Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 320 Awakening the Bloodline of the Xiao Clan!

Chapter 320 Awakening the Bloodline of the Xiao Clan!
"Junior half-saint experience card?"

After listening to these system prompts, Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, and then there was a hint of joy.

It seems that the experience card for giving birth to a child is not the pinnacle of Rank Nine Dou Zun.

In the future, there will still be opportunities to obtain higher-level experience cards, but I don't know if there will be experience cards for fighting saints directly after reaching the high-level semi-sage.

Now, with the semi-saint experience card and some means of his own, as long as there are no strong men above the two-star Dou Sheng, Chen Feng is sure to be able to deal with it.

In this era where fighting saints are hidden from the world, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to provoke some strong men, this kind of strength can already be regarded as the top level in the mainland.

After thinking about it in his mind, Chenfeng continued to look at another reward that hadn't appeared before.

Bloodline Awakening Pill: Taking this pill can awaken the power of the bloodline of the ancestors...

This information is very brief, but its preciousness cannot be ignored.

Awakening the power of the ancestor's bloodline, that is to say, if the declining Doudi family, among them, the clansmen without the ancestor's bloodline, can reproduce the Doudi's bloodline in the body after taking this elixir.

"This treasure is very suitable for Yu'er and Meier. Both of them are descendants of the Xiao clan, but they no longer have the blood power of the Xiao clan!"

After reading the introduction of the Bloodline Awakening Pill, Chenfeng immediately thought of Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei.

"Mei'er, Yu'er, come here!"

The next moment, Chen Feng looked at Xiao Yu and Xiao Yu who were playing and said with a smile.

"What's the matter..."

Xiao Yu's fair face blushed instantly when Chen Feng singled out his and his cousin's names, and he was already thinking of many possibilities in his heart.

"It seems that Brother Feng wants me to sleep with Sister Yu tonight..."

Xiao Mei stood where she was, with a look of anticipation in her heart. For several months, she hadn't felt the warmth of the morning breeze.

"It seems that Brother Feng is going to let the sisters fight together tonight!"

Cao Ying, Feng Qing'er and the others also had other thoughts.

"Come here, I have something for you, what are you thinking about?"

Seeing the reactions of Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei, Chen Feng said angrily.


Hearing this, Xiao Yu felt embarrassed again, it turned out that she was thinking wrong.

"Okay, I'll be right here!"

The next moment, Xiao Yu was running towards Chenfeng, her long snow-white long legs flickering and appearing, it was truly charming.

On Xiao Mei's side, she trotted over very shyly, and the magnificence that was about to be released was trembling because of running. Seeing this, Chen Feng really wanted to reach out to help Xiao Mei stabilize it.

"Here are two pills, you take them to activate the blood power of your Xiao clan!"

When Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei came to the front, Chen Feng took out the two blood pills and handed them to the two, bluntly speaking about the effect of the pills.

"Brother Feng actually knows the secrets of the Xiao family?"

Not far away, after Xiao Xun'er heard Chen Feng's words, a trace of surprise flashed in her beautiful eyes.

The Xiao Clan has been in decline for a thousand years, and apart from some powerful ancient races, few people still remember it, let alone those who know the remnants of the Xiao Clan.

Moreover, the bloodline of the Xiao clan has been completely wiped out, and now Chenfeng says that the bloodline of the Xiao clan can be reproduced, which is too inconceivable.

"Brother Feng can find a way to make my bloodline talent reach the divine grade. It seems that there is nothing impossible to activate the bloodline now!"

Suddenly, Xiao Xun'er thought of the god-grade Bloodline Pill that Chenfeng had given her before, and immediately felt relieved. With Chenfeng, it is possible to turn the impossible into possible.

"Activate what bloodline?"

Compared to Xiao Xun'er, Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei are a little plain, because they don't know the origin of Xiao Clan.

"Try it first, and explain to you later!"

As Chen Feng spoke, he directly stuffed the two pills into the mouths of Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei respectively.

As the elixir entered Xiao Yu's body, the blood in their bodies flowed rapidly at this moment, and there was a faint sound of eagerness.

The medicinal power of the elixir penetrated into the limbs and skeletons of the two of them in an instant, and then, a trace of strange substance grew out of their blood.


During the whole process, although there was no severe pain, there was a faint feeling of needle pricks, which made Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei frown slightly.

"The power of the blood is so strong, what is the origin of Yu'er and Meier's ancestors? Aren't they two human races?"

Looking at the aura emanating from Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei over there, Feng Qing'er's cold eyes could not help revealing a trace of surprise.

"The surname is Xiao. Could it be that they are members of the Xiao clan of the eight ancient clans?"

Thinking of something suddenly, the astonishment on Feng Qing'er's face became even stronger.

The Xiao Clan's bloodline has disappeared for thousands of years, and it was unexpected to revive again today. If it is spread, it will cause great turmoil in the Dou Qi Continent. I am afraid that many ancient races will not be able to sit still.

At this moment, in this room, the bodies of Xiao Yu and Xiao Yu were both soaked in a bright red color. Fortunately, this situation did not last long, and it gradually faded away. The skins of the two slowly faded. Back to the previous white.

Immediately afterwards, the aura of the two of them also skyrocketed. Originally, both of them were just low-level fighting sects. After awakening the power of their blood, their cultivation directly climbed to four-star fighting sects.

"Brother Feng is really too powerful. The woman beside Brother Feng, even my ancient god-grade bloodline, is not at all superior!"

Seeing the cultivation of Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei, Xiao Xun'er was filled with emotions. Until now, she still felt that there was always a layer of mist covering Chen Feng's body. One layer, another layer of mist awaited her.

"Brother Feng, this elixir is amazing. I feel that besides the increase in cultivation, there have been great changes in my body..."

Sensing his own condition, Xiao Yu said with a smile on his face.

"Yu'er, Meier, both of you are members of the Xiao family. In fact, thousands of years ago, your Xiao family was one of the few Doudi families on this continent..."

After both Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei activated the blood power of the Xiao Clan, Chen Feng didn't hide anything, and directly told them all about the origin of the Xiao Clan.

"My ancestors of the Xiao family were so brilliant..."

Hearing Chen Feng's narration, both Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei were in a daze.

Surroundings, Nalan Yanran, Little Doctor Immortal, Xue Mei and others who had never known such a secret thing were quite shocked in their eyes, surprised by Xiao Yu's background.

"Hehe, Yu'er, Mei'er, since the two of you now know how rare the blood power of the Xiao Clan is, shouldn't you make more efforts to continue this blood power?"

Seeing Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei's trance-like appearance, Chen Feng suddenly gave an evil laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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