeat Chen Feng, but how could Chen Feng be defeated so easily.



Very soon, Chenfeng pushed open the door of the room where Xiao Yu and the three were staying.

"Ah... Brother Feng is here again!"

Seeing Chen Feng, Xiao Yu, and Xue Ni appearing at the door, they immediately started to romp, deliberately doing evasive movements.

Even tutor Ruo Lin, who has always been reserved and gentle, was a little pale.

Last night, Chen Feng's performance was so crazy that he almost gave her...

"No, one escapes and invites foreign aid. Sister Ying'er and Sister Huo'er are much stronger than us!"

Xiao Yu quickly arranged tactics.

"Okay, then I'll go!"

Xue Ni patted her chest to reassure, and then stepped forward to escape to the window.

"Where to go!"

Seeing Xue Ni's actions, Chen Feng had a thought, and sealed the room completely, so that even a fly would not be able to slip out again.

"Didn't the three of you set up a formation? Tonight, I'm going to break the formation!"

Chen Feng smiled evilly, and quickly came to Xiao Yu's side, and then with a wave of his palm, a large piece of fabric was torn apart.

"Ah...Brother Chenfeng, how good or bad are you!"

Watching Chen Feng's movements, Xiao Yu's face turned red, but she wasn't panicked, but rather looking forward to it. Those long snow-white legs shone with a dazzling white light, making them charming and glamorous.

Teacher Ruolin sat on the spot without moving, but her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

In Rushui's eyes, there is a strange and fascinating temptation.

Soon, there was a sound of playfulness in the room.

In the middle of the night, Chenfeng did not move the battlefield, but hugged the three of them, lying down and resting peacefully.

But not long after, the blood spar in Chenfeng's body changed again.

"This direction seems to be Xiao Mei!"

Sensing the movement of the blood spar, Chen Feng quickly got up and walked towards Xiao Yu's palace.

Even in the middle of the night, Yun Yun, Ya Fei and others rushed over one after another.


"It's born, it's born, Mrs. Xiao Mei is born!"

"It's a little princess!"

After a while, good news came from the room.

Hearing the sound, Chen Feng and his group quickly walked into the room.

In the room, because Xiao Yu had swallowed several pills, she stood up right after giving birth, not at all pretentious.


Seeing Xiao Mei stand up straight away, Chen Feng was also a little surprised.

At this time, Xiao Mei was only two decades old, and her childish little face contained a touch of charm, pure and charming, and the combination of contradictions made her face extremely attractive to men's eyes.

Although her bosom is not as exaggerated as Xue Ni, Liu Fei and others, she still has that budding beauty.

Now that she has given birth to a child, she still has a trace of maternal brilliance on her body. When people see her, they can't help but want to love her.

"Brother Feng, our daughter is so beautiful!"

Xiao Mei didn't notice Chen Feng's surprise at all, she had already taken the child from the hand of the maid and held it in her arms.

"Let me see……"

Looking at Xiao Mei's state of mind, Chen Feng also had a gentle smile on his face.

The little guy wrapped in swaddling clothes was pink and tender, and he could see his delicate features since he was a child, and he inherited Xiao Mei's beauty.

"Meier, how about letting you name the child yourself this time?"

Seeing the excited look on Xiao Mei's face, Chen Feng suddenly made a decision.


Hearing this, Xiao Mei, who had already had this idea, nodded her head.

"The little guy has beautiful features since she was a child, why not call her Liu Mei?" Xiao Mei thought for a moment, then smiled and said.

"Liu Mei...beautiful but not flattering, what a good name!"

Hearing Xiao Mei's name for the child, Chen Feng also agreed in his heart.

"Son, you have a name, Liumei~meimei~"

Xiao Mei's age is younger than the other women in Chenfeng, but her love for children is the most obvious, and she is very excited at this moment.

"Wait a minute, nourish Meier well!"

Looking at Xiao Mei who is so playful and lovely, Chen Feng has a plan in his heart, to make up for her loss during this time.

Next, while the girls were playing, Chen Feng silently said to the system in his heart: "System, open the gift bag!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for increasing the lifespan by 100 years!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, everyone recorded in the genealogy of Wanshi, the cultivation speed has increased by [-]%!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the junior semi-saint experience card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a miniature soul source!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining two bloodline awakening pills!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining ten Dou Zun Shengxing Pills!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the mid-level fighting skill, Wind Spirit's Death!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining an intermediate experience pill!"

"Ding! The above rewards have all been distributed to the system space, please pay attention to check the host!"

Following Chen Feng's low voice, many notification sounds immediately sounded in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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